Meeting Name: Clark County Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/5/2021 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TitleActionAction DetailsVideo/Audio
   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at and in the following location:  Not available
   CC Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV (Principal Office)  Not available
   If you wish to speak on an item marked “For Possible Action” appearing on this agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card which is located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit the comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. If you wish to speak to the Board about items within its jurisdiction but not appearing as an “Action” item on this agenda, you must wait until the "Comments by the General Public" period listed at the end of this agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please spell your last name for the record. If any member of the Board wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board by majority vote. • Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. • The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. • The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time. Contracts, zoning matters, or ordinances that do not comply with the County's disclosure requirement as outlined in Section 10(2) of the County Ethics Policy are subject to being voided. The main agenda is available on Clark County's website, For copies of agenda items and supporting backup materials, please contact Cyndi Baroni, Agenda Coordinator, at (702) 455-3530, Clark County Manager’s Office, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. This meeting will be broadcast live in the Las Vegas area. Clark County Television is available in the Las Vegas area on Channel 4/1004 on Cox cable and on CenturyLink on Channels 4 and 1004 as well as in Laughlin on Channel 14 via Suddenlink. Live streaming of CCTV programming is available at and CCTV is also available in Boulder City on Channel 4 and in Moapa Valley on Digital Channel 50.3. For more information about the program schedule, please refer to or contact CCTV Channel 4 at (702) 455-6890.  Not available

Agenda note: The Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Nevada met in joint regular session with the Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees, in full conformity with law and bylaws of said Boards, at the regular place of meeting in the Commission Chambers, Government Center, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada on Tuesday, the 5th of October, 2021 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. The meeting was called to order at the hour of 9:01 a.m. by Chair Kirkpatrick and, on roll call, the following members were present, constituting all of the members thereof:
  Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Roll call Video/Audio Video/Audio
    Also Present: Yolanda T. King, County Manager Mary-Anne Miller, Deputy District Attorney Lynn Marie Goya, County Clerk Jewel Gooden, Assistant Clerk, BCC Robin Delaney, Deputy Clerk Commissioner Ross Miller attended the meeting via telephone.   Not available

Agenda note: Reverend Mary Bredlaw delivered the invocation.
  Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  Not available
21-1289 1.Present a proclamation to recognize October 2021 as “Stormwater Pollution Awareness Month”.

Agenda note: Commissioner Jones proclaimed October as Stormwater Pollution Awareness Month; presented a proclamation to Sara Gedo, Clark County Water Quality and John Solvie, Clark County Water Reclamation; recognized Director Tom Minwegen, Clark County Water Reclamation; advised that Clark County Water Quality collaborated with various agencies across the State on the initiative and further advised that citizen participation is key to preserving our water quality for future generations.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1329 2.Recognize and present proclamations to Nevada's Mother of the Year recipients.

Agenda note: Commissioner Gibson advised that the Nevada chapter of American Mothers, Inc. was the official sponsor of the Mother of the Year Award; the 2021 recipients were all from Southern Nevada; the 2020 Mother of the Year was Dara Marias, C.O.O. of EduGIVEKids, who could not be present; proclamations were presented to: the 2021 Mother of the Year, Dr. Truvella Reese, a general dentist in private practice; the 2021 Mother of Achievement, Terri Janison, Community Relations Strategist at Janison Enterprises; the Nevada Legacy Mother of the Year, Anna Peterson, former Eighth Judicial District Court Administrator; the Nevada Community Mother of Honor, Lisa McDonald; and introduced former Commissioners Mary Beth Scow and Susan Brager, and the President of the Nevada Chapter of American Mothers, Inc, Angie Phillips.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1416 3.Present a proclamation to Karen Stuart and David Ellis for their dedication to public safety.

Agenda note: Commissioner Segerblom recognized and presented a proclamation to Karen Stuart of the Clerk’s Office and Marshal David Ellis; advised that Ms. Stuart noticed on Facebook that a criminal could be in the Las Vegas area; arrived to work the next morning and noticed a person across the street who bore a striking resemblance to the picture shown on Facebook; contacted authorities who confirmed the person’s identity; and the person was arrested.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1432 4.Present a proclamation to the family of Mr. Lee in celebration of his life and acknowledge all of the great work he did for the community.Deleted from Agenda as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1434 5.Present a proclamation to the Las Vegas Indian Center in recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Agenda note: Commissioner Segerblom presented a proclamation to Rulon Pete of the Las Vegas Indian Center in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Mr. Pete advised that Clark County was home to most of the population of indigenous people; and there were over 200 tribal nations represented in Las Vegas.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1457 6.Present a proclamation recognizing Liz Groesbeck for the bravery she displayed in providing life-saving assistance.

Agenda note: Commissioner Naft recognized and presented a proclamation to Liz Grosbeck, a third- year medical student at UNLV’s Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine, who provided life-saving assistance to someone in need in the immediate aftermath of a hit-and-run accident; and proclaimed today Elizabeth Grosbeck Day.

Ms. Grosbeck acknowledged Dr. Douglas Fraser, Chief of Trauma at UMC of Southern Nevada, and Dr. Marc J. Kahn, Dean of the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1458 7.Present a proclamation to Steve Thompson, the outgoing President of the Clark County Firefighters Union, for his service.

Agenda note: Commissioner McCurdy recognized and presented a proclamation to Steve Thompson, the outgoing President of the Clark County Firefighters Union for his service; advised that Mr. Thompson started his career with the Clark County Fire Department in 1993, was promoted to engineer in 1997, and was promoted to Captain in 2004 until his retirement in 2020; served as Vice-President of the Firefighters Union for two terms; and served as President of the Firefighters Union for two terms.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1461 8.Present a proclamation in recognition of the Inaugural Young Men of Color Leadership Conference.

Agenda note: Commissioner McCurdy recognized and presented a proclamation to Wes Hall, Chief Executive Officer of the National Young Men of Color Leadership Initiative Foundation, and Jack Martin, Director of the Clark County Department of Juvenile Justice Services; advised that My Brother’s Keeper Alliance would host the first annual conference at UNLV on October 9, 2021; the conference helped connect young men to employment skills, education, community engagement, leadership, financial strength, and greater opportunities.

Mr. Martin advised that children under the age of 18 and those just over the age of 18 would be welcome to attend.

Mr. Hall advised that the conference was to be viewed as a catalyst to assist young men to become academically proficient; October 9, 2021 was named Young Men of Color Day in Las Vegas; and acknowledged Sheena Judy Mitchell of the City of Las Vegas for her support and assistance.
Presented as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
  SEC. 3AGENDA  Not available
21-1234 9.Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 17, 2021. (For possible action) (Available on the County website and in the County Clerk's Office, Commission Division)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1235 10.Approval of Agenda with the Inclusion of Any Emergency Items and Deletion of Any Items. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
  SEC. 4PUBLIC FORUM  Not available
   This is the first of two portions of the meeting devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. If you wish to speak during this portion of the agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit a comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. After completing and submitting a Public Comment Interest Card, please step up to the speaker’s podium, clearly state your name and address, and spell your last name for the record.   Not available
21-1233 11.Public Comment

Agenda note: At this time, Chair Kirkpatrick asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on any items listed on the agenda as posted.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Erin Breen, Director of the Road Equity Alliance Project at UNLV, spoke in support of Item No. 69; advised that fatalities are up over 25% from 2020; on October 4, the 27th fatality occurred on the County roadways; and further advised of working on a grant with Commissioner Segerblom for the 89169 district.

Steve Thompson spoke in support of Item No. 59.

Frances Deane spoke regarding Item Nos. 67 and 70; suggested that the $1 million dollars be allocated for treatment options on an outpatient basis, especially for the senior population.

Ed Uehling questioned why public comment was moved after the approval of the agenda and the approval of the minutes; advised of an error on Item 21 regarding the collection of rental car fees.

There being no other persons present wishing to be heard on any items listed on the agenda as posted, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public comments.

Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that the change in the order of agenda items was consistent with the meetings held by the Southern Nevada Health District, the City of Las Vegas, and the Southern Nevada Water Authority.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
  SEC. 5.CONSENT AGENDA: Items No. 12 through No. 58

Agenda note: NOTE:
• The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time.
• Consent Agenda - All matters in this sub-category are considered by the Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board to be routine and may be acted upon in one motion. Most agenda items are phrased for a positive action. However, the Board/Trustees may take other actions such as hold, table, amend, etc.
• Consent Agenda items are routine and can be taken in one motion unless a Commissioner/Trustee/Licensing member requests that an item be taken separately. The Chair will call for public comment on these items before a vote. For all items left on the Consent Agenda, the action taken will be staff's recommendation as indicated on the item.
• Items taken separately from the Consent Agenda by Commission/Trustees/Licensing members at the meeting will be heard following the Commissioners'/County Manager's Recognition Section.
Approved Video/Audio Video/Audio
   Purchasing & Contracts  Not available
21-1301 12.Approve a Change Order to the Contract with Las Vegas Paving Corporation, for Bid No. 605721-20, for Rainbow Boulevard - Landberg Avenue to Gary Avenue; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Change Order; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1339 13.Approve the award of Bid No. 605872-21, for Improvement Plans for Vegas Valley at Tree Line and Traffic Signal Improvements at Various Locations #103B to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required bonds and insurance. Staff recommends award to CG&B Enterprises, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1374 14.Approve the award of Bid No. 605750-20, for Silverado Ranch Boulevard - Jones Boulevard to Arville Street (Phase A) to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required bonds and insurance. Staff recommends award to CG&B Enterprises, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1375 15.Approve the award of Bid No. 605824-21, for Hollywood Regional Park: Site Improvements Hollywood Regional Park: SNPLMA Walking Trail to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required bonds and insurance. Staff recommends award to Roche Constructors, Inc.; and rejection of the Bid received from Rafael Construction, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1383 16.Authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Agreement No. 22-012IL with Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC), for CBE No. 605985-21, for Special Events Transit Service; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1387 17.Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Charleston Residential Services LLC dba CrossRoads of Southern Nevada, for RFQ No. 605240-19, for Crisis Stabilization and Supportive Housing Continuity of Care Program; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1388 18.Ratify and approve an Amendment to the Contract with Wellpath, LLC, for RFP No. 603986-16, for Medical Services for Department of Juvenile Justice Services; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Town Services  Not available
21-1440 19.Note for the record the following Town Advisory Board (TAB) and/or Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes: Lone Mountain CAC - August 31, 2021; Mount Charleston TAB - July 29, 2021; Mountain Springs CAC - June 9, 2021; Paradise TAB - August 31, 2021; Red Rock CAC - June 30, 2021; Spring Valley TAB - August 31, 2021; Sunrise Manor TAB - July 15 & September 2, 2021.Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Business License  Not available
21-1419 20.Approve the application for an Importer/Wholesaler Liquor License for High Limit Spirits (A Nevada Corporation), located at 2675 East Patrick Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 369. Commission District: G (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1428 21.Adopt, approve and authorize the Chair to sign an Amended Cooperative Agreement between the County and the Nevada Department of Taxation to provide for the collection of the County Rental Car Fee by the Department of Taxation pursuant to NRS 244A as amended by Senate Bill 389 of the 2021 Legislative Session; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. Commission District: All (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Aviation  Not available
21-1413 22.Approve and authorize the Director of Aviation to sign the Consent to Assignment of the Lease Agreement between Clark County and Commercial 9-12 Aviation, LLC (Kurt Mullen, CFO) to 1410-1420 HND LLC (Johnny A. Ribeiro, Jr., Manager), Johnny A. Ribeiro, Jr. Family Trust Dated February 11, 1994, as amended (Johnny A. Ribeiro, Jr., Trustee), and LDR Farms, LLC (Linda Ribeiro, Manager) to manage and operate a commercial aviation facility at Henderson Executive Airport; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1414 23.Approve and authorize the Director of Aviation to sign a Contract (CBE-1153) between Clark County and IHCS, Inc. dba Maven Asset Management (Jennifer Gatza, President) to provide Maximo Software License Management and Support Services for the Clark County Airport System; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1415 24.Approve and authorize the Director of Aviation to sign a Contract (CBE-1155) between Clark County and Marcus G. Faust, PC, for federal lobbying and consulting services for the Clark County Airport System; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1420 25.Approve and authorize forty-six (46) Permanent Intermittent Airport positions to meet the current operational demands of the Clark County Airport System; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Public Works  Not available
21-1422 26.Approve and authorize a proposed settlement in the amount of $126,000 for a partial acquisition of Assessor’s Parcel Number 177-18-201-001 (Howard J. and Christine S. Needham) needed for improvements on Decatur Boulevard between Cactus Avenue and Warm Springs Road; and authorize the County Manager or her designee to sign future escrow instructions and any pertinent documents necessary to complete the acquisition process. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1424 27.Approve and accept a grant of easement from BPS Harmon, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Brett Torino, Manager), for pedestrian access generally located at 3717 Las Vegas Boulevard (Assessor's Parcel Number 162-21-214-005); and authorize the County Manager or her designee to sign the agreement and grant of easement for pedestrian access. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1425 28.Approve and authorize the County Manager or her designee to sign Supplemental No. 2 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and Atkins North America, Inc. (Matthew Baird, P.E., Vice President) to provide additional design services for the Desert Inn Road between Nellis Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1426 29.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 6 to the interlocal contract between Clark County and the Regional Flood Control District to reallocate funds for the Las Vegas Wash - Sloan Channel to Stewart Avenue and Flamingo Wash below Nellis Boulevard project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1429 30.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 1 to Interlocal Contract No. 1227 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds and revise the scope of design for the Sunset Road between Rainbow Boulevard and Decatur Boulevard project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1430 31.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 2 to Interlocal Contract No. 1212 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for the Traffic Signal Improvements Program: Package 103 project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1433 32.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 2 to Interlocal Contract No. 1225 between Clark County and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for the Starr Avenue between Las Vegas Boulevard and Bermuda Road project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1435 33.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1305 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for the Rainbow Boulevard between Erie Avenue and Blue Diamond Road project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1436 34.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1306 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for the Rainbow Boulevard between Arby Avenue and Badura Avenue project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1437 35.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1307 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for the Sloan Lane between Vegas Valley Drive and Ruby Creek Drive project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1438 36.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1300 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for engineering for the Intelligent Transportation System Data Analytics project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1439 37.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1301 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for engineering for the Backup Power and Cooling System for Communication Hubs project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1441 38.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1304 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for engineering for the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment - US-95 Integrated Safety Technology Corridor project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1442 39.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1317 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for the RTC - Traffic Signal Program Management project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1443 40.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1318 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for the RTC - Adaptive Traffic Signal Feasibility Study project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1444 41.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1320 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for the project development of the RTC - Intelligent Transportation System Master Plan. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1445 42.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1321 among Clark County, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of Boulder City, and City of Mesquite for the RTC - Traffic Signal Maintenance project. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1449 43.Authorize the Chair to sign a recertification form from Clark County to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fulfill the requirements of Clark County’s continued participation in the Community Rating System. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1450 44.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Agreement No. P464-21-101 between Clark County and Nevada Department of Transportation for the maintenance of designated pedestrian flashing signals along State-maintained highways and routes. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Comprehensive Planning  Not available
21-1400 45.Accept the grant award from the Department of Defense, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation to the Clark County Comprehensive Planning Department in the amount of $485,801 for the Nellis Military Complex Implementation Grant effective from August 1, 2021 through January 31, 2023. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Real Property Management  Not available
21-1378 46.Approve and authorize the Director of Real Property Management (Director) or her designee to sign a Lease Agreement (Lease) between Clark County and the Children's Advocacy Center Foundation located at 701 North Pecos Road, Buildings 701K and 701D, Las Vegas, NV 89101 on Assessor's Parcel Numbers 139-25-802-002 & 139-25-802-004 known as the Child Haven Campus; and authorize the Director or her designee to sign any other necessary documents related to management of the agreement. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1379 47.Approve and authorize the Director of Real Property Management (Director) or her designee to sign the Second Amendment to Concession Agreement between Clark County and Douglas Parking, LLC for valet parking services located at the garage of 330 S. Third Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101 on Assessor's Parcel Number 139-34-210-058, also known as the Lewis Street Professional Building; and authorize the Director or her designee to sign any other necessary documents related to management of the agreement. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Budget & Finance  Not available
21-1403 48.In accordance with NRS 244.210 and 354.220 through 354.250, approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to authorize refunds as shown on Exhibit "A. " (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   Clark County Water Reclamation District (Board of County Commissioners sitting as the CCWRD Board of Trustees)  Not available
21-1405 49.Approve and authorize the submission of a grant application for $47,000 covering the time period January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, to develop an outreach and advertising campaign to educate businesses and residents of Clark County on Nonpoint Source Pollution; authorize acceptance of funds, if awarded; and authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute any necessary documents relating thereto; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1407 50.Approve and authorize the submission of a grant application for $58,073.37 covering the time period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, to develop a pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of the Coanda curb inlet filters for reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution; authorize acceptance of funds, if awarded; and authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute any necessary documents relating thereto; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   General Administration  Not available
21-1398 51.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the correction of the 2021-2022 Secured and the 2019-2020 thru 2021-2022 Unsecured Assessment Roll AR-1005-21-18 and order the corrections to be made. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1412 52.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution that affirms Clark County's approval and commitment to participate in the regional US Economic Development Administration Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant application being prepared by the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA) for submittal and which includes requested assistance for development of a proposed industrial park in Sloan. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1423 53.Approve, adopt and authorize Chair to sign the Resolution for the Sale of Surplus Property identified as a 2012 Ford Escape Sport Utility Vehicle, VEH # 15286, to Lincoln County Conservation District in accordance with NRS 334.030; and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or her designee to sign the Contract of Sale Agreement; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1406 54.Authorize the District Attorney's Office to commence an action in the Eighth Judicial District Court of Clark County to enforce various provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Clark County Code and other rules and regulations against persons using property located at 7040 Quarry Rd in Clark County, Nevada for a auto repair business and other uses not permitted in the R-2 zoning district and without the licenses and permits required to operate such uses. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1395 55.Ratify the submission of the grant request to The Administrative Office of the Courts - Court Improvement Program, in the amount of $50,000 for Adoption Support Services for the period July 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022; authorize the Administrator or his designee to sign any additional grant documents related thereto and accept any funds awarded. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1397 56.Ratify the submission of Scope of Work and Budget Narrative to the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Welfare and Supportive Services in the amount of $3,225,185 for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 to provide community collaboration program for families and children in Clark County; approve and authorize the creation of ten (10) grant funded part-time positions: two (2) Customer Service Assistants, two (2) Management Assistants, and six (6) Facilitation/Mediation Specialists position for the period which the grant funds are available; and authorize the Administrator or his designee to sign any additional grant documents related thereto. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1402 57.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign an interlocal agreement between Clark County and Southern Nevada Health District for mobilization and operation of emergency public PODs (Point of Dispensing); or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-1380 58.Approve and authorize the submission of the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public and Behavioral Health grant application for $379,046 in State Opioid Response funding to enhance the Community Court Misdemeanor Treatment Program within Justice Court, Las Vegas Township; and authorize acceptance of the grant award. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
   END CONSENT AGENDA  Not available
  SEC. 7.PUBLIC HEARINGS - 10 AM  Not available
21-1384 59.Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign ordinance to amend Title 2, Chapter 2.04 and Title 13, Chapter 13.04 of the Clark County Code to transfer supervision and administration of the Fire Protection Bureau to the Fire Chief, effective October 30, 2021; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DISCUSSION: Chair Kirkpatrick opened the public hearing and asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on the matter.


There being no persons present wishing to be heard on the matter, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public hearing.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1385 60.Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign ordinance to amend Title 22, Chapter 22.04 of the Clark County Code to add a new definition to 22.04.045, and add a new subsection 22.04.053 entitled single-use restroom related to single-user restrooms pursuant to NRS 651, effective October 20, 2021; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DISCUSSION: Chair Kirkpatrick opened the public hearing and asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on the matter.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Steven Strehlo spoke regarding the item and inquired about a definition of the ordinance.

James Gerren, Assistant Director of Building and Fire Prevention, advised that the ordinance started as Senate Bill 280 and required the County to adopt an ordinance that required all new buildings constructed after October 1, 2021 have single-use restrooms, and the restrooms could not be identified by gender (Women’s or Men’s).

Commissioner Kirkpatrick clarified for Mr. Strehlo that the single-use restrooms were in addition to the Women’s and Men’s restrooms.

There being no other persons present wishing to be heard on the matter, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public hearing.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1431 61.Conduct a public hearing; adopt, approve and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Code Title 4, Chapter 4.28 to impose a fee to be charged and collected when a passenger car is shared through a peer-to-peer car sharing program, as required by Senate Bill 389 of the 2021 Legislative Session; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. Commission District: All (For possible action)

Agenda note: DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Mike Harwell, Assistant Manager of Business License, advised that the ordinance was a requirement of the peer-to-peer car sharing bill passed earlier this year; a bill was adopted in 2005 for the rental car companies to collect a 2% fee for the benefit of a performing arts center; the requirement in the 2021 Senate Bill 389 was to amend that ordinance to include the peer-to-peer car sharing in the 2% tax and allowed the Department of Taxation to retain 0.1% for assistance in collecting the tax; and read into the record the following amendments: (1) 4.28.020(a) on the third line of the ordinance, the word “and” was added to read “and a shared vehicle driver… (2) on the next sentence, after NRS 482.053, added “car-sharing period” as a new, defined term, (3) and later in the same sentence, added Section 4.7, which was referenced in the bill.

Commissioner Gibson moved approval for the ordinance.

Chair Kirkpatrick advised the public hearing had not been opened; opened the public hearing and asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on the matter.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Commissioner Kirkpatrick reminded Mr. Uehling that the item concerned a bill passed by the Legislature and the County was following procedures.

Ed Uehling spoke in opposition to the item, stating that the item was against creativity, innovation, and small businesses; and thought a Business Impact Statement had been prepared and that everyone except the owners of the vehicles was consulted.

Mr. Harwell clarified that a Business Impact Statement was not required as the ordinance was mandated by state law; and that funds collected from the tax were for a performing arts center.

There being no other persons present wishing to be heard on the matter, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public hearing
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1456 62.Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution approving a Public Finance Authority (Wisconsin) tax exempt 501(c)(3) revenue bond issue in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 in order to finance and/or refinance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping and furnishing of various educational and meeting facilities for use by Viticus Group. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Stephanie Gerling, Chief Financial Officer of Viticus Group, advised of facilities at Eastern Avenue and at East Oquendo Road; the company was non-profit and provided education to veterinary and medical professionals; and the resolution was to finance an existing loan.

Chair Kirkpatrick opened the public hearing and asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on the matter.


There being no persons present wishing to be heard on the matter, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public hearing.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
   END PUBLIC HEARINGS  Not available
  SEC. 8.BUSINESS ITEMS  Not available
21-1236 63.Identify emerging issues to be addressed by staff or by the Board at future meetings; receive updates on the activities of the various regional boards and commissions; and direct staff accordingly.

Agenda note: The Commissioners spoke of participating tonight in National Night Out, sponsored by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police (Metro), in their respective districts.

Following introduction of the item, Commissioner Segerblom advised that on October 9, 2021, Indigenous Peoples Day would be celebrated at the Winchester Dondero Cultural Center.

Commissioner Gibson advised of Fall Movie Night on October 22, 2021 at Francis Cortney Junior High School; on October 28, 2021, the annual Trunk or Treat will be held Silver Bowl Park from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.; the Metro Fiscal Affairs Committee had reached a tentative agreement with the Police Managers and Supervisors Association; on October 1, 2021, Metro held a ribbon-cutting for a reality-based training center which would be funded by private donations; and further advised that the Vegas Golden Knights donated $1 million dollars, the Englestad Foundation donated $8 million dollars, and an anonymous donor donated $4 million dollars, and Metro hoped to use the facilities in early 2022.

Commissioner McCurdy advised of attending a tour of the North Las Vegas Airport on September 28, 2021; attended Blues, Brunch, and Bingo at the Doolittle Community Center, and the participants were treated to brunch by Darla’s Cajun Bistro; partnered with the Las Vegas Indian Center to host the Indigenous Wellness Fair on September 28, 2021; joined with other elected officials for the ribbon cutting at EmployNV Career Hub at the Westside School on September 30, 2021; and assisted in the kick-off of the fourth annual Caravan for Mammogram on October 2, 2021.

Commissioner Naft advised of a park cleanup with a Pokémon theme at Silverado Ranch Park on October 9, 2021.

Commissioner Jones advised of the Public Lands Day park cleanup on October 2, 2021 and thanked various organizations for their assistance; congratulated Valley Health for the opening of a specialty hospital in District F; and spoke of concerns of the north and south traffic on multiple roadways in Districts A and F, particularly around Durango Avenue the CR215, and advised that due to construction in the area traffic cones would not go up before 9:00 p.m.

Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised of the Cora Coleman Senior Center 20th anniversary in District B; attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2021 Conference in Churchill County, where the opioid settlement was discussed and spoke regarding a formula in place to distribute settlement funds throughout the State; hosted the President’s Reception with Commissioner French of Humboldt County; attended the Boys Town Nevada’s 30th Anniversary Celebration on September 30, 2021; attended the sunrise service in memory of 1 October with 8,000 survivors in town; the grandmother of Jeff Quinn, Emergency Manager at the Southern Nevada Health District, made a memorial quilt which was on display in the rotunda; attended the groundbreaking of the new Metro training facility with Commissioner McCurdy; partnering with the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office, spoke regarding Fund the Future, a 529 college savings plan; advised that each kindergartner who enrolled would receive $50 to open a savings account and could spend the money on anything education-related; on October 4, the County hit a positivity rate of 6.9%; the booster vaccination shots were now being offered; spoke regarding workforce grants and the issues of finding a grant writer, and hoped to give staff the ability to hire consultants using the Economic Development funds; and received confirmation from the County Manager that the item would have to be brought before the Board as a discussion item and to provide direction to staff; and advised of an Airport grant for ground detection for safety around the Airport and the Strip corridor; the cost would be approximately $125,000 out of the Economic Development funds, and would bring the item before the Board for discussion.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1427 64.Accept or reject the final bid amounts received during the auction of +/- 250.69 acres of vacant Clark County owned real property consisting of fifteen (15) individual sale units that was conducted September 20 - 22, 2021; approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Resolutions of Acceptance and Sale of Real Property for the applicable sale units; and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign any other necessary documents to complete the transactions. (For possible action)Approved as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1462 65.Receive a presentation from the UNLV Center for Business and Economic Research regarding Complete Streets and discuss resources for Complete Streets projects. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
1. Drives – Data – Ideas – Change (10 pages)
2. An Economic Summary on the Benefits of Complete Streets (1) submitted by Andrew Woods, UNLV Center for Business and Economic Research

Following introduction of the item, Mr. Woods spoke via telephone and advised that Complete Streets promoted walking, bicycling, and transit riding; provided travel options for those with limited access to cars; improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists; City of Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Reno, and downtown Summerlin have incorporated some elements of Complete Streets; spoke regarding the impact of Complete Streets on safety, mobility, economics, and the environment; Complete Streets could contribute to reducing obesity and risk of chronic diseases, which would lead to reduced healthcare costs; provided examples of where Complete Streets could work including areas around academic campuses, sport facilities, workforce hubs, and parts of major traffic corridors that have a mix of employment, retail, and basic services.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Mr. Woods advised that residents on the east side were major users of walking and cycling, but current focus was on areas of growth; was aware of projects concerning economic development on the east side were being studied which included mobility and walkability; and people wouldn’t use areas as much unless safety, such as bike lanes or lighted areas, was addressed.

Commissioner Jones advised of multiple sources of funding for roadways, such as the fuel tax, federal funding, and funding from room tax revenue, and were restricted to roadways, and room tax revenue could only be used in the resort corridor; funds from Question 10 (Q10), enacted in 2003, were not limited to roadways but could be used for trails, pedestrian facilities, etc.; $98 million dollars was currently programmed for Q10 funds, $49 million of that was programmed for pedestrian bridges on the Strip, and $45 million of that was programmed for Fiscal Year 2023 but it could be likely that the $45 million dollars could be reprogrammed to room tax revenue; funds should be spent where they were needed most, such as the east side and communities of color; suggested that a consultant be hired to work with Denis Cederburg and Public Works to look at how better utilize the Q10 funds to improve pedestrian safety and walkability, particularly in areas where the improvements were needed most.

Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised of the Census Tracks identified by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars, of which every Commissioner had a portion of, could be utilized for pedestrian safety.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Jones, Ms. King advised that another agenda item would not be needed to retain a consultant for the Q10 funds as it was part of the discussion today and was considered direction to staff.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1463 66.Discuss creating a cannabis social equity program to create equity in the industry and receive a presentation from Black Joy Consulting. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
1. Pathway to Ownership (8 pages) submitted by Black Joy Consulting

Following introduction of the item, Commissioner Segerblom introduced A’Esha Goins, president of Black Joy Consulting, and advised that $4 million dollars a year was spent of social equity programs; and that the marijuana industry was predominantly Caucasian.

Ms. Goins advised that in 2016, when marijuana decriminalization entered the state, social equity was not introduced; the Pathway to Ownership was created to ease the barriers to entry into the cannabis industry; provided a program overview and program goals; chose a cohort-based learning model for applicants with cannabis business professionals facilitating the classes; spoke regarding the frequency of classes, and the qualification requirements of the applicants.

Responding to questions from the Board, Ms. Goins advised that the intent was to keep the program free of charge, but the County could offer subsidization; no other funding had been applied for at this time; spoke regarding the total cost of the program and the cost per student; the possible issuance of completion credentials being presented; and clarified that the organization was non-profit.

Ms. King requested that Ms. Goins submit a proposal and scope of work to the County Manager’s Office for review before submitting an agenda item to the Board.
Discussed as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1464 67.Discuss authorizing up to $1 million to pay $100 vaccine bonuses to recipients who get vaccinated at County authorized clinics. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
1. Get Vaxxed. Get $100 (3 pages) submitted by Commissioner Tick Segerblom

Following introduction of the item, Commissioner Segerblom advised that a clinic was held at Eldorado High School on September 18 and September 19, 2021; any participant who received either the first or second dose of the COVID vaccine received a $100 pre-paid Mastercard; over the two days, 892 people were vaccinated; suggested that the Treasurer’s Office monitor the funds; coordinate pop-up type of clinic(s) with various agencies currently administering the vaccinations.

Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that treatment should be the focus as there are those who refused to get vaccinated; and suggested a smaller dollar amount to the Health District, who disbursed the vaccine to various providers, to implement the program.

Commissioner Naft questioned the ancillary costs of such a program; expressed concern regarding payment for the first shot, second shot, or booster; and thought that scaled down approaches, such as the one held at Eldorado High School, might be more successful.

Jessica Colvin, Chief Financial Officer, provided information on an automated, virtual type program whereas the beneficiary would receive activation information via text or email once the Health District confirmed the beneficiary received the vaccination; and suggested that an automated virtual system would provide better control over the finances than a pre-loaded, physical gift card.

Discussion continued regarding various dollar amounts to authorize; the availability of ARPA funds; allowing the Health District to determine who would receive the activation information when the vaccines were disbursed to agencies; the “up to” wording and the issues with overspending on the Food Service Assistance Program under the CARES dollars; and authorization to the Health District to control the process.

There was a consensus from the Board to authorize $100,000 to the Health District and direction was provided to staff.
Discussed as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1465 68.Discuss the Clark County Ambulance Service franchise agreement. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
1. Ambulance Response Areas (3 pages) submitted by staff
2. Ambulance Franchises Call Volume and On Time Performance (4 pages) Submitted by staff

Following introduction of the item, Mike Harwell, Assistant Manager of Business License, provided a brief overview of the ambulance franchise agreements for American Medical Response (AMR), Medic West, and Community Ambulance; advised that each company covered two zones within the county; calls were ranked by priority; each priority had an assigned response time; and penalties were assessed each month if the companies did not meet the assigned response time in each zone, as noted in the franchise agreements.

Mr. Harwell provided information on the call response times and on-time performance of each company from August 2020 through July 2021; and advised that if a company missed the assigned response time four times or more within a 12-month period, the Board could take additional action including, but not limited to, additional fines, community service, or redistribution of zones.

Deputy Fire Chief Jenn Wyatt advised of meeting every month with each to discuss any issues or challenges; spoke regarding ways the companies have tried to make the 90% compliance including incentives and increased staffing; and spoke of the strain put on the fire department when the ambulance companies could not answer calls or were late to calls.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Naft, Mr. Harwell advised that, per 13.1.5 of the franchise agreement, the County had billed the ambulance companies for the penalty fees; and advised of additional penalty fees based on how late the company would arrive at a call.

In response to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick and Commissioner Jones, Deputy Chief Wyatt advised that during the monthly meetings, staffing seemed to be an issue; the fire department would hire several paramedics from the three companies; and spoke regarding the rescue services available and the lack of fire stations in the southwest portion of the valley.

Michael Johnson, Regional Director for AMR Medic West advised of a staffing crunch and issues with recruitment including mandatory vaccinations; new hires require a minimum of a year to complete training and increased the number of various training offerings for paramedics.

In response to questions from Commissioner Naft and Commissioner Gibson, Mr. Johnson advised of short-term fixes to address staffing, public safety, and response times; compliance and response times were public records; discussed available equipment for newly hired staff, and the possible re-zoning of the assigned boundary area.

Brian Rogers, Chief Operating Office of Community Ambulance, explained unit hour utilization; could scale-up if needed should boundaries be reassigned as noted in 13.1.6 of the franchise agreement; and advised that staffing was not an issue.

Commissioner Naft, in providing direction to staff, advised of instructing Business License and Deputy Chief Wyatt to come back before the Board after working with the franchise holders on recommendations for an amendment to the franchise agreement which would specifically offer relief to the service areas; and does not want to see any of the companies fall below the benchmark 90% response.

Commissioner Gibson advised that the Board needed to assess what the current capability was to take on additional work or to increase response area.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Ms. King advised that if the recommendation was to shift some of the zones, an assessment of the ambulance companies would have to be made to assure that additional equipment, if needed, could be brought in in a timely manner to meet the needs of residents in a newly zoned area.
Discussed as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1466 69.Discuss the creation of the Clark County Office of Traffic Safety. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DOCUMENT(S): Submitted
1. Clark County, Nevada Office of Traffic Study (10 pages) submitted by staff

Following introduction of the item, Commissioner Naft provided statistics on traffic fatalities for the past five years in Clark County; advised that Clark County bears a financial cost of all crashes; advised of possible solutions utilizing various County departments, and a scope of work; and recommended the Director of Traffic Safety position be a Schedule 35, reporting to the County Manager.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Segerblom, Commissioner Naft advised that Miami Dade County and the five boroughs in New York had similar offices; and a position existed at the State level to monitor the entire state, but most issues were in Clark County so the position should be internal.

Commissioner Segerblom advised that there could be establishments that over-serve alcohol to customers causing some to end up in traffic accidents and suggested that the position could be used to investigate such instances to assess possible liability.
Discussed as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1473 70.Discuss authorizing funds for mitigation of COVID-19 treatments. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Following introduction of the item, Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that treatment centers for COVID-19 should be available; urged residents to get vaccinated; four treatments available at UMC: (1) antibodies through an intravenous, (2) antiviral treatment, (3) receptor treatment, restricted people who have various needs, and (4) an oral drug which was used as an alternative to the receptor treatment; seven counties were going to set aside ARPA funds for clinics that could be set up like dialysis centers; and provided the cost in a treatment center versus the cost of a stay in a hospital.

Responding to a question from Commissioner Kirkpatrick, Mr. Schiller advised that the primary issue was that the treatment center should be thought of like an infusion center; met with the State related to the licensure and the oversight; and support could be shown for a medical provider or a sub-contractor through a managed care organization (MCO), like UMC.

Ms. King requested additional time for budget research and who would run the program; suggested that a specific amount be allocated instead of an open-ended amount; and could present a plan and a budget to the Board at a later date.
Discussed as Recommended Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-1237 71.Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2), to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: DISCUSSION: Commissioner Kirkpatrick advised that the Board would go into a closed session following Public Comment.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PUBLIC COMMENTS Comments by the General Public

Agenda note: At this time, Chair Kirkpatrick asked if there were any persons present wishing to be heard on any items not on the agenda as posted.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Steven Strehlo spoke regarding COVID treatments, vaccines, and natural immunity.

Magliene Enyard spoke regarding cleanup of the streets; and the submission of documents for an upcoming agenda item.

Frances Deane spoke regarding a fire at Siegel Suites, and residents living on the streets.

Daniel Braisted spoke regarding an alternative medical conference; and Clear Streets.

Ed Uehling spoke regarding a tax on peer-to-peer vehicles; and spoke regarding Item Nos. 64 and 65.
  Video/Audio Video/Audio
   A period devoted to comments by the general public about matters relevant to the Board's/Trustees' jurisdiction will be held. No vote may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please SPELL your last name for the record. If any member of the Board/Trustees wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board/Trustees by majority vote.  Not available
   All comments by speakers should be relevant to Board/Trustees action and jurisdiction.  Not available