Petitioner: |
Karen Kelly, Public Guardian |
Approve and authorize the submission of the grant application, and authorize the Public Guardian to accept the grant funding from the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division in the amount of $135,975 for the continuance of the "Representative Payee Over Sixty Program" through June 30, 2026; authorize the Public Guardian or her designee to sign the grant documents related thereto; and accept any funds awarded. (For possible action)
Fund #: |
2031.000 |
Fund Name: |
County Grant |
Fund Center: |
12105100020 |
Funded PGM/Grant: |
1210.REPPAY.2026 |
Amount: |
$135,975; Cash Match $20,396 |
Description: |
Representative Payee Over Sixty Program Grant |
Additional Comments: |
N/A |
The Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division provides grant funds of $135,975 with Clark County providing a required match of $20,396 to fund salaries and benefits paid to the Public Guardian staff for performing duties required of the Representative Payee Over Sixty Program.
The Representative Payee Over Sixty Program has been funded, in part, since September 1991, by a grant from the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division. The program serves individuals in Clark County who would not legally qualify for formal guardianship assistance but need assistance in managing their monthly benefit checks and have no family or friends who are able to help. These individuals are unable to function independently due to reduced physical or mental ability and are susceptible to misuse or loss of funds, exploitation by others, or institutionalization.
Financial management through the Representative Payee Over Sixty Program has prevented the loss or misuse of clients' monthly benefit checks. Therefore, the incidents of homelessness, neglect, abuse, exploitation, and unnecessary institutionalization have been reduced resulting in an improved quality of life for the client.
The Public Guardian's Office provides money management services specifically to low-income, minority or frail elderly, sixty (60) years of age or older. These services are provided in the least intrusive manner possible that still enables individuals to adequately function in the community