Meeting Name: Clark County Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/4/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: NOFA NOFA  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TitleActionAction DetailsVideo/Audio
   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advance request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found on by clicking “Top Services” and selecting “Meetings & Agendas”. Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Mara Weber at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available
   ITEMS 5 – 16 are routine items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda to be heard separately when directed by the Planning Commission. Items 14 through 16 will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners’ meeting for final action.
  Not available
   ITEMS 17 – 23 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.

All items are final action unless appealed within five (5) working days or unless otherwise announced. Appealed items will be forwarded to the 02/02/22 Board of County Commissioners’ meeting at 9:00 a.m. in these chambers. Notice of appeals can be found on our website in the Notice of Final Action for this meeting (address above), at the Clark County Government Center, Current Planning Division or by calling (702) 455-4314.
  Not available
   OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Roll call Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  Not available
22-0037 1.Public Comments.  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
22-0038 2.Election of Officers. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
22-0039 3.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
22-0040 4.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
   ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS Approved Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0660-010422 5.DR-21-0660-MAXIMIZER HOLDING, LLC: DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) exterior remodel; and 2) freestanding sign in an existing shopping center on a portion of 2.8 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone in the Asian Design Overlay District. Generally located on the south side of Spring Mountain Road, 400 feet west of Stober Boulevard within Paradise. JJ/sd/jd (For possible action)Deleted from Agenda Action details Not available
21-0654-010422 6.UC-21-0654-KRSHUL REBECCA & JAMES: USE PERMIT to increase the size of an accessory structure (garage) in conjunction with a single family residence on 0.4 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Rush Avenue and the east side of Fairfield Avenue within Enterprise. MN/nr/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0656-010422 7.UC-21-0656-AMERICAN MANAGEMENT INVEST, LLC: USE PERMIT for on-premises consumption of alcohol (beer and wine) in conjunction with a billiards hall on 2.1 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Jones Boulevard, 300 feet north of Spring Mountain Road within Spring Valley. JJ/lm/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0658-010422 8.UC-21-0658-KID'S TURF ACADEMY II, LLC: USE PERMIT for a congregate care facility on a 2.0 acre portion of a 4.6 acre site in a C-P (Office and Professional) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Silverado Ranch Boulevard, 663 feet east of Maryland Parkway within Paradise. MN/jgh/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0661-010422 9.UC-21-0661-DYNAMIC WARM SPRINGS INVESTMENTS, LLC: USE PERMIT to allow on-premises consumption of alcohol (service bar) in conjunction with a proposed restaurant within a retail complex on a portion of 9.0 acres in a C-1 (Local Business) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Rainbow Boulevard and the south side of Warm Springs Road within Enterprise. MN/bb/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0667-010422 10.UC-21-0667-SV LAND, LLC: USE PERMIT for a major training facility. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for reduced parking in conjunction with an existing commercial complex on 5.0 acres in an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) Zone in the CMA Design Overlay District. Generally located on the south side of Maule Avenue, 950 feet west of Jones Boulevard within Enterprise. MN/jor/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0626-010422 11.WS-21-0626-OZAWA LAURA: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to permit a block wall within the front yard of a single family residence where a decorative fence is permitted on 1.2 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Placid Street, 440 feet south of Windmill Lane within Enterprise. MN/al/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Mark Donohue, Principal Planner, presented the application and stated the conditions are as listed on the agenda. The applicant spoke on the matter and there was 1 speaker with concerns related to the footage of the wall.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0642-010422 12.WS-21-0642-WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) establish alternative yards; and 2) reduce setbacks. DESIGN REVIEW for a single family residential development on 2.0 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the northwest corner of Neal Avenue and Placid Street within Enterprise. MN/sd/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0649-010422 13.WS-21-0649-GREYSTONE NEVADA, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase residential driveway width. DESIGN REVIEW for single family residences on 10.4 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the north and south sides of Gary Avenue, the east and west sides of Belcastro Street (alignment), and the north side of Gomer Road within Enterprise. JJ/jt/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0669-010422 14.NZC-21-0669-WATTOO FAMILY LP: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 4.9 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for landscaping. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) a proposed single family residential development; and 2) finished grade. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue (alignment), 650 feet west of Buffalo Drive within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rk/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0670-010422 15.VS-21-0670-WATTOO FAMILY LP: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Cactus Avenue (alignment) and Erie Avenue (alignment), and between Buffalo Drive and Cimarron Road (alignment) within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rk/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-500187-010422 16.TM-21-500187-WATTOO FAMILY LP: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 38 single family residential lots and common lots on 4.9 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue (alignment), 650 feet west of Buffalo Drive within Enterprise. JJ/rk/jo (For possible action)Approved Action details Not available
21-0430-010422 17.UC-21-0430-DONNER KEVIN: HOLDOVER USE PERMITS for the following: 1) allow accessory structures without a principal use; and 2) allow nondecorative metal siding within the urban area in conjunction with accessory structures (cargo containers) on 0.5 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located 140 feet north of Pebble Road and 142 feet west of Dean Martin Drive within Enterprise. JJ/nr/jo (For possible action)Held Action details Not available
21-0657-010422 18.UC-21-0657-RENEGADES MINES PARTNERS, LLC: USE PERMIT for a heliport. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for landscaping and screening. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) a heliport; and 2) final grading plan for a Hillside Development on 10.7 acres in an R-U (Rural Open Land) Zone. Generally located 1.4 miles east of US Highway 95 and 1.7 miles north of Cottonwood Cove Road within Searchlight. MN/al/jo (For possible action)Held Action details Not available
21-0501-010422 19.WS-21-0501-HYLAND DELBERT EARL & SANDRA M: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase wall height in conjunction with a single family residence on 0.6 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone. Generally located on the northeast side of Oakleigh Willow Way, 475 feet east of Topaz Street within Paradise. JG/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Mr. Mark Donohue, Principal Planner, presented the application and stated the conditions are as listed on the agenda. The applicant spoke on the matter and there was 1 speaker with concerns.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0648-010422 20.WS-21-0648-AMH NV8 DEVELOPMENT, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for reduced setbacks in conjunction with a single family residential development on 0.2 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located approximately 100 feet north of Oleta Avenue and 175 feet east of Hualapai Way within Enterprise. JJ/nr/jo (For possible action)Held Action details Not available
21-0540-010422 21.NZC-21-0540-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 4.9 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase wall height. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed single family residential development; and 2) finished grade. Generally located on the west side of Lindell Road and the north side of Serene Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rk/jd (For possible action)Held Action details Not available
21-0541-010422 22.VS-21-0541-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Lindell Road (alignment) and Westwind Road (alignment), and between Serene Avenue (alignment) and Oleta Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rk/jd (For possible action)Held Action details Not available
21-500155-010422 23.TM-21-500155-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 15 single family residential lots and common lots on 4.9 acres in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Lindell Road and the north side of Serene Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/rk/jd (For possible action)Held Action details Not available

Agenda note: Comments by the General Public regarding any items not listed on the agenda as posted. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a future agenda.
  Video/Audio Video/Audio