HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce gross lot area; 2) reduce net lot area; 3) reduce front setbacks; 4) allow a gated community within the NPO-RNP; 5) reduce street landscaping; 6) reduce call box setback; 7) eliminate off-site improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalks, and streetlights); 8) increase the length of a non-through street without a county approved turnaround; and 9) eliminate street knuckles.
DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential subdivision on a 22.14 acre portion of 32.12 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Craig Road, north of Florine Avenue (alignment), east of Chieftain Street, and west of Fort Apache Road within Lone Mountain. RM/hw/kh (For possible action)