UC-23-0128-5051 SLV, LLC:
USE PERMITS for the following: 1) primary means of access to accessory use (dayclub/pool) from the exterior of the resort; and 2) deviations from development standards.
DEVIATIONS for the following: 1) reduce setback; and 2) all other deviations as shown per plans on file.
WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce the setback for freestanding sign; and 2) allow non-standard improvements within the right-of-way.
DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) modifications to a previously approved resort hotel; 2) comprehensive sign package; and 3) site lighting on 4.9 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) (AE-65) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Las Vegas Boulevard South, 500 feet south of Russell Road (alignment) within Paradise. JG/lm/ja (For possible action)