On agenda:
Final action:
Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 101, "VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Adhesive Operations," Section 102, "Gasoline Dispensing Facilities," Section 103, "VOC Emissions Control for Miscellaneous Metal or Plastic Parts Coating Operations," and Section 130, "VOC Emissions Control for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings," to update, correct, and clarify citations, definitions, formatting, and alternative test method requirements; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the approved ordinance and all related documentation to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action)
Petitioner: |
Marci Henson, Director, Department of Environment and Sustainability |
Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 101, "VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Adhesive Operations," Section 102, "Gasoline Dispensing Facilities," Section 103, "VOC Emissions Control for Miscellaneous Metal or Plastic Parts Coating Operations," and Section 130, "VOC Emissions Control for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings," to update, correct, and clarify citations, definitions, formatting, and alternative test method requirements; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the approved ordinance and all related documentation to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action)
Fund #: |
N/A |
Fund Name: |
N/A |
Fund Center: |
N/A |
Funded PGM/Grant: |
N/A |
Amount: |
N/A |
Description: |
N/A |
Additional Comments: |
N/A |
On March 19, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners approved the adoption of new Clark County Air Quality Regulations (AQRs) Section 101, "VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Adhesive Operations," Section 102, "Gasoline Dispensing Facilities," and Section 103, "VOC Emissions Control for Miscellaneous Metal or Plastic Parts Coating Operations"; on August 6, 2024, the Board approved Section 130, "VOC Emissions Control for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings," and authorized the submission of all to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for inclusion into the Nevada State Implementation Plan.
This ordinance updates the subheading in AQR Section 101, Table 1, to repeat the "Specialty Adhesives Based on Application" subheading so that it continues onto the next page as intended; amends Section 102 to correct a Clean Air Act citation; and updates the definition of "projected maximum emissions" in Section 103 to make it consistent with the definition in other AQR sections.
The ordinance also contains three updates to AQR Section 130. The full title for the "Clean Air Act" is included, since only the acronym was used. A category in the definition of "wood coating" is updated to "opaque coatings" per a comment submitted by the American Coatings Association on June 6, 2024. The "Test Methods" sections 130.6.3(a)(1)(A) and 130.6.3(a)(2)(E) now includes the requirement that other test methods be approved by the Control Officer and EPA per Section 130.6.3(b) as requested in EPA's comment received on July 26, 2024.