Meeting Name: Clark County Zoning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/17/2021 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: NOFA NOFA  
Meeting video:  
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   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found on by clicking “Top Services” and selecting “Meetings & Agendas”. Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Mara Weber at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 7 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
   ITEMS 8 – 34 are routine items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
  Not available
   ITEMS 35 – 53 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
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   The Board of County Commissioners will take a minimum 15 minute break at approximately 11:30 a.m.  Not available

Agenda note: The Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Nevada met in recessed regular session in full conformity with law and bylaws of said Board at the regular place of meeting in the Commission Chambers, Government Center, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada on Wednesday, the17th day of November, 2021 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. The meeting was called to order at the hour of 9:01 a.m. by Chair Kirkpatrick, and on roll call, the following members were present, constituting all of the members thereof:
  Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Roll call Video/Audio Video/Audio
    Absent: None Also Present: Robert Warhola, Deputy District Attorney Nancy Amundsen, Director Comprehensive Planning Sami Real, Planning Manager Antonio Papazian, Manager of Development Review Jewel Gooden, Assistant Clerk, BCC Robin Delaney, Deputy Clerk  Not available
21-1656 1.Public Comments.

Agenda note: At this time, Chair Kirkpatrick asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on any items listed on the agenda as posted.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Margaret Ann Coleman spoke regarding zoning for 1316 Wizard Place, a Workman’s Compensation claim, and a pension.

John Kernahan spoke regarding Item No. 42 and advised that he had donated the property at 5290 West O’Bannon Drive for the construction of a Ronald McDonald House.

There being no other persons present waiting to be heard on any items listed on the agenda as posted, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public comments.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1657 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1658 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
21-900619-111721 4.CP-21-900619: Conduct a public hearing to adopt the update to the Clark County Master Plan. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners conduct a public hearing to adopt the update to the Clark County Master Plan. (For possible action)

DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
Master Plan Changes – Read into the record (5 pages) submitted by staff.

SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Mario Bermudez, Planning Manager with Comprehensive Planning, presented a brief timeline of the project, which started in January 2020; numerous meetings had been held throughout 2020 and 2021 with the Board, stakeholders, and the Planning Commissioners and advised that a public hearing was requested to adopt the update to the Master Plan.

Darcy White, Director with Clarion Associates, advised that a parallel process would be the update to Title 30, which was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022; spoke regarding a timeline which commenced at the start of the pandemic; feedback was provided by stakeholders and the public; desire for a more predictable and understandable plan; detailed the core components of the master plan; the plan was organized around six core values; NRS 278.160 required the master plan to include eight topical elements with sub-topics; duplicative information was streamlined; goals and policies were updated; side-bar, maps, and graphics were added; a growth framework was detailed, including infrastructure and services; 11 sets of land use categories were consolidated into one for ease of use; spoke of five land use categories; substantive changes to the land use map were not contemplated through the subject process but would occur through future updates to the individual land use plans; spoke regarding area-specific goals, policies, and regulatory language, and advised that some regulations would be transferred to Title 30; major initiatives would be both County-led and County-supported; and any changes to the amendment process would need to be adopted in Title 30.

Responding to questions from the Board, Mr. Bermudez detailed various changes to the Master Plan that had been approved by Comprehensive Planning.

Bob Gronauer, representing the Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association, requested land use plans be updated on a more consistent basis; address infill development, and the protection of Rural Neighborhood Preservation (RNP) areas.

Commissioner Gibson advised to strongly incentivize infill development; review what would qualify as infill development; and spoke of the encouragement for the aggregation of larger parcels for master-planned communities.

Commissioner Kirkpatrick requested the deletion of the word also from Page 266 of the Master Plan changes.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900633-111721 5.CP-21-900633: Authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution for the Transform Clark County Master Plan; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chair to sign a resolution for the Transform Clark County Master Plan; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900638 6.AG-21-900638: Receive and file a report on the Land Use Plan Update Schedule, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners receive and file a report on the Land Use Plan Update Schedule, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Mario Bermudez, Planning Manager, advised that in previous years, the Board would be presented with a schedule of updates for the land use plans; in January 2021, all plans were reset to the same date; requested dates to be reset due to the new land use plans; would be related to filing of non-conforming zone changes that could be refiled without Board approval; and a developer would have to work with the Board to seek approval to submit.

In response to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Nancy Amundsen, Director of Comprehensive Planning, spoke regarding the definition of a non-conforming zone change, particularly with the rewrite of the Development Code.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900652-111721 7.AG-21-900652: Receive a report on the interim conforming zone change districts for the new land use categories of the updated Master Plan, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners receive a report on the interim conforming zone change districts for the new land use categories of the updated Master Plan, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Mario Bermudez, Planning Manager, presented a chart of zone changes conforming to the new categories; and a matrix of old, new, and conforming zoning districts would be provided to the Board and to the Planning Commission.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Approved Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0566-111721 8.DR-21-0566-MGP LESSOR, LLC: DESIGN REVIEW for modifications to an approved comprehensive sign package in conjunction with a resort hotel (Park MGM) on 20.8 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) Zone and an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) (AE-60) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Park Avenue (private street) and the west side of Las Vegas Boulevard South within Paradise. JG/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of MGP Lessor, LLC (The Crack Shack Las Vegas, LLC) for a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item:
Approved Action details Not available
21-400156-111721 9.ET-21-400156 (UC-17-0705)-CHURCH FULL GOSPEL LV KOREAN: USE PERMITS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) proposed place of worship; and 2) proposed school. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to waive streetlights along Warbonnet Way and Torino Avenue. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed place of worship; and 2) proposed school on 20.0 acres an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Pebble Road and the west side of Buffalo Drive within Enterprise. JJ/sd/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Church Full Gospel LV Korean (Full Gospel Las Vegas Church) for use permits first extension of time, a waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item:
Approved Action details Not available
21-400157-111721 10.ET-21-400157 (UC-19-0624)-S. VALLEY VIEW TWAIN, LLC: USE PERMITS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) multiple family residential development; 2) increased density; and 3) an accessory commercial use. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increased height; 2) reduced parking; 3) allow modified driveway design standards; 4) reduced driveway separation; and 5) reduced commercial driveway radius. DESIGN REVIEW for a multiple family residential development on 6.2 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Highland Drive between Polaris Avenue and Morgan Cashmans Way within Paradise. JJ/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of S. Valley View Twain, LLC for use permits first extension of time, waivers of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-400159-111721 11.ET-21-400159 (WS-18-0493)-PLEASANT VIEW PARTNERS, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to increase wall height. DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with a previously approved assisted living facility and congregate care facility on 8.5 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Los Feliz Street and the north side of Washington Avenue within Sunrise Manor. TS/bb/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Pleasant View Partners, LLC for a waiver of development standards first extension of time and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-400160-111721 12.ET-21-400160 (VS-19-0100)-PLEASANT VIEW PARTNERS, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME easements of interest to Clark County located between Radwick Drive and Los Feliz Street, and between Monroe Avenue (alignment) and Washington Avenue and a portion of a right-of-way being Los Feliz Street located between Monroe Avenue (alignment) and Washington Avenue within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/bb/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Pleasant View Partners, LLC to vacate and abandon first extension of time easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0527-111721 13.UC-21-0527-PEPPER LANE HOLDINGS, LLC: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT to allow a cannabis establishment (cultivation) in conjunction with an existing office/warehouse building on 0.5 acres in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-60) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pepper Lane, 461 feet west of Pecos Road within Paradise. JG/jor/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Pepper Lane Holdings, LLC (GB Sciences Nopah, LLC) for a holdover use permit (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from November 3, 2021):
Deleted from Agenda Action details Not available
21-0570-111721 14.UC-21-0570-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST & ROOHANI KHUSROW TRS: USE PERMIT for modified residential development standards in conjunction with a single family subdivision. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce street intersection off-set. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) single family residential development; and 2) finished grade on 5.2 acres in an R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) P-C (Planned Community Overlay) Zone in the Rhodes Ranch Master Planned Community. Generally located on the south side of Wigwam Avenue, 1,000 feet west of Fort Apache Road within Spring Valley. JJ/bb/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Khusrow Roohani Family Trust & Khusrow Roohani Trs (AMH Development, LLC) for a use permit, waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-500159-111721 15.TM-21-500159-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST & ROOHANI KHUSROW TRS: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 40 residential lots and common lots on 5.2 acres in an R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) P-C (Planned Community Overlay District) Zone in the Rhodes Ranch Master Planned Community. Generally located on the south side of Wigwam Avenue, 1,200 feet west of Fort Apache Road within Spring Valley. JJ/bb/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Khusrow Roohani Family Trust & Khusrow Roohani Trs (AMH Development, LLC) for a tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0575-111721 16.UC-21-0575-TISHMAR, LLC: USE PERMIT to allow an accessory structure prior to the construction of a principal structure. DESIGN REVIEW for an accessory structure on a portion of 16.2 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Las Vegas Boulevard South and the south side of Wilbur Clark DI East Road within Winchester. TS/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Tishmar, LLC (Wynn Design and Development) for a use permit and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0508-111721 17.VS-21-0508-SGG OAKS ROYAL LINKS, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Cabana Drive and Tree Line Drive (alignment), and between Desert Inn Road and Vegas Valley Drive; a portion of a right-of-way being Desert Inn Road located between Cabana Drive and Tree Line Drive (alignment); and a portion of right-of-way being Vegas Valley Drive located between Cabana Drive and Tree Line Drive within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of SGG Oaks Royal Links, LLC (Touchstone Living, Inc) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0507-111721 18.UC-21-0507-SGG OAKS ROYAL LINKS, LLC: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) High Impact Project; 2) attached (townhouse) planned unit development (PUD); and 3) single family attached dwellings. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) wall height; 2) reduce setbacks; 3) reduce width of private streets; 4) reduce back of curb radius; 5) modify private street sections; 6) allow modified driveway design standards; and 7) allow non-standard improvements within the right-of-way. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) an attached single family residential planned unit development; and 2) finished grade on 130.4 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Desert Inn Road, 1,320 feet east of Cabana Drive within Sunrise Manor. TS/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of SGG Oaks Royal Links, LLC (Touchstone Living, Inc) for use permits, waivers of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-500147-111721 19.TM-21-500147-SGG OAKS ROYAL LINKS, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 1,298 lots and common lots on 130.4 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Desert Inn Road, 1,320 feet east of Cabana Drive within Sunrise Manor. TS/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of SGG Oaks Royal Links, LLC (Touchstone Living, Inc) for a tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0447-111721 20.WS-21-0447-GILBERT, DAN & CLAUDIA: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase the proposed retaining wall height. DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with a proposed single family residence on 2.5 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the southeast corner of Verde Way and Jensen Street within Lone Mountain. RM/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Dan & Claudia Gilbert (Dan Gilbert) for a waiver of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from November 3, 2021):


SPEAKER(S): Present

Following introduction of the item, Dan Gilbert advised of utilizing the bare minimums allowed by code as far as elevation; and had no plans to sub-divide or increase density.

Danielle Hatherley Carroll spoke in opposition to the item; provided photographs that illustrated the issues with elevation; advised that the applicant brought in the soil without a permit; concerns were voiced during the Lone Mountain Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) regarding drainage, land elevation, and the retaining wall; Member Bradley Burns, who chaired the meeting, advised the applicant to modify the plans and present the revisions to the CAC at the next meeting; an engineer advised that the applicant’s property, technically, did not meet the slope requirements that constituted the three foot wall waiver request; expressed concern of the slope of the subject property and water runoff in the event of inclement weather; requested tiered landscaping to break up the water flow, and that the applicant maintain the area.

The applicant advised that the retaining wall would be the exact height as neighbor’s screening wall; the retaining wall top was flat, and the neighbor’s wall had a step effect; the land by the retaining wall tiered down; and the slope would be landscaped in native vegetation.

Antonio Papazian, Manager Development Review, spoke regarding the subject parcel, fill that would be needed, a drainage easement; advised that the finished floor height of the home was where it needed to be, due to a low point at Jensen Street; and the slope on the east side down would be tiered.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0536-111721 21.WS-21-0536-JO FAM PROPERTY, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for signage. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) restaurant; 2) signage; and 3) lighting on a portion of 4.3 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Maule Avenue and the east side of Fort Apache Road within Spring Valley. JJ/ja/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Jo Fam Property, LLC for a waiver of development standards and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0544-111721 22.WS-21-0544-JAMD, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) office building; and 2) finished grade on a 3.8 acre portion of 13.6 acres in a C-P (Office and Professional) Zone in the CMA Design Overlay District. Generally located on the south side of Arby Avenue and the east side of Cimarron Road within Spring Valley. MN/ja/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the aforementioned described application of JAMD, LLC for a waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED item):


Following introduction of the item, Dionicio Gordillo, the applicant’s representative, advised that the property was a two-story office building, and part of a larger commercial center; and the property was zoned as Office and Professional.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0556-111721 23.WS-21-0556-WILLIAM LYON HOMES, INC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to establish alternative yards for a residential lot. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed single family residence on 0.2 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located 335 feet east of Gilespie Street, 225 feet south of Neal Avenue within Enterprise. MN/jgh/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of William Lyon Homes, Inc (Rosalinda Meador-Aparicio) for a waiver of development standards and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0490-111721 24.ZC-21-0490-GK ACQUISITIONS, LLC & BESUDEN, HENRY & CHARLOTTE REV TR: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 26.8 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to allow a modified driveway design. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) distribution center; 2) alternative parking lot landscaping; and 3) finished grade. Generally located on the west side of Cimarron Road and the south side of Badura Avenue within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/rk/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the aforementioned described application of GK Acquisitions, LLC & Henry Besuden & Rev Charlotte TR (Phelan Development) for a zone change, waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED item) (held from November 3, 2021):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, the applicant’s representative, Bob Gronauer, advised that the property encompassed 26.8 acres of vacant land; spoke regarding the surrounding street locations and variety of businesses; the property was located in the business development research park area; staff recommended a conforming zone change; there was a deed restriction on the property which prohibited residential development; the subject property was not in a residential area; was zoned for Business and Design/Research Park (BDRP); spoke regarding the difference between a major distribution center, such as those for the big box stores, and the subject property which serviced the local supply chain; presented a diagram showing six separate building lease spaces; loading and unloading of vehicles would take place in the interior areas of the buildings; landscaping would be installed to act as a buffer for vehicles; vehicles would load and unload goods in the interior between buildings; the exterior buildings would be constructed to mirror an office look; reviewed the site plan renderings of various storefronts; and 602 parking spaces would be provided.

Dr. Ken Ackeret, Traffic Operations Engineer with Kimley-Horn and Associates, performed a traffic study and how it would impact the project; used the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Land Use Code and the standard procedures used at the County, the site had less than 100 peak-hour trips; with regards to semi-trailers, a comparable site was located at Post Road and Valley View Boulevard and was approximately 20% larger than the subject property; observed the week of October 17, 2021, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for a total of 72 hours; the peak day was Wednesday with the first truck arriving at 5:00 a.m.; traffic peaked at approximately 1:00 p.m. with 20 semi-trucks before tapering off; accounting for various types of vehicles, the peak time was between 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. with a total of 375 peak hour trips; performed one more study using the Uncommon’s Traffic Study and mixed-use development; estimated a peak number of their trips at 877 peak hour trips; and further advised that the studies were for a reference of comparison.

Mr. Gronauer agreed that intense landscaping would be installed along Badura Avenue; 24-inch box trees would be placed every 15 feet on center along Badura Avenue; enhanced elevations; low-level lighting boxed to be faced down, rooftop equipment to be screened; and 116 dock doors; conditions have not been agreed upon, but the applicant wanted to deal in good faith and the area was unique.

George Garcia spoke regarding a conforming zone change; advised that an apartment complex was approved to build, and Dignity Health Care was in the area.

Michael Young spoke in opposition to the item; was familiar with deed restrictions and knew many could be waived or removed; not the best use for the area; there were several pediatric businesses and a school in the area.

Joshua Waeghe spoke in opposition to the item due to the shortened time frame for community notification; small particle pollution as a result of diesel trucks; the proposed site was near a school and playground; and no assurance that the distribution center would not be sold to a big box store.

Taylor Skinner spoke in opposition due to high traffic with semi-trucks driving through a residential area; and there were diesel fumes in an area with a senior living center, Oasis Pediatrics, and St. Rose Hospital.

Rick Aco spoke in opposition to the item; advised that safety should be the concern of the County Commissioners; and any new development should be compatible with the current infrastructure to enhance the health and safety of residents.

George Rawls advised that the property would be constructed across from a hospital; ambulances could be stuck in traffic blocked by semi-trucks in the area.

Russell Dodson, Art Goldberg, Joshua Cohen, David Mason, Flavio Santana and F. Ronald Smith all spoke in opposition citing increased traffic in the area.

Norell Viray submitted a petition of 868 signatures of residents and businesses who opposed the project.

Aaron Schiffner, Executive Region Director of Challenger School, operated a school across from the subject property since 2016; majority of children who attended the school were 3, 4, and 5 years of age; and spoke of numerous traffic issues.

Kelly Solaegui, Headmaster of Challenger School, advised that when the school was constructed, the area was zoned light industrial; noted concerns which included traffic, and safety of children.

Michael Buckley, a representative of the property owner, requested that the Town Board record that opposed this item 4 to 1, be incorporated into this record; advised of an article in the Los Angeles Times that stated trucks, cars, and cargo-handling equipment associated with warehouses released more smog-forming pollution than any other sector; does not fit the description of a BDRP project, and the project was not conforming.

Former Senator Richard Bryan spoke in opposition to Legal Counsel’s advisement that the agenda item could not be denied due to the fact that it was a conforming use; advised that a previous matter denied by the Board was appealed to District Court, where the appeal was affirmed and upheld; provided background on the appealed case and Judge Johnson’s ruling; advised that the deed restriction could be waived by the airport; and further advised that many other uses, both retail and professional could be constructed on the site.

Doug Rankin spoke regarding Policy 100 of the County’s Comprehensive Plan regarding the placement of industrial and spoke of Title 30 of the Clark County Municipal Code advising that there were nine points to consider when making amendments to zoning; and advised that the proposed entrances and exits along Arby Street were not compatible to the area.

Ted Egerton, Lochsa Engineering, spoke of traffic patterns and that larger trucks would mix with local residential traffic; advised that the tenth addition of the ITE manual included a supplement for truck traffic, in opposition to the petitioner’s offering that the manual did not; and advised that an average of 316 trucks would be using the road in the subject area in a day and most would be exiting off I-15 to Buffalo Drive and to Badura Avenue through residential neighborhoods.

Dr. Ackeret clarified the various traffic issues voiced by speakers; advised that Badura Avenue was considered a major right-of-way and was not truck-restricted; and further advised of a County project underway regarding signalization for Badura Avenue and Buffalo Avenue.

Mr. Gronauer spoke regarding a previous industrial development in the area where no opposition was on record by the surrounding neighbors; advised that Cimarron Road, which bisected the subject parcel and Challenger School, was zoned for commercial traffic, and the school was on the corner of two 80 foot right-of-way streets; clarified that the property would be used by local suppliers and was not classified as a regional facility; and requested as a condition of approval that if there were any substantial changes to the plan, the item could be brought before the Board for a public hearing.

Commissioner Naft clarified that, while it could benefit both parties, there was no obligation of neighbors to meet with a developer(s) on a project; the item was not a re-zoning request as the property had not been zoned previously; quoted page 23 of the Spring Valley Land Use Plan regarding the overabundance of office professional planned areas which was encouraged by residential property owners as a way to keep land vacant around residential areas; Public Works was currently working on three traffic signal projects, Durango Avenue and Maule Avenue; Buffalo Avenue and Badura Avenue; and Warm Springs Road and Cimarron Road with completion dates in 2022; advised of a letter received in 2016 from Challenger School which asked for a waiver for the crosswalks; the letter detailed why the crosswalks would not be needed; and if those circumstances had changed, the Board could revisit and possibly revoke the waiver.

Discussion continued regarding deed restrictions and whether the restrictions could be removed from a property and by whom.

Robert Warhola, Deputy District Attorney, spoke of various discrepancies in the appealed case brought up by former Senator Bryan and the current subject property; and advised that one property did not serve as precedent for another property.

In response to a question from Commissioner Naft, Mr. Warhola advised that if the current item was denied and there was a legal challenge, the County would probably not prevail; the court would approve the application as originally submitted by the applicant; and conditions offered by the applicant to mitigate some of the impacts or those imposed by the Board would be lost.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Mr. Warhola advised he was not aware of the conditions to which deed restrictions were removed from other properties; and Ms. Amundsen advised that if a deed restriction was posted on a property, the application would not be accepted, and further advised that deed restrictions were based on federal guidelines.

In response to a question from Commissioner Miller, Ms. Amundsen detailed the process of removing deed restrictions from properties.

Commissioner Gibson advised of the movement away from water cooling to air cooling and on large projects, the applicant would not be permitted to use large water-cooling towers and would have to be exclusively air cooling and questioned if the applicant would accept air cooling. Mr. Gronauer advised of not being prepared to accept the air cooling as a condition at this time unless a requirement was in place by the Health District or Water District.

Mr. Warhola spoke regarding compatible and incompatible uses allowed under the deed restriction; and advised that an applicant would have to comply with codes in place at the time of construction.

Ms. Amundsen spoke regarding the BDRP, the land use prospective process, and advised of the similarities of the property and Safari Business Park, an industrial development on Dean Martin Drive, along I-15.

Antonio Papazian, Manager of Public Works, detailed the driveway access and the throat depth of the property; would be amenable to posting No Parking around the property, at the applicant’s expense; disclosed working with the applicant on addressing traffic safety; a traffic study would be conducted, and the school would be added to the scope for review by the traffic engineer.

Commissioner Naft added the following additional conditions: add intense landscape buffer; all lighting should be located, aimed, and shielded to minimize glare on adjacent properties; all loading docks be conduit-ready; installation, at the developer’s cost, of Public Works approved No Parking signs on both sides of Arby Avenue, Badura Avenue, and Cimarron Road; and a maximum of 80 loading docks and 65 at-grade rollup doors.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0462-111721 25.NZC-21-0462-PEBBLE ROAD TRUST: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 2.5 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase wall height. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) single family residential development; and 2) finished grade. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road, 700 feet west of Fort Apache Road within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/md/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of Pebble Road Trust (Andrew Acuna) for a zone change, waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0463-111721 26.VS-21-0463-PEBBLE ROAD TRUST: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Pebble Road and Raven Avenue, and between Fort Apache Road and Park Street within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/md/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of Pebble Road Trust (Andrew Acuna) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-500138-111721 27.TM-21-500138-PEBBLE ROAD TRUST: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 19 residential lots and common lots on 2.5 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road, 700 feet west of Fort Apache Road within Enterprise. JJ/md/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of Pebble Road Trust (Andrew Acuna) for a tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-700003-111721 28.PA-21-700003-SUN WEST LTD, ET AL: PLAN AMENDMENT to amend Map 1.3 of the Transportation Element of the Clark County Comprehensive Master Plan by removing a portion of an 80 foot right-of-way being Grand Canyon Drive (alignment). Generally located on Grand Canyon Drive (alignment) between Pebble Road and Ford Avenue. JJ/gc (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of Sun West Ltd, Et Al (Sun West Ltd) for a plan amendment (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-900382-111721 29.CP-21-900382: Authorize the Chair to sign a resolution amending the Transportation Element of the Clark County Comprehensive Master Plan (Map 1.3), and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chair to sign a resolution amending the Transportation Element of the Clark County Comprehensive Master Plan (Map 1.3), and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0513-111721 30.VS-21-0513-SUN WEST LTD: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Ford Avenue and Pebble Road and between Grand Canyon Drive (alignment) and Park Street (alignment), and portions of right-of-way being Pebble Road located between Park Street (alignment) and Grand Canyon Drive (alignment) within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of Sun West Ltd (Dan Coletti) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-0512-111721 31.UC-21-0512-SUN WEST LTD: USE PERMIT to allow an accessory structure (garage) prior to a principal residence. DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with an accessory structure on 3.4 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the northeast corner of Pebble Road and Grand Canyon Drive (alignment) within Enterprise. JJ/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of Sun West Ltd (Dan Coletti) for a use permit and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved Action details Not available
21-900621-111721 32.ORD-21-900621: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Sackley Family Trust and Sackley Stuart TRS for a retail center (Rainbow and Arby) on 5.0 acres, generally located east of Rainbow Boulevard and south of Arby Avenue within Enterprise. MN/tk (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Sackley Family Trust and Sackley Stuart Trs for a retail center (Rainbow and Arby) on 5.0 acres, generally located east of Rainbow Boulevard and south of Arby Avenue within Enterprise. (For possible action):
Approved Action details Not available
21-900707 33.AG-21-900707: Consider the approval of the Agreement Between Mountain’s Edge Master Association and Clark County Regarding Helen Stewart Park; authorize the Chair to sign and for other matters properly related thereto. JJ/ab (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners consider the approval of the Agreement Between Mountain’s Edge Master Association and Clark County Regarding Helen Stewart Park; authorize the Chair to sign and for other matters properly related thereto. (For possible action):
Deleted from Agenda Action details Not available
21-900651-111721 34.ORD-21-900651: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider the cancellation of the Mountain’s Edge Development Agreement between Clark County and Mountain’s Edge, LLC pursuant to NRS 278.0205(1). JJ/sr (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider the cancellation of the Mountain’s Edge Development Agreement between Clark County and Mountain’s Edge, LLC pursuant to NRS 278.0205(1). (For possible action):
Deleted from Agenda Action details Not available

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
21-400149-111721 35.ET-21-400149 (WS-0415-10)-DIS & DAT, INC: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIFTH EXTENSION OF TIME to complete and review the following: 1) off-site improvements (excluding paving); and 2) landscaping in conjunction with an automobile dismantling facility and outside storage yard on 4.4 acres in an M-2 (Industrial) (AE-70 & APZ-1) Zone and an M-2 (Industrial) (AE-70) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Betty Lane and the north side of Cartier Avenue (alignment) within Sunrise Manor. MK/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Dis & Dat, Inc (Dat Nguyen) for waivers of development standards fifth extension of time (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from November 3, 2021):
  Action details Not available
21-400152-111721 36.ET-21-400152 (UC-0909-17)-2975 SAMMY DAVIS JR. DRIVE, LLC: USE PERMIT SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for a cannabis establishment (retail cannabis store). DESIGN REVIEW exterior/interior modifications to an existing retail building on 0.9 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Sammy Davis Jr. Drive, 1,000 feet south of Circus Circus Drive within Winchester. TS/jvm/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of 2975 Sammy Davis Jr. Drive, LLC (CPCM Holdings, LLC) for a use permit second extension of time, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

Following introduction of the item, Lucy Stewart, representing the applicant, advised of being made aware that the item would be held and agreed to meet with the Nevada Resort Association.

Commissioner Segerblom requested the item be held until the second meeting in December 2021.

Virginia Valentine, Nevada Resort Association, advised that the 1,500-foot distance separation was passed as Assembly Bill 533 by the Legislature in 2017; cannabis was a quickly evolving industry; and the extension of time appeared to be for a new use permit.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0414-111721 37.VS-21-0414-P S L V R E, LLC: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Sunset Road and Rafael Rivera Way, and between Westwind Road and Jones Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). MN/rk/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the aforementioned described application of PSLVRE, Inc (Ethos | Three Architecture) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as noted in the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from November 3, 2021):
  Action details Not available
21-0413-111721 38.WS-21-0413-P S L V R E, LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to allow modified driveway design standards. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed office/warehouse building; and 2) finished grade on 2.1 acres in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-60) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Sunset Road, 270 feet west of Westwind Road within Enterprise. MN/rk/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of PSLVRE, LLC (Ethos | Three Architecture) for a waiver of development standards and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from November 3, 2021):
  Action details Not available
21-0545-111721 39.WS-21-0545-RAINBOW 26, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) establish an alternative parking requirement; 2) allow a modified driveway design; and 3) reduce driveway approach and departure distances from the intersection. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) alternative parking lot landscaping; 2) a proposed shopping center; and 3) finished grade on 3.8 acres in a C-1 (Local Business) (AE-60) Zone in the CMA Design Overlay District. Generally located on the east side of Rainbow Boulevard and the north side of Oquendo Road within Spring Valley. MN/rk/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Rainbow 26, LLC (Reza R. Alaie) for waivers of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
  Action details Not available
21-0574-111721 40.WS-21-0574-TRANS-AERO LAND & DEVELOPMENT CO & BUCKLEY TRUST: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for throat depth. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) finished grade; 2) distribution center; and 3) alternative landscaping on 12.9 acres in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-75 & APZ-2) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Lamb Boulevard and the south side of Colton Avenue within Sunrise Manor. MK/jvm/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Trans-Aero Land & Development Co & Buckley Trust (Hip I-15 North III, LLC) for a waiver of development standards and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
  Action details Not available
21-0534-111721 41.ZC-21-0534-DIAMOND ALTO, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 2.2 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (AE-65 & AE-70) Zone to an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-65 & AE-70) Zone. USE PERMITS for the following: 1) vehicle paint/body shop; 2) reduce separation from a vehicle repair facility to a residential use; and 3) reduce the separation from a vehicle maintenance facility to a residential use. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) allow vehicle paint/body shop not accessory to vehicle sales; 2) reduce separation from a vehicle paint/body shop to a residential use; 3) reduce setbacks; 4) reduce parking lot landscaping; and 5) alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEW for office/warehouse buildings. Generally located on the east side of Pecos Road and the north side of Alto Avenue within Sunrise Manor (description on file). WM/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Diamond Alto, LLC (Diamond Alto) for a zone change, use permits, waivers of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
  Action details Not available
21-0555-111721 42.ZC-21-0555-RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES GREATER LV: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 1.0 acre from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to a P-F (Public Facility) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEW for a quasi-public facility. Generally located on the north side of O’Bannon Drive and the west side of Edmond Street within the Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the aforementioned described application of Ronald McDonald House Charities Greater LV (Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Las Vegas) for a zone change, waiver of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda):


SPEAKER(S): Present

Following introduction of the item, Chris Kaempfer, representing the applicant, advised that originally there were two waivers on the application; waiver 1B had been withdrawn without prejudice; the buildings would be positioned in the center of the site around a courtyard; there would be eight separate family units of approximately 1,000 square feet; the buildings would be one story and ranged from 22 feet to 30 feet for architectural enhancements; setbacks included 14 feet from the front of the property along O’Bannon Drive, 16 feet to the east of the property on Edmund Street, 38 feet to the applicant’s home on the west, and 41 feet to the property line to the north; landscaping would be provided along the west and north sides of the property; all parking requirements were met; and if approved, the capacity to assist families would increase by 67 percent.

John Kernahan advised that the land was donated in memory of his partner.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0383-111721 43.NZC-21-0383-AGCOM I, LLC: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 0.5 acres from an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone to a C-1 (Local Business) Zone. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduced parking; 2) reduced landscaping; 3) setbacks; 4) reduced departure distance; 5) alternative driveway geometrics; and 6) driveway standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a restaurant. Generally located on the south side of Charleston Boulevard and the west side of Mojave Road within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/jvm/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of AGCOM I, LLC (Guillermo Sataray Parra) for a zone change, waivers of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item ) (held from October 20, 2021):
  Action details Not available
21-0458-111721 44.NZC-21-0458-TADANO WAKIMOTO TRUST & TADANO GARY TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 7.3 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for full off-site improvements (streetlights) along a public street. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed single family residential development; and 2) finished grade. Generally located on the north side of Pyle Avenue and the east side of Rancho Destino Road within Enterprise (description on file). MN/rk/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Wakimoto Tadano Trust and Gary Tadano TRS (Richmond American Homes of Nevada Inc.) for a zone change, a waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 44 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 45 and 46.

Following introduction of Item Nos. 44, 45, and 46, Stephanie Allen, the applicant’s representative, advised that the property was master-planned as RNP; many lots surrounding the subject property were half-acre lots; surrounding developments were done as Residential Planned Unit Development (REPUD) with densities at approximately 2.5 units per acre; the property was proposed at three units per acre; all single-story homes; the proposed site plan was drawn up by the neighbors; an access point was located off of Pyle Avenue; a stub street was located along the south part of the neighbor’s home, without access onto Gillespie Street; side-loaded lots would be located on the western and northern property lines; the mix of lot sizes range from 8,000 to 13,000 square feet; some homes would include RV garages; full offsites were included but a waiver of streetlights along Rancho Destino Road was requested; and additional agreed-upon conditions were read into the record.

Kami Grafiada advised that the project was a three-year process; and all conditions were acknowledged and approved.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0459-111721 45.VS-21-0459-TADANO WAKIMOTO TRUST & TADANO GARY TRS: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Pyle Avenue and Wellspring Avenue (alignment), and between Rancho Destino Road and Gilespie Street and a portion of a right-of-way being Pyle Avenue located between Rancho Destino Road and Gilespie Street and a portion of Gilespie Street located between Pyle Avenue and Wellspring Avenue (alignment) within Enterprise (description on file). MN/rk/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Wakimoto Tadano Trust and Gary Tadano TRS (Richmond American Homes of Nevada Inc.) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 45 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 44 and 46.
  Action details Not available
21-500136-111721 46.TM-21-500136-TADANO WAKIMOTO TRUST & TADANO GARY TRS: AMENDED TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 22 (previously 24) single family residential lots and common lots on 7.3 acres in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Pyle Avenue and the east side of Rancho Destino Road within Enterprise. MN/rk/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Wakimoto Tadano Trust and Gary Tadano TRS (Richmond American Homes of Nevada Inc.) for an amended tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 46 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 44 and 45.
  Action details Not available
21-0468-111721 47.NZC-21-0468-HACIENDA ASSOCIATES LP: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 4.8 acres from a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone to an R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. USE PERMIT for an attached (townhouse) planned unit development (PUD). WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce the area of a PUD; 2) reduce setbacks; 3) increase wall height; 4) reduce width of private streets; 5) reduce street intersection off-set; and 6) reduce back of curb radius. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) an attached single family residential planned unit development; and 2) finished grade in the CMA Design Overlay District. Generally located on the north side of Russell Road, 345 feet west of Jerry Tarkanian Way within Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Hacienda Associates, LP (Touchstone Living, Inc.) for a zone change, use permit, waivers of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 47 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 48 and 49.

Following introduction of Item Nos. 47, 48, and 49, Tony Celeste, the applicant’s representative, advised that the subject site was just under five acres; the applicant established an infill site for workforce and attainable housing; spoke regarding the surrounding properties; prospective buyers would be former apartment dwellers; the project was a townhome attached product; a maxed density of 17.9 units per acre was proposed; submitted a revised plan with open spaces at the entryway; the pool area was relocated; the revised plan allowed for six-plexes; and parking standards were met with no parking garages.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Jones, Jason Allswang, Senior Plan Checker, and Mr. Celeste addressed throat depth, and advised of the many driveways in the area to reduce the conflict area; all residents would park in front of their units and the only parking towards the front entrance was considered guest parking or overflow parking with minimal use planned.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0469-111721 48.VS-21-0469-HACIENDA ASSOCIATES LP: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Russell Road and Diablo Drive, and between Jerry Tarkanian Way and Fort Apache Road; and a portion of a right-of-way being Russell Road located between Jerry Tarkanian Way and Fort Apache Road within Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Hacienda Associates, LP (Touchstone Living, Inc) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 48 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 47 and 49.
  Action details Not available
21-500139-111721 49.TM-21-500139-HACIENDA ASSOCIATES LP: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 84 residential lots and common lots on 4.8 acres in an R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Russell Road, 345 feet west of Jerry Tarkanian Way within Spring Valley. JJ/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Hacienda Associates, LP (Touchstone Living, Inc) for a tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 49 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 47 and 48.
  Action details Not available
   APPEAL  Not available
21-0457-111721 50.WS-21-0457-BUILDING HOPE BETTY LANE, LLC: APPEAL WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for landscaping and screening in conjunction with a proposed wall for a charter school on 3.0 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Kell Lane and the east side of Betty Lane within Sunrise Manor. WM/rk/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of Building Hope Betty Lane, LLC (Ethos | Three Architecture) for a waiver of development standards (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (appealed by a neighbor):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, John Sullivan, the applicant’s representative, provided a brief history on the project; the waiver for development standards was for alternative landscaping along the southern side of the property; and advised that per a Geotek study, no irrigation was recommended in the area due to expansive soils.

Lauren Graves spoke regarding various water issues on the property; the wall on the property was only waterproofed on one side which raised a concern of possible cracks in the wall; the main concern was the type of tree, a Texas Mountain Laurel, which was approved for landscaping and whose seed pods were considered highly toxic; and recommended that the standard not be waived which would allow for the planting of pine trees.

Mary Ann Deane spoke in opposition to the item due to the approved tree for landscaping whose seed pods were highly toxic.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Segerblom, Mr. Sullivan advised that the type of tree had been previously approved by the County; and that the trees would be planted in sealed boxes to contain the irrigation.

Ms. Amundsen advised that the trees chosen should be listed on the Southern Nevada Water Authority SNRPC Tree List.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
ORD-21-900627 51.ORD-21-900627: Introduce an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with JONES 215, LLC for a commercial development (Torrey Pines and Maule) on 4.5 acres, generally located south of Roy Horn Way and east of Torrey Pines Dr within Enterprise. MN/tk (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners introduce an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Jones 215, LLC for a commercial development (Torrey Pines and Maule) on 4.5 acres, generally located south of Roy Horn Way and east of Torrey Pines Drive within Enterprise. (For possible action):

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Kirkpatrick introduced the proposed ordinance, entitled and summarized as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item (Bill No. 11-17-21-1).
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900688-111721 52.ORD-21-900688: Introduce an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners through various zone change applications on September 22, 2021 and October 6, 2021, and in Assessor’s Book 163. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners introduce an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners through various zone change applications on September 22, 2021 and October 6, 2021, and in Assessor’s Book. 163. (For possible action)

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Kirkpatrick introduced the proposed ordinance, entitled and summarized as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item (Bill No. 11-17-21-2).
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900689-111721 53.ORD-21-900689: Introduce an ordinance to update various regulations in the Clark County Unified Development Code (Title 30), and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners introduce an ordinance to update various regulations in the Clark County Unified Development Code (Title 30), and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Kirkpatrick introduced the proposed ordinance, entitled and summarized as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item (Bill No. 11-17-21-3).
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: At this time, Chair Kirkpatrick asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on any items not on the agenda as posted.


There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, at the hour of 1:37 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
  Video/Audio Video/Audio