UC-23-0641-LTG LLC:
HOLDOVER USE PERMITS for the following: 1) tire sales and installation facility in an APZ-1 Overlay District; 2) vehicle maintenance (smog check) facility in an APZ-1 Overlay District; 3) reduce the setback for a tire sales and installation facility to a residential use; 4) reduce the separation for a vehicle maintenance (smog check) facility to a residential use; 5) allow overhead and service bay doors to face a public right-of-way; 6) allow outside storage to be visible from the public right-of-way and a less intensive use; 7) allow outside storage in front of the building; 8) allow accessory structures (storage containers) not architecturally compatible with the principal building; and 9) allow alternative design standards.
WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) street landscaping; 2) reduce parking lot landscaping; 3) landscaping adjacent to a less intensive use; 4) reduce setbacks; 5) mechanical equipment screening; 6) reduce drive aisle width; 7) allow modified driveway design standards; 8) allow modified street standards; and 9) off-site improvements.
DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) tire sales and installation facility; 2) vehicle maintenance (smog check) facility; 3) accessory structures (storage containers); and 4) accessory outside storage on 0.8 acres in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (APZ-1 & AE-80) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Nellis Boulevard and the south side of Cheyenne Avenue within Sunrise Manor. MK/md/syp (For possible action)