File #: 24-655   
Status: Passed
File created: 5/6/2024 In control: Clark County Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 6/4/2024 Final action: 6/4/2024
Title: Approve an Amendment to the Contract with CorVel Enterprise Comp, Inc., for CBE No. 605355-19, for Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services for Clark County Workers' Compensation; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. C605355-19 Amendment





Jessica Colvin, Chief Financial Officer Les Lee Shell, Deputy County Manager



Approve an Amendment to the Contract with CorVel Enterprise Comp, Inc., for CBE No. 605355-19, for Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services for Clark County Workers' Compensation; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)





Fund #:


Fund Name:

Workers’ Compensation

Fund Center:


Funded PGM/Grant:



Not to exceed $720,400.50


Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services for Clark County Workers’ Compensation

Additional Comments:

The initial Contract amount was $4,802,669.95, Amendment No. 1 increased the Contract amount by $329,995.05, Amendment No. 2 will increase the Contract amount not to exceed $720,400.50 for a new total Contract amount of $5,853,065.50 should all renewal options be exercised.  This amount is subject to change as the actual Contract amount is based on the number of workers’ compensation claims processed.



On July 16, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the award of CBE No. 605355-19 for Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services for Clark County Workers' Compensation to CorVel Enterprise Comp, Inc. (NBE) in the amount of $4,802,669.95 for third party administrator services that ensure injured employees receive benefits in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes 616 and 617.

The following are the pertinent provisions of the Contract:

                     The term of the Contract was from date of award through June 30, 2020 and included the option to renew                      for 4, one-year periods and included a 3-month extension.  There are no renewal options remaining.
                     Included the County’s option to terminate for cause, convenience or default and suspend the Contract                      with advanced written notice.

Amendment No. 1 provided for the addition of medical bill review services for physical referral examinations of Clark County employees. 

Approval of Amendment No. 2 will extend the current Contract term through December 31, 2024.  The attached Amendment No. 2 document details the modifications and costs involved.

CorVel Enterprise Comp, Inc currently holds a Clark County Business License.