ET-21-400166 (ZC-18-0659)-BOYD CORPORATE CAMPUS, LLC:
HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) increase the height of outdoor lighting affixed to buildings; 2) permit roofline without articulation on the facade; 3) increase retaining wall height; 4) increase building heights; and 5) allow modified commercial driveway geometrics.
DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed office buildings with lighting; 2) alternative parking lot landscaping; and 3) finished grade for an office complex on 10.3 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) (AE-60) Zone in the CMA Design Overlay District. Generally located on the east side of Buffalo Drive and the north side of Sunset Road within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/jor/jo (For possible action)