10/6/2021 |
Clark County Zoning Commission
| Approved
Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board deny the aforementioned described application of JCLH, LLC for a holdover zone change, waivers of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from September 22, 2021):
SPEAKER(S): Present
DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 48 was taken in conjunction with Item Nos. 49 and 50.
Following introduction of Item Nos. 48, 49, and 50, the Board was addressed by Tony Celeste, the applicant’s representative, who advised that the proposed project was on approximately 20 acres; was split planned with approximately three-fourths being planned for public facilities, and the remainder planned residential low; properties to the south and west were developed R-2; the north was developed and being developed RNP; held several neighborhood meetings; revised the site plan to address neighbors concerns regarding density, reduced the number of homes along Richmar Avenue from 22 to 11, a minimum 7,500 square foot lots, and eight of the eleven homes being single-story; and further advised of working with Public Works and neighbors regarding traffic mitigation calming devises along Edmond Street.
Warren Reed, Cal Sanders, Ed Wilson, J.R. Walton, Holly Speirs, Tom Arnold, and Diane Ericksen spoke regarding areas of concern including the lot size reduction from 10,000 square feet; preservation of the larger lot size; the proximity to the RNP (residential neighborhood preservation); traffic density and inadequate street parking; street racing; effect on utilities, specifically water; insufficient buffer; and expressed safety concerns for children and animals.
The applicant’s representative advised that the request for a waiver of off-site improvements on Richmar Avenue was withdrawn without prejudice, and the applicant will construct the curb, gutter, landscaping, and sidewalk; discussed traffic flow from the proposed development to Edmond Street with Silverado Ranch Boulevard to the south and Richmar Avenue to Decatur Boulevard to the north; access onto Lindell Road would potentially encourage traffic towards the RNP, and was challenging because of utilities; and discussed traffic counts.
In response to Commissioner Kirkpatrick, the applicant’s representative advised that the exterior public streets Richmar Avenue and Lindell Road will have an 80 foot right-of-way when fully built out and Edmond Street will have a 60 foot right-of-way; and the private streets within the proposed development will be 42 feet wide with a sidewalk on one side, have full cul-de-sacs, and each home will be constructed with a minimum of a 20 foot driveway and a minimum of a two-car garage.
Staff requested that the following condition be deleted as follows: Applicant shall enter into a cost-participation agreement for the future Richmar Avenue improvements. | Pass |
Action details
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