Petitioner: |
Shauna Bradley, Director of Real Property Management |
Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution to Convey Real Property allowing for the conveyance of ±7.96 acres of Clark County (County)-owned real property (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 162-31-201-020 and 162-31-201-021) without charge to Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) for a public purpose use; and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign an interlocal agreement between the County and RTC, and any other documents necessary, to complete the transaction. (For possible action)
Fund #: |
N/A |
Fund Name: |
N/A |
Fund Center: |
N/A |
Funded PGM/Grant: |
N/A |
Amount: |
N/A |
Description: |
N/A |
Additional Comments: |
N/A |
Pursuant to Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA), Clark County (County) was the recipient of a land patent from the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management serialized as 27-99-0012, which included ±7.96 acres of vacant real property located at the southeast corner of Decatur Boulevard and Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, bearing County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 162-31-201-020 and 162-31-201-021 (Property). The Property is not needed for County purposes and is identified as surplus land. The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) wishes to acquire the Property to construct a transit operations center and training facility.
Pursuant to SNPLMA, the County may convey the Property to a unit of local government or regional government entity, without consideration, if the land is used for a public purpose. Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 277.053, a governing body of a political subdivision may convey real property to another political subdivision without charge if the property is to be used for a public purpose. NRS 277.180 provides that one or more public agencies may, by an interlocal agreement, contract with any one or more other public agencies to perform any governmental service, activity or undertaking which any of the public agencies entering into the contract is authorized by law to perform.
Staff believes it is in the best interest of the County to convey the Property to RTC without charge for a public purpose use, and presents for consideration the Interlocal Agreement between Clark County and Regional Transporation Commission of Southern Nevada for the Conveyance of Real Property (Interlocal Agreement). The Interlocal Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for the conveyance of the Property, including a commencement of construction deadline, the inclusion of EV stations at the facility and a reversionary clause in the event RTC does not use the property as intended.
This item was presented to the County Long Range Planning Committee on April 13, 2022.