Petitioner: |
Denis Cederburg, Director of Public Works Thomas Minwegen, General Manager, Clark County Water Reclamation District |
Approve and authorize the respective Chairs to sign an interlocal agreement between Clark County and Clark County Water Reclamation District for the construction and funding of water, storm drain, and electrical conduit improvements as part of the Whitney Lift Station Rehabilitation Project. (Also sitting as the Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees) (For possible action)
Fund #: |
2020.000 |
Fund Name: |
Road Fund |
Fund Center: |
1260210000 |
Funded PGM/Grant: |
N/A |
Amount: |
$1,016,027 |
Description: |
N/A |
Additional Comments: |
The interlocal agreement provides for up to $1,016,027 to be paid by Clark County to Clark County Water Reclamation District for constructing Broadbent Yard Improvements as part of the Clark County Water Reclamation District's project. |
Clark County ("County") has designed improvement plans and has provided said plans to Clark County Water Reclamation District ("District") to construct the County's project known as "Broadbent Yard Phase - A". The County's water, storm drain, and electrical conduit improvements are to be installed as part of the District's project known as "Whitney Lift Station Rehabilitation Project" (District Project No. 19100).
With both projects requiring the installation of underground utilities in a shared access road, the fiscal and construction efforts of the projects can be minimized by including the County's project with the District's Project. The County will pay to the District an amount not to exceed $1,016,027, which is the estimated cost of the County's improvements. The District will construct the water, storm drain, and electrical conduit improvements as part of the aforementioned Whitney Lift Station Rehabilitation project.
The attached interlocal agreement further details the responsibilities, stipulations, and terms for both the County and District as they relate to this joint project.
The District Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the interlocal agreement as to form.
This agenda item has been reviewed and approved by the District General Counsel.