10/19/2021 |
Clark County Board of Commissioners
Agenda note: SPEAKER(S): Present
DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Dave Heller advised that redistricting was required every ten years per the Nevada Constitution and was based on the outcome provided by the U.S. Census; the Supreme Court of the United States requested that all communities follow the principle of one person, one vote; provided information regarding the population in the various districts, and advised that Districts D and E were short in population and District F was over in population; three maps were presented to the Board and were in compliance with the federal voting rights statute; had encouraged public participation and considered many of the public suggestions; following redistricting, each district was less than 2% population deviation from any other district.
Mr. Heller advised that Commissioner Segerblom requested a second majority Latino X District be drawn; explained how districts with minority populations were redrawn; per a suggestion from the public, Boulder City and Henderson were kept in the same district; tried to keep language minorities, lifestyles, municipalities, and neighborhoods together when possible; respected natural geographic boundaries such as roads and interstates; six of the seven Commissioners had a rural community in their district; endeavored to keep each Commissioner in their own district; an effort was made to not discriminate against any potential candidate; the districts drawn on the three maps presented to the Commissioners was based on data gathered from the U.S. Census only and not meant to be projective or predictive of the future; there was no evidence of gerrymandering by the Commissioners; redrawn maps were based off of the existing maps; and tried to minimize moving residents from one district to another.
Mr. Heller discussed the maps presented and advised that Map 1 and Map 2 were shown to the public; and Map 3 incorporated the suggestions and comments from the public.
In response to questions from the Board, Mary-Anne Miller, Deputy District Attorney, advised that a Commissioner could discuss the redistricting with another Commissioner but could not advocate either for or against the matter; and explained what the next process would be with regards to an ordinance, public hearing, and possible approval of one of the redrawn maps.
Responding to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Mr. Heller provided the ethnicity percentages of each district.
Responding to a question from Ed Uehling, Mr. Heller noted that the majority of the LGBTQ population was situated in District E then corrected and later advised that the majority population was located in District G.
Responding to a question from Athar Haseebullah, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that the public hearing was scheduled for November 2, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Ms. Miller spoke of the work performed by Mr. Heller in creating two minority majority districts, and any changes to those areas would change the demographics of the area; and if any changes were to be considered during the public hearing, it would be beneficial to know how the demographics had changed.
Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that any potential changes should be submitted by October 29, 2021 or October 30, 2021 to give Mr. Heller a chance to review the changes prior to the November 3, 2021 meeting. | |
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