ET-24-400101 (UC-22-0403)-J & R PROPERTIES LAS VEGAS, LLC:
USE PERMITS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) allow trailer, recreational vehicle, and watercraft vehicle wash in an IL Zone; 2) allow trailer, recreational vehicle, and watercraft vehicle wash in the Airport Environs (APZ-2) Overlay; 3) reduce separation from residential use; and 4) waive screening of outside storage area.
WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce gate setback; 2) alternative landscaping; 3) eliminate trash enclosure; 4) security fence location; and 5) commercial driveway standards.
DESIGN REVIEW for modifications to an existing mini-warehouse facility with outside storage of vehicles and vehicle wash on 2.7 acres in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-65 & APZ-2) Overlay. Generally located on the north side of Judson Avenue, 400 feet west of Nellis Boulevard within Sunrise Manor. TS/rp/kh (For possible action)