File #: 25-1869   
Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Clark County Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 14, "New Source Performance Standards" (NSPS), to incorporate by reference an NSPS for combustion engines into the Nevada State Implementation Plan; amend Section 107, "VOC Emissions Control for Cutback Asphalt Manufacturing and Use," to modify the title, to correct and clarify language, citations, and definitions, to expand a prohibition, and to renumber as necessary; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the adopted ordinance and all related documentation, including the Technical Support Document, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action)
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Bill 1-21-25-2, 3. 14_107_20250204_TSD.pdf





Marci Henson, Director, Department of Environment and Sustainability



Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 14, "New Source Performance Standards" (NSPS), to incorporate by reference an NSPS for combustion engines into the Nevada State Implementation Plan; amend Section 107, "VOC Emissions Control for Cutback Asphalt Manufacturing and Use," to modify the title,  to correct and clarify language, citations, and definitions, to expand a prohibition, and to renumber as necessary; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the adopted ordinance and all related documentation, including the Technical Support Document, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action) 





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Additional Comments:




On September 17, 2024, the Board amended Clark County Air Quality Regulation (AQR) 14 to authorize the incorporation by reference of certain requirements of 40 CFR Part 60 into the Nevada State Implementation Plan (SIP) via the adoption of AQR 14.2. This ordinance adds another NSPS-40 CFR Part 60, Subpart IIII-to AQR 14.2 for incorporation by reference into the SIP to align it with AQR 121, which includes Subpart IIII requirements.

On March 19, 2024, the Board approved the adoption of AQR 107. This ordinance modifies the title and updates citations. It creates a new subsection, “Prohibitions,” by extracting a subsection from AQR 107.4 and expanding it to cover the manufacturing of rapid-curing cutback asphalt for sale outside Clark County. Since “rapid-curing” is a type of cutback asphalt, the ordinance moves its definition into that for "cutback asphalt" and adds "medium-curing" and "slow-curing" types. Lastly, the ordinance corrects unit conversions in the emissions standards subsection.

Upon Board approval, staff will submit AQR 14 and 107 for inclusion into the SIP to satisfy federal obligations to reduce volatile organic compounds in a moderate nonattainment area for ozone. The attached technical support document provides context and explains the proposed changes to AQR 14 and 107.