Meeting Name: Clark County Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/17/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Version en Espanol, Bersyon ng Tagalog
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   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found at Versión en español se puede encontrar en haciendo clic en "Detalles de la reunión". Ang bersyon sa Tagalog ay matatagpuan sa sa pamamagitan ng pag-click sa "Mga Detalye ng Pagpupulong". Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Nicole Razo at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 20 are routine items for possible action.   Not available Not available
   ITEMS 21 – 45 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.  Not available Not available
   OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  Not available Not available
   LEGAL NOTICE: Following the final approval or denial of every action before the Planning Commission and/or the Board of County Commissioners, a letter indicating the action taken and the conditions under which any approval is granted will be sent to the correspondent address on the application submitted. The information herein will be filed with the Clark County Clerk, Commission Division, and serve as notice of final action for the purposes of NRS 278.0235 which marks the commencement of the twenty-five (25) day limitation period specified.  Not available Not available
24-1681 1.Public Comments.  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1682 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1683 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS (4 – 20):   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0591-121724 4.DR-24-0591-GILCREASE ORCHARD FOUNDATION: DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed accessory structure in conjunction with an existing farm on 58.16 acres in an RS40 (Residential Single-Family 40) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Whispering Sands Drive and the east side of Tenaya Way within Lone Mountain. MK/jm/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0592-121724 5.DR-24-0592-WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST: DESIGN REVIEW for a new gas station with gasoline pumps in conjunction with an existing shopping center on 7.2 acres in a CG (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Lamb Boulevard and the north side of Colorado Avenue within Sunrise Manor. TS/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-400122-121724 6.ET-24-400122 (WS-22-0084)-BAYVIEW ACQUISITIONS, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) screening mechanical equipment; 2) alternative landscaping; and 3) alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) vehicle sales facility; and 2) alternative parking lot landscaping on 0.71 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Boulder Highway and English Avenue within Whitney. JG/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0564-121724 7.UC-24-0564-COUNTY OF CLARK (AVIATION) & MCM DEVELOPMENT I, LLC LEASE: USE PERMIT for a restaurant and related facilities. DESIGN REVIEW for a restaurant with drive-thru and outdoor dining area on a 0.82 acre portion of a 5.13 acre site within an existing shopping center in a CP (Commercial Professional) Zone and a CG (Commercial General) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60 & AE-65) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Russell Road, 287 feet west of Eastern Avenue within Paradise. JG/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0584-121724 8.UC-24-0584-FASHION SHOW MALL, LLC: USE PERMIT for an urgent care facility in conjunction with an existing shopping center (Fashion Show Mall) on a portion of 42.80 acres in a CR (Commercial Resort) Zone. Generally located on the northwest corner of Las Vegas Boulevard South and Spring Mountain Road within Paradise. TS/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0609-121724 9.UC-24-0609-GMD FOOD, LLC: USE PERMIT for personal services (health club) in conjunction with an existing commercial building on 0.85 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-65 & AE-70) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Sunset Road and the east side of Escondido Street within Paradise. JG/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0610-121724 10.UC-24-0610-MISSION CENTER, LLC: USE PERMIT for a vehicle wash. DESIGN REVIEW for façade changes in conjunction with a proposed vehicle wash on a 7.25 acre portion of an 18.65 acre site in a CG (Commercial General) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60) and Maryland Parkway Overlays. Generally located on the east side of Maryland Parkway and the north side of Flamingo Road within Paradise. TS/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0597-121724 11.VS-24-0597-FREMONT BOULDER CROSSING, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON a portion of a right-of-way being Sahara Avenue located between Fremont Street and Palm Street; and a portion of a right-of-way being Palm Street located between Sahara Avenue and Palm Parkway within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0596-121724 12.DR-24-0596-FREMONT BOULDER CROSSING, LLC: DESIGN REVIEW for a restaurant with drive-thru on 2.86 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the northwest side of Sahara Avenue, between Fremont Street and Palm Street within Sunrise Manor. TS/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500129-121724 13.TM-24-500129-FREMONT BOULDER CROSSING, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 1 commercial lot on 2.86 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the northwest side of Sahara Avenue, between Fremont Street and Palm Street within Sunrise Manor. TS/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-400126-121724 14.WC-24-400126 (ZC-1312-96)-SREIT DEAN MARTIN DRIVE, LLC: WAIVER OF CONDITIONS of a zone change requiring a design review as public hearing for signage in conjunction with a warehouse complex on 13.57 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60 & AE-65) Overlay. Generally located on the north side of Warm Springs Road and the east side of Dean Martin Drive within Enterprise. MN/my/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0580-121724 15.WS-24-0580-CANKIDS INVESTMENTS 2012, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase retaining wall height; and 2) increase fill height. DESIGN REVIEW for modifications to a previously approved single-family residential subdivision on 15.87 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone and an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the west side of Gagnier Boulevard and the south side of Wigwam Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/mh/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700033-121724 16.PA-24-700033-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mid-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (MN) on 8.27 acres. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue and the east and west sides of Amigo Street within Enterprise. MN/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0625-121724 17.ZC-24-0625-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 8.27 acres from a CG (Commercial General) Zone to an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue and the east and west sides of Amigo Street within Enterprise (description on file). MN/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0624-121724 18.VS-24-0624-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Cactus Avenue and Mystic Cliffs Avenue (alignment) and between Bermuda Road and Aphrodite Street; a portion of a right-of-way being Cactus Avenue located between Bermuda Road and Aphrodite Street; and a portion of a right of way being Amigo Street between Cactus Avenue and Mystic Cliffs Avenue (alignment) within Enterprise (description on file). MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0626-121724 19.WS-24-0626-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase retaining wall height. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed single-family residential subdivision on 8.27 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue and the east and west sides of Amigo Street within Enterprise. MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500139-121724 20.TM-24-500139-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 60 single-family residential lots and common lots on 8.27 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Cactus Avenue and the east and west sides of Amigo Street within Enterprise. MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   NON-ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS (21 – 45):   Not available Not available
24-0546-121724 21.SDR-24-0546-215 PROPERTY, LLC SIGN DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) increase the number of freestanding signs; 2) reduce the separation between freestanding signs; 3) increase the combination of all freestanding sign areas; 4) increase the area of an electronic message unit static; and 5) allow modifications to residential adjacency standards in conjunction with an existing vehicle sales facility on 5.27 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Rafael Rivera Way, 670 feet east of Cimarron Road within Spring Valley. MN/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0463-121724 22.UC-24-0463-BLUE DIAMOND RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC: HOLDOVER AMENDED USE PERMIT for a vehicle wash. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) modify residential adjacency standards; and 2) reduce street landscaping (no longer needed). DESIGN REVIEW for a commercial center consisting of a vehicle wash and a restaurant with drive-thru on 1.9 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the southeast corner of Durango Drive and Blue Diamond Road within Enterprise. JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0605-121724 23.UC-24-0605-REGAL I, LLC & EASTGATE THEATRE, INC. LEASE: USE PERMIT for outdoor storage. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce buffering and screening; and 2) residential adjacency. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) recreational vehicle storage; and 2) retail buildings on a portion of 17.7 acres in a CG (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the northeast corner Eastern Avenue and Pebble Road within Paradise. MN/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0586-121724 24.VS-24-0586-DIAMOND CURVE, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON portion of a right-of-way being Patrick Lane located between Lamb Boulevard and Annie Oakley Drive within Paradise (description on file). JG/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0590-121724 25.WS-24-0590-DIAMOND CURVE, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; and 2) reduce landscape buffer. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed office building on 0.99 acres in a CP (Commercial Professional) Zone in the Airport Environs (AE-60) Overlay. Generally located on the north side Patrick Lane, approximately 462 feet west of Lamb Boulevard within Paradise. JG/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0361-121724 26.WS-24-0361-MIRANDA, LUIS DANIEL ALBINO & MIRANDA, CRISTINA ALBINO: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; and 2) reduce building separation in conjunction with an existing single-family residence on 0.19 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Colorado Avenue and the east side of Arden Street within Sunrise Manor. TS/jm/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0448-121724 27.WS-24-0448-DE LEON, LILIAN & FRANCO MARLON IVAN DE LEON: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce setbacks in conjunction with a single-family residence on 0.17 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Main Street and the north side of Hobson Street within Searchlight. MN/nai/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0547-121724 28.WS-24-0547-A & J RENTALS, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) allow accessory structures established prior to the primary structure; 2) allow a non-decorative fence; and 3) increase the fence height in conjunction with a single-family residential lot on 1.62 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family RS20) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Fogg Street, 360 feet south of Bonanza Road within Sunrise Manor. TS/nai/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-700043-121724 29.PA-23-700043-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Ranch Estate Neighborhood (RN) to Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) on 5.0 acres. Generally located on the northeast corner of Buffalo Drive (alignment) and Wigwam Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-0812-121724 30.ZC-23-0812-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 5.0 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone to an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone for a future residential development. Generally located on the northeast corner of Buffalo Drive (alignment) and Wigwam Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/gc/syp (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-700046-121724 31.PA-23-700046-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Ranch Estate Neighborhood (RN) to Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) on 2.5 acres. Generally located on the northeast corner of Frias Avenue and Fairfield Avenue within Enterprise. MN/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-0830-121724 32.ZC-23-0830-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 2.5 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone to an R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zone for a future residential development. Generally located on the northeast corner of Frias Avenue and Fairfield Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). MN/gc/jd (For possible action)  Not available Not available
23-700051-121724 33.PA-23-700051-SILVER GILESPIE, LLC & SILVER GILESPIE 2, LLC: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Ranch Estate Neighborhood (RN) to Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) on 2.1 acres. Generally located on the west side of Gilespie Street, 130 feet north of Wellspring Avenue within Enterprise. MN/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-0879-121724 34.ZC-23-0879-SILVER GILESPIE, LLC & SILVER GILESPIE 2, LLC: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 2.1 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone for a future residential development. Generally located on the west side of Gilespie Street, 130 feet north of Wellspring Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). MN/gc/ng (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700025-121724 35.PA-24-700025-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to amend the Transportation Map of the Clark County Master Plan by eliminating the I-15 crossing on Pebble Road (alignment), and reduce a segment of Pebble Road from an Arterial (100 foot right-of-way) to a Collector (60 foot right-of-way) between Dean Martin Drive and I-15. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road and the west side of I-15 within Enterprise. JJ/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700024-121724 36.PA-24-700024-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) to Mid-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (MN) on 4.84 acres. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road and the west side of I-15 within Enterprise. JJ/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0528-121724 37.ZC-24-0528-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 4.84 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road and the west side of the I-15 right-of-way within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/hw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0530-121724 38.VS-24-0530-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Raven Avenue and Pebble Road and between Dean Martin Drive and the I-15 right-of-way, and a portion of right-of-way being Pebble Road located between Dean Martin Drive and the I-15 right-of-way within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0529-121724 39.WS-24-0529-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) eliminate street landscaping; 2) eliminate landscape buffer; and 3) allow an attached sidewalk. DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential subdivision on 4.84 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road and the west side of the I-15 right-of-way within Enterprise. JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500115-121724 40.TM-24-500115-DIAMOND RAVEN, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 38 lots and common lots on 4.84 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pebble Road and the west side of the I-15 right-of-way within Enterprise. JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700031-121724 41.PA-24-700031-KKAZ, LLC: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Compact Neighborhood (CN) on 5.08 acres. Generally located on the east side of Durango Drive, 805 feet north of Robindale Road within Spring Valley. MN/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0599-121724 42.ZC-24-0599-KKAZ, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 5.08 acres from a CG (Commercial General) Zone to an RM18 (Residential Multi-Family 18) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Durango Drive, approximately 805 feet north of Robindale Road within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/hw (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0598-121724 43.VS-24-0598-KKAZ, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Robindale Road and Eldorado Lane (alignment) and between Durango Drive and Cimarron Road within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0600-121724 44.WS-24-0600-KKAZ, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce side setbacks; 2) reduce buffering and screening; 3) increase wall height; 4) increase retaining wall height; and 5) reduce throat depth. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed multi-family, residential (condominium) development on 5.08 acres in an RM18 (Residential Multi-Family 18) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Durango Drive, approximately 805 feet north of Robindale Road within Spring Valley. MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500130-121724 45.TM-24-500130-KKAZ, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 80 multi-family residential units and common lots on 5.08 acres in an RM18 (Residential Multi-Family 18) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Durango Drive, approximately 805 feet north of Robindale Road within Spring Valley. MN/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   PUBLIC COMMENTS  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio