ET-23-400119 (UC-20-0123)-MERSHO GRJT, LLC:
USE PERMITS SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) convenience store; 2) gasoline station; 3) reduce the separation for a proposed convenience store to a residential use; and 4) reduce separation for a proposed gasoline station to a residential use.
WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce parking lot landscaping; 2) reduce street landscaping along attached sidewalks; 3) reduce building height setbacks; 4) reduce approach distance; and 5) alternative driveway geometrics.
DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) convenience store with gasoline station; and 2) restaurant with drive-thru on 1.5 acres in a C-1 (Local Business) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Sahara Avenue and the west side of Sandhill Road within Sunrise Manor. TS/mh/syp (For possible action)