Petitioner: |
Jessica L. Colvin, Chief Financial Officer |
Approve and authorize the Board of County Commissioners, the Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees, and the Board of Hospital Trustees of University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, the Redevelopment Agency, the Department of Aviation, and Eighth Judicial District Court to submit the quarterly economic condition reports to the State of Nevada Department of Taxation pursuant to NRS 354.6015 and NAC 354.559 for Clark County. (For possible action)
Fund #: |
N/A |
Fund Name: |
N/A |
Fund Center: |
N/A |
Funded PGM/Grant: |
N/A |
Amount: |
N/A |
Description: |
N/A |
Additional Comments: |
N/A |
Nevada Revised Statute 354.6015 and Nevada Administrative Code 354.559 requires that the governing board of each local government regularly submit fiscal reports to the State of Nevada Department of Taxation. The content of these fiscal reports includes such items as revenues, expenditures, fund balances, components of assessed value, debt schedules and various other reports that the Local Government Finance Committee determines to be appropriate in assessing the financial status of a local government.
One such report required of the local government is a quarterly report concerning the economic conditions affecting the local government. The response to this report is due to the Department of Taxation no later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter of a fiscal year. Attached are copies of the reports that will be submitted for Clark County, Redevelopment Agency, University Medical Center, the Department of Aviation, the Eighth Judicial District Court, and Clark County Water Reclamation District, by February 14, 2025.