AR-24-400047 (UC-22-0081)-GREENGALE PROPERTIES, LLC:
USE PERMITS SECOND APPLICATION FOR REVIEW for the following: 1) recreational facility; 2) sale of produce/crops not grown on-site; 3) allow customers on-site; 4) farmer’s market; 5) allow live entertainment; 6) food processing; 7) retail sales and services; 8) major training facility; and 9) allow temporary outdoor commercial events without a timeframe limit and extended hours.
WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce the separation of proposed live entertainment from a residential use; 2) alternative landscaping along all property lines; 3) allow existing landscaping adjacent to Elkhorn Road; 4) allow alternative landscaping adjacent to a less intense use; 5) eliminate landscape finger islands; 6) waive on-site loading requirements; 7) reduce parking; 8) allow alternative paving; and 9) waive off-site improvements (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, and partial paving).
DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) recreational facility; and 2) finished grade in conjunction with a proposed recreational facility on 25.0 acres in an RS40 (Residential Single-Family 40) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay.
Generally located on the south side of Elkhorn Road and the west side of Rainbow Boulevard (alignment) within Lone Mountain. MK/nai/ng (For possible action)