Meeting Name: Clark County Zoning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/2/2021 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: NOFA NOFA  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TitleActionAction DetailsVideo/Audio
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to the handicapped. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found on by clicking “Top Services” and selecting “Meetings & Agendas”. Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89155, or by contacting Mara Weber at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 19 are routine items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
  Not available
   ITEMS 20 – 34 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
   The Board of County Commissioners will take a minimum 15 minute break at approximately 11:30 a.m.  Not available

Agenda note: The Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Nevada met in recessed regular session in full conformity with law and bylaws of said Board at the regular place of meeting in the Commission Chambers, Government Center, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada on Wednesday, the 2nd day of June, 2021 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. The meeting was called to order at the hour of 9:05 a.m. by Chair Kirkpatrick, and on roll call, the following members were present, constituting all of the members thereof:
  Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Roll call Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-796 1.Public Comments.

Agenda note: At this time, Chair Kirkpatrick asked if there were any persons wishing to be heard on any items listed on the agenda as posted.

SPEAKER(S): Present

Margaret Ann Coleman spoke regarding equal rights, service improvements, technology, accessibility, and the regulation of development.

Diane Henry, Richard Sundstron, and Charles Wilson spoke regarding Item Nos. 25, 26, and 27 regarding topics including the reduced lot size, lack of communication, delays, and the higher density and design were not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.

Michael Stoberski requested that Item No. 19 be considered separately regarding concerns including zoning changes and parking.

Vincent Raucci, Susan Lorenz, and Jenny Farrell spoke regarding Item No. 29 regarding areas of concern including the building height, lighting and signage, increased traffic and trucks, a lack of compatibility with the neighborhood, and the safety of residents.

Stephen Fleming spoke regarding Item No. 24 regarding the waiver of conditions.

There being no other persons wishing to be heard on any items on the agenda as posted, Chair Kirkpatrick closed the public comments.
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-797 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-799 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Approved Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0156-060221 4.DR-21-0156-BRANDO HOLDINGS, LLC: DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) finished grade; and 2) cannabis retail store expansion on 0.6 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) (AE-60) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Blue Diamond Road, 300 feet east of Hinson Street within Enterprise. JJ/bb/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Brando Holdings, LLC (Deep Roots Medical, LLC) for design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0164-060221 5.DR-21-0164-RESORTS WORLD LAS VEGAS, LLC: DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) modify an existing comprehensive sign plan (Resorts World Hotel Casino); 2) increase the overall wall sign area; and 3) increase the overall animated sign area in conjunction with an approved resort hotel (Resorts World) on 87.8 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Las Vegas Boulevard South, the east side of Sammy Davis Jr. Drive, and the north side of Genting Boulevard within Winchester. TS/al/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Resorts World Las Vegas, LLC (Gary D. Lake) for design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0175-060221 6.DR-21-0175-PAEZ, LUIS ARANDA: DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with proposed single family residences on 1.8 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (APZ-2) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Moonlite Drive, 243 feet south of Judson Avenue within Sunrise Manor. WM/jor/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Luis Aranda Paez (Daniel Aranda) for a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-400052-060221 7.ET-21-400052 (UC-18-0328)-SHERWOOD 2592 INVESTMENTS, LLC: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to reduce the front setback for a proposed motel. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce parking; 2) alternative landscaping and buffering; 3) alternative parking lot design and layout; 4) waive applicable design standards; 5) allow modified driveway design standards; and 6) permit existing nonstandard improvements to remain within a right-of-way. DESIGN REVIEW to convert an existing apartment building into a proposed motel on 0.5 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) Zone in the SOSA Overlay District. Generally located on the east side of Sherwood Street, 500 feet south of Sahara Avenue within Winchester. TS/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Sherwood 2592 Investments, LLC (Javier Burrola) for a holdover use permit first extension of time, waivers of development standards, and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from May 19, 2021):
  Action details Not available
21-400053-060221 8.ET-21-400053 (VS-19-0063)-MOTOR HOLDINGS, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for easements of interest to Clark County located between Warm Springs Road and Capovilla Avenue, and between Windy Street and I-15 within Enterprise (description on file). MN/jgh/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Motor Holdings, LLC to vacate and abandon first extension of time for easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-400032-060221 9.ET-21-400032 (UC-19-0061)-MOTOR HOLDINGS, LLC: USE PERMIT FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to review a cannabis establishment (cultivation facility) in conjunction with a proposed office/warehouse building on a 1.0 acre portion of a 2.1 acre parcel in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-65) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Warm Springs Road, 145 feet west of Windy Street within Enterprise. MN/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Motor Holdings, LLC (Catherine Mizzi) for a use permit first extension of time (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-400054-060221 10.ET-21-400054 (UC-19-0076)-MOTOR HOLDINGS, LLC: USE PERMIT FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to review a cannabis establishment (production facility) in conjunction with a proposed office/warehouse building on a 1.0 acre portion of a 2.1 acre parcel in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-65) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Warm Springs Road, 145 feet west of Windy Street within Enterprise. MN/jgh/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Motor Holdings, LLC for a use permit first extension of time (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-400059-060221 11.ET-21-400059 (UC-19-0342)-STEELHEAD, GIL LLC: DESIGN REVIEW FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to construct a bathroom building in conjunction with an existing restaurant, retail store, and tavern on 1.4 acres in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the northwest corner of Spring Street (SR 161) and Fayle Street within Goodsprings. JJ/md/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Steelhead, GIL LLC (Engineering & Consulting Alliance) for a design review first extension of time (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-400060-060221 12.ET-21-400060 (VS-18-1029)-CFT LANDS, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME easements of interest to Clark County located between Starr Avenue and Terrill Avenue and between La Cienega Street and Fairfield Avenue (alignment), and portions of rights-of-way being Terrill Avenue located between La Cienega Street and Fairfield Avenue (alignment) and Fairfield Avenue located between Terrill Avenue and Starr Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). MN/lm/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of CFT Lands, LLC to vacate and abandon first extension of time easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0132-060221 13.UC-21-0132-UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) allow a temporary commercial event (Boring Competition) on a property with no licensed business; and 2) extend the time limit for set-up and operational removal for a temporary commercial event. DESIGN REVIEW for a temporary commercial event on a portion of 36.8 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) (AE-65 & AE-70) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Tropicana Avenue and the east side of Deckow Lane within Paradise. JG/lm/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of University Board of Regents (George Liddell) for use permits and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0161-060221 14.VS-21-0161-CHAUDHRY, SOHAIL & HUMA S.: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Edmond Street and Decatur Boulevard, and between Raven Avenue and Agate Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Sohail & Huma S. Chaudhry (Sohail Chaudhry) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0162-060221 15.DR-21-0162-CHAUDHRY, SOHAIL & HUMA S.: DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with a future single family development on 2.5 acres in an R-E (Rural Estate Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Edmond Street and the north side of Agate Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Sohail & Huma S. Chaudhry (Sohail Chaudhry) for a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0117-060221 16.WS-21-0117-SG ISLAND PLAZA LLC ETAL & NAKASH SHOWCASE II LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase the allowed projection from a wall for a projecting sign. DESIGN REVIEW for a projecting sign in conjunction with a retail store (T-Mobile) within the Showcase Mall on 0.7 acres in an H-1 (Limited Resort and Apartment) (AE-60) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Las Vegas Boulevard South, 490 feet north of Tropicana Avenue within Paradise. JG/al/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of SG Island Plaza LLC Et Al & Nakash Showcase II LLC (Carlene Chock) for a holdover waiver of development standards and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from May 19, 2021):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0158-060221 17.WS-21-0158-DHC MANAGEMENT, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for reduced landscaping. DESIGN REVIEW for reduced landscaping in conjunction with a previously approved congregate care facility on 5.0 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Fort Apache Road and Tropical Parkway within Lone Mountain. RM/bb/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of DHC Management, LLC (Frank Pankratz) for a waiver of development standards and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
Approved as Recommended Action details Not available
21-0167-060221 18.ZC-21-0167-WW & JJ CHOI, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 0.4 acres from a C-1 (Local Business) Zone and a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone to a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. USE PERMITS for the following: 1) tire sales and installation; and 2) reduced separation. Generally located on the west side of Decatur Boulevard, 170 feet north of Reno Avenue within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/nr/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of WW & JJ Choi, LLC (Victor Knight) for a zone change and use permits (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):
  Action details Not available
21-0174-060221 19.ZC-21-0174-POST INDUSTRIAL, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify a 0.5 acre parcel from an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-65) Zone to an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) (AE-65) Zone. USE PERMITS for the following: 1) medium manufacturing; 2) allow accessory structures not architecturally compatible; and 3) allow alternative design standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a metal building. Generally located on the north side of Post Road, 425 feet west of Cameron Street within Paradise (description on file). MN/sd/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Post Industrial, LLC (David Perisset) for a zone change, use permits, and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, the Board was addressed by staff who advised that the Paradise Town Board recommended approval; and four cards in opposition were received.

Lebene Ohene, the applicant’s representative, advised that the application requested to rezone one metal building on 0.5 acres, located within an existing industrial complex, from M-D to M-1; the metal structure will be relocated from North Las Vegas and positioned to the east of the existing primary building within the complex; the yard was used for parking and storage; surrounded by an eight foot high wall and some iron fencing; the accessory structure will be used to test the ammunition manufactured in the primary building; the Paradise Town Board and staff recommended approval; and the applicant accepted the conditions of approval.

David Perisset, from Ultimate Ammunition, advised of assembling small arms generally for the military and law enforcement; assembled a small volume; used new technology; and assembled the existing components on site.

Michael Stoberski spoke regarding areas of concern including adequate parking; advised that in 2006 the County required any changes in parking to go through the permit process through the Building Department, who required each parcel owner to submit an application to establish the load of the building to determine the necessary number of parking spots; and expressed additional concerns regarding the likelihood of increased insurance rates as a result of the zoning change.

In response to Commissioner Naft, staff advised that commercial developments were generally approved as a single site, and additional subdivisions were not brought through the County permit process, and the Building Department determined the number of handicap parking spaces for the entire site.

The applicant’s representative advised that the yard was used for storage and some parking; the CC&R was internal and not provided to the County; and more parking was available than the code required.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
21-900157-060221 20.AG-21-900157: Receive a report on the Clark County Stadium District Plan, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners receive a report on the Clark County Stadium District Plan, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action):

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, the Board was addressed by Greg Cerven, Senior Planner for the Department of Comprehensive Planning, who advised that the Stadium District boundary was a 1.25 square mile area surrounding Allegiant Stadium, bounded by Tropicana Avenue to the north, the I-15 to the east, and Union Pacific Railroad to the west and south; the plan’s objective included developing an overall vision for the District, solutions to implement the vision, identified potential investments, and informed the Transform Clark County Master Plan and Development Code Rewrite committee; advised of public engagement activities; the public wanted the District to be mixed-use, safe, have amenities, be walkable, family friendly, and include transportation options; existing conditions in the District included industrial uses, long blocks difficult for pedestrians to navigate, buildings set back behind parking lots, lacked amenities and services, lacked lighting and sidewalks, unable to accommodate large crowds, and the District lacked the infrastructure to support new uses; the vision for the District included a comprehensive mix of uses and a destination for entertainment, hospitality, business, and sports; discussed goals including flexibility within the environment to accommodate event and non-event day functions, connectivity and access throughout the district by utilizing alternative modes of transportation, an enhanced quality of life through urban design, and will be promoting the economy through existing and new businesses; the land use vision included entertainment uses closer to the stadium and industrial uses closer to the railroad; discussed building design and massing; encouraged open space and incorporated public art; future block development increased permeability with easily walkable distances, connectivity, and engaged the building street frontage; encouraged complete streets; street typologies included neighborhood, festival, event, industrial, and pedestrian pathways; and presented examples of street designs.

Discussion followed regarding topics including developing the vision for the area; will be creating a destination for visitors and locals; complete streets; street restriping; coordination between County departments; improved walkability; and long-term planning.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-900225-060221 21.AG-21-900225: Receive a report on the Transform Clark County Title 30 Assessment for the Development Code Rewrite, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners receive a report on the Transform Clark County Title 30 Assessment for the Development Code Rewrite, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action):

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, Matt Goebel and Paul Donegan from Clarion Associates presented a report to the Board regarding the code assessment including the project timeline; held meetings with the public, County staff, and officials; the Title 30 rewrite calendar included code assessment during June of 2021, drafting the development code during the fall of 2021 through the summer of 2022, and adopting and implementing the code during the fall and winter of 2022; purpose of the Code Assessment was to identify strengths and weaknesses of current development regulations, identify potential solutions and best practices, and provide a detailed outline for a new unified code; summary of recommendations was organized into themes including the overarching goal to implement the master plan, create a more user-friendly code (organization, improve page layout), tailor the development quality standards, fine-tune the zoning districts (clarify the intent, update uses, maintain what works and eliminate what has not worked, protect neighborhood character), ensure consistent and efficient procedures, modernize the land use tables, and achieve more sustainable development.

Discussion was held regarding preservation of rural and outlying land use, conversion process, public outreach, the desired character within the districts, incorporate legislative initiatives into the code; and further discussed the complexity of the master use code table and ways to make the information more accessible to the public.

Matt Goebel and Paul Donegan further advised that the land uses needed to be well-defined, modernized, include conditional use standards, and be easier to locate within the code; update development quality standards; adapt the standards based on the context and location to reflect the County’s diversity; establish access, connectivity, and circulation standards, consolidate subdivision standards, and rewrite sign code; ensure consistent and efficient procedures; consider opportunities for streamlining; and establish clear standards for approval; achieve more sustainable development (offer incentives or provide flexibility through a menu of options); and the next steps will be drafting the development code in installments with public review and input at each step of the process.

Discussion continued regarding topics including rural and outlying areas providing input in the development of the code; water usage and preservation; staff reports will be modified to reflect the code changes; and flexibility for historical preservation of older buildings.
No Action Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
20-0338-060221 22.UC-20-0338-SANG, TJIE GIOK: AMENDED HOLDOVER USE PERMITS for the following: 1) place of worship; 2) increased height of a place of worship; and 3) increased height of a freestanding sign (no longer needed). WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduced setbacks; 2) driveway geometrics; 3) departure distance; and 4) increased signage (previously not notified). DESIGN REVIEW for a place of worship on 5.0 acres in an R-E (Rural Estate Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Buffalo Drive and the north side of Wigwam Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/nr/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Tjie Giok Sang for amended holdover use permits, waivers of development standards, and a design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from April 21, 2021):


DISCUSSION: Following the introduction of the item, Yihong Liu (the applicant’s representative, and architect, from Yihong Liu and Associates) advised that the application was for a Chinese temple on five acres at the corner of Buffalo Drive and Wigwam Avenue; advised of reducing the building height to 35 feet following the Town Board meeting, and withdrew the height waiver; withdrew the requested waiver for the building setback; the structure will be of traditional Chinese architecture to purify the soul and practice Buddhism; and further advised of a neighborhood meeting and support from neighbors and the Town Board.

In response to concerns expressed by Commissioner Jones, the applicant’s representative advised that the plan was revised four times being that the client rejected the modern design in favor of a traditional style.

Staff advised that the applicant withdrew the waiver for the increased height; and requested that the applicant’s representative provide the revised site plans to staff.
Held Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0160-060221 23.UC-21-0160-HARMON CURTIS: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) allow an accessory building (storage containers) not architecturally compatible with a principal building; 2) allow alternative design standards for accessory structures (storage containers); and 3) waive design standards. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase block wall height. DESIGN REVIEW for finished grade in conjunction with an existing single family residence on 2.4 acres in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Emerson Avenue, 300 feet west of Mojave Road within Paradise. TS/sd/jo (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Curtis Harmon (ACG Design) for use permits, a waiver of development standards, and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, the Board was advised by staff that the Paradise Town Board recommended approval with the following conditions: that the work be completed within two years, a review as a public hearing be held in two years, a maximum of two storage units, and any and all construction equipment not being used for this project be removed from the property; and four cards in support and three cards in opposition were received.

Hailey Shinton, the applicant’s representative, advised that the use permit was requested for the storage containers, following the Town Board meeting the applicant reduced the number of storage containers from three to two; the design review was requested as a result of the existing nature of the property including the home built in the 1950s, and the grade difference of the finished floor between the subject property and the adjacent homes; the waiver of development standards was requested for the proposed eight foot high block wall, including three feet of retaining wall for proper drainage, was requested as a result of the theft and high crime rate in the area, and further advised that people have entered the property in the past without permission.

Scott Miller, a neighbor, spoke regarding areas of concern including opposition to the storage containers, being that no other storage containers were on the block; the lack of crime reports filed in the area, as discovered during the Town Board meeting; was not opposed to the higher wall; and requested that the Board follow staff’s recommendation of denial.

Staff advised that the recommendation of denial was a result of the number of storage containers and the construction equipment located on the property; and further advised of concerns that the project will be completed being that the application went to the Board, expired, and then came before the Board again.

In response to Commissioner Segerblom, the applicant’s representative advised that the homeowner used the storage containers for personal belongings, and those of his daughter, being that the house was too small, and the storage containers were on-site and easily locked to prevent theft; and no construction business was being conducted from the subject property.

Curtis Harmon, the applicant, advised that the equipment and one storage container were removed from the property; the subject property is the only home from Mojave Road to Emerson Avenue; located at the entrance to the Flamingo Wash Trail Head which was frequently used by the homeless population who have broken into the home, set fires, and stolen a vehicle; and has helped clean up the neighborhood to make the area a safe place to live.

Commissioner Segerbloom advised of driving through the neighborhood; the structure on the property was older and was surrounded by newer developments; observed storage containers, a forklift, and other equipment on the subject property; and the storage containers were not compatible with the neighborhood or the structure on the subject property.
Denied Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-400058-060221 24.WC-21-400058 (UC-19-0594)-BLAKE, DONN I. & MARY E. REV TR & FLEMING, STEPHEN NEVADA TRUST: WAIVERS OF CONDITIONS of a use permit for the following: 1) 6 months to remove the watchman’s manufactured home from the site; and 2) 1 year to remove landscaping and structures within the right-of-way in conjunction with a previously approved existing watchman’s manufactured home and existing accessory structures (shipping containers) on 1.0 acre in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Spring Street (SR 161) and the east side of Revere Street within Goodsprings. JJ/md/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of Donn I. & Mary E. Blake Rev Tr & Stephen Fleming Nevada Trust (Stephen Fleming) for waivers of conditions (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, the Board was addressed by Stephen Fleming, the applicant, who advised that the watchman’s manufactured home was part of the Goodsprings historic walking tour; the structure and the adjacent tree were the Goodsprings Town Board logo for many years; the cracks between the boards inside the structure were filled with Goodsprings Gazettes from 1916 and 1917; the applicant had submitted a notarized application for a partial vacation and was informed that a partial vacation was not an option; staff advised the applicant that a full vacation would be supported by staff, which would add a quarter acre to the applicant’s property; the applicant then advised that vacating the whole area would vacate a historic street that existed prior to Clark County, and the street was the access to the neighbor’s house on the opposite side of Vegas Street; and consequently the applicant was prepared to relinquish the quarter acre of land to preserve the historic value.

Staff advised that the applicant spoke about vacating a portion of the right-of-way where the structure and tree were located; the right-of-way was skewed in that area so staff recommended that the applicant vacate all of the right-of-way, all of Vegas Street, and staff would provide assistance to proceed with the process; eliminating the public right-of-way would revert the properties back to the owners so the owner’s rights would be retained, and the structures would then be located on private property; and if the Board approved the waiver to not remove the structure, staff requested that the Board impose the condition that the applicant enter into a license and maintenance agreement for any nonstandard improvements in the right-of-way

Staff further advised that the license and maintenance agreement was an agreement between the owner and the County that the owner would accept liability for having a structure in the County’s right-of-way, so that if something happened, such as an injury or accident, the liability was with the property owner and the County was not the one taking responsibility; and with the agreement a cash bond would be posted, which the County retains, in the event that the County needed to remove the structure.

Discussion followed regarding the applicant’s three options including to obtain a full vacation of Vegas Street so the right-of-way was no longer public and the records would be corrected, or agree to the two waivers of conditions to remove the landscaping and all structures from the site and within the right-of-way, or agree to the license and maintenance agreement.

Legal Counsel advised that a condition may be added for the applicant to be given a certain time frame to either enter into a license and maintenance agreement as stated by staff, or to file an application for vacation and abandonment for the entire street, and diligently pursue that vacation and abandonment within a certain time period as appropriate.

The applicant declined to accept the condition as stated by Legal Counsel.

It was moved by Commissioner Justin Jones that waiver No. 1 be approved, and waiver No. 2 be denied, subject to staff’s conditions.

The applicant advised of wanting to follow Legal Counsel and staff’s recommendation to obtain a vacation of the entire road (Vegas Street).
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0054-060221 25.VS-21-0054-N2MH LLC & EAGLE 40 LLC: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Coley Avenue and Palmyra Avenue, and between Monte Cristo Way and Tenaya Way and a portion of a right-of-way being a portion of Coley Avenue, Tenaya Way, Palmyra Avenue, and Monte Cristo Way within Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/nr/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of N2MH LLC & Eagle 40 LLC (BH Prado, LLC) to holdover vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from May 19, 2021):
Held Action details Not available
21-0068-060221 26.WS-21-0068-N2MH LLC & EAGLE 40 LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce lot area; 2) increase wall height; and 3) waive off-site improvements (sidewalk and streetlights). DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) proposed single family residential development; 2) finished grade; and 3) allow a hammerhead cul-de-sac design on 10.0 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) (RNP-I) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Coley Avenue and Tenaya Way within Spring Valley. JJ/sd/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of N2MH LLC & Eagle 40 LLC (BH Prado, LLC) for holdover waivers of development standards and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from May 19, 2021):
Held Action details Not available
21-500021-060221 27.TM-21-500021-N2MH LLC & EAGLE 40 LLC: HOLDOVER TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 20 residential lots on 10.0 acres in a R-E (Rural Estates Residential) zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Coley Avenue and Tenaya Way within Spring Valley. JJ/sd/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER: In the matter of the aforementioned described application of N2MH LLC & Eagle 40 LLC (BH Prado, LLC) for a holdover tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from May 19, 2021):
Held Action details Not available
21-0037-060221 28.NZC-21-0037-COUNTY OF CLARK (AVIATION): ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 1.1 acres from an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone to a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce landscaping; 2) reduce height/setback ratio; 3) reduce parking; and 4) alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEW for a commercial complex. Generally located on the south side of Silverado Ranch Boulevard, 670 feet west of Arville Street within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board approve the aforementioned described application of County of Clark (Aviation) (Sheldon Colen) for a zone change, waivers of development standards, and design review (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item) (held from April 20, 2021):


DISCUSSION: Following introduction of the item, staff advised that the Enterprise Town Board recommended approval of the zone change (reduced to C-1 zoning), and denial of the waivers of development standards and design review; and the Planning Commission recommended approval with the denial of waiver of development standards 1(c).

The Board was addressed by Sheldon Colen, the applicant’s representative, who advised that the lot was a little over an acre; two proposed buildings, the smaller building with a drive-thru was located in front to lessen the impact to the neighbors, and a larger building with a drive-thru was located in the back to lessen the impact of the requested waivers; to the east and west of the project site are proposed developments, a retention basin which will not be developed was located behind the proposed project; following meetings with staff, the entry was moved further from the east to lessen the impact of the forward drive-thru on Silverado Ranch Boulevard; tried to obtain a cross-access agreement with the property to the east but the property representatives were not amicable, and allowed for future cross-access if the property to the east conducts a new Land Development Proposal; provided for fire department access; and requested two drive-thru restaurants for easier access for the public following the pandemic restrictions.

In response to Commissioner Jones, the applicant’s representative addressed concerns regarding reduced parking; advised of speaking with the Planning Commissioner, and further advised that the drive-thru restaurants would reduce the need for additional parking spaces.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0101-060221 29.NZC-21-0101-2567 E. WASHBURN RD., LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 12.6 acres from a C-P (Office and Professional) (AE-60 & AE-65) Zone to an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-60 & AE-65) Zone. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) office/warehouse complex; and 2) finished grade. Generally located on the west side of Dean Martin Drive and the north side of Robindale Road within Enterprise (description on file). MN/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of E. Washburn Rd., LLC (Howard Ickes) for a zone change, waiver of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 29 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 30 and 31.

Following introduction of Item Nos. 29, 30, and 31, the Board was addressed by Lebene Ohene, the applicant’s representative, who advised that the application was for a nonconforming zone change from C-P (Office and Professional) to M-D (Designed Manufacturing) for a business park employment center; located on the north side of Robindale Road, a planned collector street, and west of Dean Martin Drive; consisted of 12.6 acres; the immediate north was zoned R-E and C-P, with a portion developed as a fire station, and portions to the north and east developed as an office building and place of worship; to the east of the proposed development along Dean Martin Drive was the Safari office warehouse and distribution structures also zoned M-D; the immediate south east was zoned R-E; and the immediate south west and north east were zoned RNP; the land use plans show the subject parcels master planned as OP, with parcels to the north also master planned as OP; parcels to the west were zoned RNP; the County has used M-D as a transition zone in the past; the subject design for the office warehouse matched the Transform Clark County vision for a business park employment center development, and the subject was not planned as a distribution warehouse being that the proposed subject was not designed with loading docks; the proposed plan had nine buildings distributed throughout the site; advised of two neighborhood meetings; an abundance of C-P zoned properties surround the subject property, many were not constructed or vacant; complying with the County’s intent, M-D was often used as a buffer between residential neighborhoods and parcels zoned C-P; requested 52 feet high buildings, buildings three, five, and six being approved by Planning Commission up to 30 feet, and the rest of the buildings being approved up to 32 feet; after working with staff, increased and redesigned the landscaping along Robindale Road, and eight foot high walls as an additional buffer; discussed the cul-de-sacs and vacations within the development; the setbacks exceeded requirements; and a drainage study will be conducted to determine the finished grade.

Vincent Raucci, Susan Lorenz, Jason Farrell, and Antoinette Roma spoke regarding areas of concern including increased trucks entering the subject property, parking for the trucks, following the completion of construction the warehouses may be sold, lighting for the businesses may disturb the neighbors, the applicant bought the site knowing the property was zoned for medical and offices, concerned that the zoning change may set a precedent for the empty properties nearby, the proposed access road to the project for the fire department may be unsafe for the neighbors, neighbors will see an eight foot wall with the landscaping being inside the wall facing the commercial buildings, and additional traffic results in increased accidents.

Commissioner Naft advised of working with the applicant to reduce the impact on the neighbors; advised of no loading docks and no 18 wheel haulers; deliveries to be made during daylight hours; zoning remained with the building, even when sold; the applicant’s design being less than the maximum building height of 35 feet within a residential development; a design review as a public hearing for signage and lighting; and requested that the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Area Commander and Commissioner Naft prior to construction to evaluate the property and install security cameras.

The applicant’s representative expressed agreement with the additional conditions.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0102-060221 30.VS-21-0102-2567 E. WASHBURN RD., LLC, ET AL: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Eldorado Lane and Robindale Road, and between Dean Martin Drive and Procyon Street, and portions of a rights-of-way being Maulding Avenue and Robindale Road located between Dean Martin Drive and Procyon Street, and Polaris Avenue located between Eldorado Lane and Robindale Road within Enterprise (description on file). MN/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of E. Washburn Rd., LLC (Howard Ickes) to vacate and abandon easements of interest (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 30 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 29 and 31.
Approved Action details Not available
21-500026-060221 31.TM-21-500026-2567 E. WASHBURN RD., LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of a 1 lot commercial subdivision on 12.6 acres in an M-D (Designed Manufacturing) (AE-60 & AE-65) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Dean Martin Drive and the north side of Robindale Road within Enterprise. MN/jt/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of E. Washburn Rd., LLC (Howard Ickes) for a tentative map (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 31 was heard in conjunction with Item Nos. 29 and 30.
Approved Action details Not available
21-0128-060221 32.NZC-21-0128-HKM NEVADA PROPERTIES: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 12.2 acres from a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone to an R-4 (Multiple Family Residential - High Density) Zone. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase building height; and 2) alternative landscaping. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) a multiple family residential development; 2) alternative parking lot landscaping; and 3) finished grade. Generally located on the southwest corner of Neal Avenue and Bermuda Road within Enterprise (description on file). MN/al/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of HKM Nevada Properties (Picerne Development Corporation) for a zone change, waivers of development standards, and design reviews (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):

1. Petition opposed (10 pages), submitted by Carey Chandler.


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 32 was heard in conjunction with Item No. 33.

Following introduction of Item Nos. 32 and 33, staff advised that the Enterprise Town Board recommended denial, and the Planning Commission recommended approval.

The Board was addressed by Tony Celeste, the applicant’s representative, who advised that the subject property was approximately 12 acres located on the north west corner of St. Rose Parkway and Bermuda Road; to the north was zoned residential high; was an approved R-4 development; towards the east side of Bermuda Road was a Lennar product located in the City of Henderson, nearing completion, and zoned with approximately 15 units per acre; immediately to the north was zoned R-3; requested a zone change being that the site was master planned commercial general, lacked direct accessibility onto St. Rose Parkway, and was zoned C-2 since 1995 without any plans submitted for commercial development; a fast food establishment and an auto repair business were established on the corner of St. Rose Parkway and Bermuda Road with the subject property immediately adjacent; on the south side of St. Rose Parkway, in the City of Henderson, was employment center driven development uses creating the demand for a diverse housing mix; identified existing commercial shopping centers and grocery stores; staff recommended approval for the zone change; the site plan proposed access from Bermuda Road, provided an emergency access gate only onto Fairfield Avenue and no access onto Neal Avenue to prevent traffic from accessing the adjacent residential developments; proposed two-story homes on Fairfield Avenue, 24 feet in height, and a garage on the bottom with the living unit located above; three-story homes internal to the site; requested a waiver to increase the height of the three-story homes to 38 feet from 35 feet to hide mechanical equipment and increase the architectural compatibility of the structures; requested a waiver to reduce the landscaping buffer width from six feet to five feet in two areas, to maintain the number of parking spaces, and the amount of plants required would still meet or exceed code requirements; and requested approval for an R-4 multi-family development.

Carey Chandler, a neighbor, spoke regarding areas of concern including the lack of commercial services in Enterprise; residents were told the subject property would be used for commercial development; already surrounded by apartments; the increased height of the three-story homes; already was a high density area with increased traffic; and residents would like to walk to stores and restaurants.

Commissioner Naft advised that a traffic study was conducted regarding the impact of a grocery store on the subject property site; and discussed the location and buffering of the trash receptacles with the applicant’s representative.
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
21-0127-060221 33.VS-21-0127-HKM NEVADA PROPERTIES: VACATE AND ABANDON a portion of a right-of-way being Bermuda Road located between Neal Avenue and St. Rose Parkway within Enterprise (description on file). MN/al/jd (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of County Commissioners approve the aforementioned described application of HKM Nevada Properties (Picerne Development Corporation) to vacate and abandon a portion of a right-of-way (as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item):


SPEAKER(S): Present

DISCUSSION: There being no objections, Item No. 33 was heard in conjunction with Item No. 32.
Approved Action details Not available
21-900256-060221 34.ORD-21-900256: Introduce an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners through various zone change applications on August 19, 2020, March 17, 2021, April 7, 2021, and April 21, 2021, and in Assessor’s Books 140, 163, and 176. (For possible action)

Agenda note: SUBJECT MATTER/RECOMMENDATION: In the matter of the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners introduce an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners through various zone change applications on August 19, 2020, March 17, 2021, April 7, 2021, and April 21, 2021, and in Assessor’s Books 140, 163, and 176. (For possible action):

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Kirkpatrick introduced the proposed ordinance, entitled and summarized as indicated on the ATTACHED agenda item (Bill No. 6-2-21-1).
Introduced on first reading Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Video/Audio Video/Audio