File #: 24-0721-020425   
Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Clark County Planning Commission
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: WS-24-0721-ZS PROPCO LAS VEGAS, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to allow outdoor storage within an area subject to residential adjacency standards. DESIGN REVIEW for outdoor storage in conjunction with an existing warehouse on 4.49 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-75 & APZ-2) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Cheyenne Avenue and the west side of Walnut Road within Sunrise Manor. WM/my/kh (For possible action)
Attachments: 1. WS-24-0721_Color_Merged.pdf, 2. 09 24-0721-020425.pdf
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WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to allow outdoor storage within an area subject to residential adjacency standards.
DESIGN REVIEW for outdoor storage in conjunction with an existing warehouse on 4.49 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-75 & APZ-2) Overlay.


Generally located on the south side of Cheyenne Avenue and the west side of Walnut Road within Sunrise Manor. WM/my/kh  (For possible action)