File #: 24-0704-020425   
Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Clark County Planning Commission
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: UC-24-0704-MD PROPERTIES, LLC & DP DRIFTWOOD, LLC: USE PERMIT to allow an office within an existing commercial/industrial complex on 9.39 acres in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Dean Martin Drive and the north side of Ali Baba Lane within Paradise. MN/my/kh (For possible action)
Attachments: 1. UC-24-0704_Color_Merged.pdf, 2. 05 24-0704-020425.pdf
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USE PERMIT to allow an office within an existing commercial/industrial complex on 9.39 acres in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone.


Generally located on the west side of Dean Martin Drive and the north side of Ali Baba Lane within Paradise.  MN/my/kh  (For possible action)