Meeting Name: Clark County Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/17/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
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   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at and in the following location:  Not available Not available
   CC Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV (Principal Office)  Not available Not available
   If you wish to speak on an item marked “For Possible Action” appearing on this agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card which is located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit the comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. If you wish to speak to the Board about items within its jurisdiction but not appearing as an “Action” item on this agenda, you must wait until the "Comments by the General Public" period listed at the end of this agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please spell your last name for the record. If any member of the Board wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board by majority vote. • Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. • The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. • The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time. Contracts, zoning matters, or ordinances that do not comply with the County's disclosure requirement as outlined in Section 10(2) of the County Ethics Policy are subject to being voided. The main agenda is available on Clark County's website, For copies of agenda items and supporting backup materials, please contact Agenda Coordinator, at (702) 455-3530, Clark County Manager’s Office, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. This meeting will be broadcast live in the Las Vegas area. Clark County Television is available in the Las Vegas area on Channel 4/1004 on Cox cable and on CenturyLink on Channels 4 and 1004 as well as in Laughlin on Channel 14 via Suddenlink. Live streaming of CCTV programming is available at and CCTV is also available in Boulder City on Channel 4 and in Moapa Valley on Digital Channel 50.3. For more information about the program schedule, please refer to or contact CCTV Channel 4 at (702) 455-6890.   Not available Not available
  SEC. 1.OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   INVOCATION  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  Not available Not available
24-1661 1.Present a proclamation recognizing Francisco Silva for his education of youth and the general public through the Las Vegas Astronomical Society.  Not available Not available
24-1669 2.Present a proclamation from Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Naft to the Southern Nevada Clean Cities Coalition, an All-In Clark County Initiative, recognizing its designation into the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities and Communities Network.  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1590 3.Recognize Clark County employees who have been selected as Clark County Value Champions.  Not available Not available
  SEC. 3.PUBLIC FORUM  Not available Not available
24-1595 4.Public Comment  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
  SEC. 4.AGENDA  Not available Not available
24-1591 5.Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting on November 15, 2024 and the Regular Meeting on November 19, 2024. (For possible action) (Available in the County Clerk's Office, Commission Division)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1592 6.Approval of Agenda with the Inclusion of Any Emergency Items and Deletion of Any Items. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
  SEC. 5.CONSENT AGENDA: Items No. 7 through No. 54  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   Purchasing & Contracts  Not available Not available
24-1602 7.Approve the award of Bid No. 607234-24, for Contract for Hazardous Waste Disposal Services Countywide, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required insurance. Staff recommends award to Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1603 8.Approve the award of Bid No. 607317-24, for Annual Requirements Contract for Well Maintenance and Repair Services Countywide, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required insurance. Staff recommends award to S.C. Consulting Solutions LLC, dba S.C. Services; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1617 9.Approve an Amendment to the Contract with PrimeCare Administrators, Inc., for CBE No. 607377-24, for Amended and Restated Health Care and Mental Health Network Access Agreement; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1619 10.Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Agreement with Southern Nevada Health District, for CBE No. 607309-24, for Purchase of Birth and Death Certificates; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1620 11.Approve an Amendment to the Contracts with Apple Grove Foster Care Agency, Shining Star Community Services LLC and Youth Advocate Programs, Inc., for RFQ No. 605385-19, for Mentoring and Case Management Services; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendments; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1621 12.Approve the Contract with Bitfocus, Inc., for CBE No. 607318-24, for Homeless Management Information System, contingent upon submission of the required insurance; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Contract; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1643 13.Authorize the Chair to sign an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with U.S Geological Survey, for CBE No. 606461-22, for Rare Plant Propagation Research Phase II; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1644 14.Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Charleston Residential Services LLC dba CrossRoads of Southern Nevada, for RFQ No. 605240-19, for Crisis Stabilization and Supportive Housing Continuity of Care Program; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1645 15.Approve the Utilization of State of Iowa NASPO Value Point Master Agreement Numbers 24155, 24156, 24157, and 24158, for Tires, Tubes, and Services, awarded to Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Michelin North America, Inc., Continental Tire the Americas, LLC, and Bridgestone Americas Tire Operation, LLC, for CBE No. 607374-24; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to authorize staff to issue purchase orders, subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1646 16.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Agreement with U.S. Geological Survey, for CBE No. 607339-24, for Interlocal Agreement for Development of Resilient Plant Materials for Desert Restoration; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1647 17.Approve the increase of funding for the utilization of the OMNIA Partners Public Sector Contract #2018011-02, for Information Technology Solutions and Services, awarded to SHI International Corp., for CBE No. 605465-19; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to issue purchase orders; subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Town Services  Not available Not available
24-1675 18.Note for the record the following Town Advisory Board (TAB) and/or Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes: Winchester TAB - October 29, 2024.  Not available Not available
   Business License  Not available Not available
24-1662 19.Approve the application for an Importer/Wholesaler Liquor License for Chef's Choice, LLC d.b.a West Coast Beverages, located at 6165 Harrison Dr., Unit 11, Las Vegas, NV 89120. Commission District: G. (For possible action) (Sitting as the Liquor and Gaming Board)  Not available Not available
   Social Service  Not available Not available
24-1652 20.Approve and ratify the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Southern Nevada Continuum of Care (SNCoC) Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) Planning Project, by Clark County Social Service (CCSS); approve and authorize the Deputy County Manager, or her designee, to accept the grant award of $256,444 and to execute any necessary grant documents related thereto; or to take any other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Parks & Recreation  Not available Not available
24-1641 21.Approve Amendment 1 to the Clark County Fair & Rodeo Special Event Agreement between Clark County and Clark County Fair, Inc.; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign Amendment 1. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Public Works  Not available Not available
24-1626 22.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 7 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. (Ken Gilbreth, P.E., Vice President) for additional engineering services for various Clark County Department of Public Works storm drainage improvements and repairs. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1627 23.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 2 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and Westwood Professional Services Inc. (Jerry Slater, P.E., Vice President) to increase total funds for engineering services and extend the contract term for the Blue Diamond Wash between Arville Street and Interstate 15, and Wagon Trail Channel between Sunset Road and Teco Avenue project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1628 24.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 2 to the professional services contract for staff augmentation between Clark County and Diversified Consulting Services, Inc. (Jeffrey M. Radke, P.E.) to extend the contract term for construction inspection services for the Residential Streets Pavement Reconstruction #104 - Lot 1 & Lot 2 project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1629 25.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 1 to the professional services contract for staff augmentation between Clark County and IQC Southwest, LLC (Tyrell Farnes, P.E., Business Unit Manager) to extend the contract term for quality assurance or independent assurance testing on various Clark County Public Works projects. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1630 26.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 1 to the professional project administration and construction management services contract between Clark County and Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Ken Gilbreth, P.E., Vice President) for additional construction management services and to extend the contract term for the Karen Avenue Storm Drain Improvements between Maryland Parkway and Flamingo Wash project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1631 27.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 4 to the interlocal contract between Clark County and the Regional Flood Control District to increase total funds for design of the Flamingo Wash between the Union Pacific Railroad and Hotel Rio Drive project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1632 28.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 7 to Interlocal Contract No. 373 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for design of the Sandy Valley - Columbia Pass and Miami Street project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1633 29.Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 1180, Supplemental No. 1 to Interlocal Contract No. 1180, and Supplemental No. 2 to Interlocal Contract No. 1180 among Clark County, City of Las Vegas, and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for design of the Centennial Parkway between Alpine Ridge Way and Durango Drive project; and approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 3 to Interlocal Contract No. 1180 among Clark County, City of Las Vegas, and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds and extend the contract term for design of the Centennial Parkway between Alpine Ridge Way and Durango Drive project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1634 30.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 6 to Interlocal Contract No. 1225 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for design of the Starr Avenue between Las Vegas Boulevard and Bermuda Road project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1635 31.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 5 to Interlocal Contract No. 725 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for design of the Carey Avenue between Nellis Boulevard and Toiyabe Street project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1636 32.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Supplemental No. 1 to Interlocal Contract No. 3146 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to increase total funds for construction of the Clark County 215 Trail Improvements between Fort Apache Road and Peace Way, and Charleston Boulevard Undercrossing project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1637 33.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 3194 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for construction of the Residential Streets Pavement Reconstruction No. 105 project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1638 34.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 3195 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for construction of the Intersection Improvements: Buffalo Drive at Pebble Road, and Buffalo Drive at Wigwam Avenue project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1639 35.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Contract No. 3196 between Clark County and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for construction of the James Regional Sports Park Trail Undercrossings project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1640 36.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Interlocal Agreement No. 141797 between Clark County and Las Vegas Valley Water District for the construction of water facilities in conjunction with the County's Department of Public Works project in Las Vegas Boulevard between Russell Road and Tropicana Avenue (Phase C and D). (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1653 37.Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 4 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and WSP USA, Inc. (Syndi Dudley, P.E., Senior Vice President) for a time extension and scope revisions to the contract for the Inbound Elevated Expressway, Howard Hughes Parkway, Koval Lane, and Tompkins Avenue project. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Real Property Management  Not available Not available
24-1671 38.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution to Convey Real Property allowing for the conveyance of ±7.96 acres of Clark County (County)-owned real property (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 162-31-201-020 and 162-31-201-021) without charge to Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) for a public purpose use; and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign an interlocal agreement between the County and RTC, and any other documents necessary, to complete the transaction. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1672 39.Approve and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign Amendment No. 7 to Contract for Consulting Services for Ground Lease Portfolio Phase II with JABarrett Company, LLC (James A. Barrett, President) for the financial report reviews of Clark County's portfolio of ground leases on Department of Aviation lands. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1677 40.Approve and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign a Charging Station Site Host Agreement with Nevada Power Company (NVE) for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations at various Clark County owned properties (Agreement) and to sign any other documents as necessary to complete the transaction. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Budget & Finance  Not available Not available
24-1642 41.Approve the reallocation of $3,886,805 of appropriations from the Acquisition and Tenant Improvements of 1280 W. Cheyenne project (RP.D0921110) to the Greystone Improvements Phase III project (RP.E0119071) (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1659 42.In accordance with NRS 244.210 and 354.220 through 354.250, approve, authorize, and adopt the Chair to sign a resolution to authorize refunds as shown on Exhibit "A". (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1673 43.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendments to the Clark County Recovery Grant Interlocal Agreements between Clark County, Nevada and Moapa Valley Water District for the Economic Development and Water Improvements projects; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   Clark County Water Reclamation District (Board of County Commissioners sitting as the CCWRD Board of Trustees)  Not available Not available
24-1666 44.Approve and adopt the Southern Nevada Water Authority Water Conservation Plan for 2024 through 2029; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   General Administration  Not available Not available
24-1625 45.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the correction of the 2021-2022 thru 2024-2025 Secured and the 2024-2025 Unsecured Assessment Roll AR-1217-24-24 and order the corrections to be made. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1674 46.Pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes, note for the record that the Official Reports and Documents received from various County offices are on file in the County Clerk's Office, Commission Division.  Not available Not available
24-1663 47.Approve settlement of the auto bodily injury claim of Fatima Del Carmen Mancia Amaya in the amount of $67,500.00. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1657 48.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign an interlocal contract between Clark County and the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Care Financing and Policy for continuance of a reimbursement program for ground ambulance transportation services in accordance with the State of Nevada Medicaid State Plan; or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)  Not available Not available
24-1649 49.Approve and adopt an update the Clark County Investment Policy. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1670 50.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Voluntary Compliance Agreement between the United States of America and Clark County to ensure vote centers comply with the American with Disabilities Act. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1684 51.Approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution in support of extending fuel revenue indexing to address roadway transportation needs in Southern Nevada. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1686 52.Approve the reallocation of $9,857,143 of appropriations from the Park Projects/Renovations District C allocation (4140.000) to the Commercial Center Arts and Culture Center. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1687 53.Approve and authorize an increase to the salary ranges for all management position classifications not covered under a collective bargaining agreement by the same increase percentage approved for non-management employees not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement effective July 1, 2024. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-1689 54.Approve and authorize the Chair to sign an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, for CBE No. 606655-23, for Preferred Provider; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   END CONSENT AGENDA  Not available Not available
  SEC. 7.PUBLIC HEARINGS - 10 AM  Not available Not available
24-1654 55.Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 92, "Fugitive Dust Control Requirements for Unpaved Parking Lots and Storage Areas," to update applicability, definitions, stabilization standards, and the Instantaneous Test Method, and add clarifying language; amend Section 94, "Permitting and Dust Control for Construction and Temporary Commercial Activities and Fugitive Dust Control at Stationary Sources," to update applicability, definitions, permit revocation procedures, Dust Control Monitor requirements, emissions standards, stockpile requirements, the Instantaneous Test Method, and long-term stabiliza-tion requirements, and add clarifying language; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and to authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the approved ordinance and all related documentation, including the Technical Support Document, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1665 56.Conduct a public hearing on both the reallocation of $5,000,000 in unobligated/de-obligated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and administrative funds to the Family Promise of Las Vegas (FPLV) Family Navigation Center Project, and the submission of a 4th Substantial Amendment to HUD; approve and authorize (1) the reallocation of funds, and (2) the Community Housing Administrator, or her designee, to submit a 4th Substantial Amendment to the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2024 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to execute any necessary documents related thereto. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1667 57.Conduct a Public Hearing to receive and discuss the FY2025-2029 HUD Citizen Participation Plan (CPP); approve and authorize implementation of the CPP; and authorize the Community Housing Administrator, or her designee, to submit the CPP to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and take any other actions necessarily related thereto. (For Possible Action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   END PUBLIC HEARINGS  Not available Not available
  SEC. 9.BUSINESS ITEMS  Not available Not available
24-1593 58.Identify emerging issues to be addressed by staff or by the Board at future meetings; receive updates on the activities of the various regional boards and commissions; and direct staff accordingly.  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1688 59.Approve and ratify the appointment of Francisco Prado as the Director of Clark County Department of Family Services. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1656 60.Appoint two qualified individuals to serve as members of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife for a three-year term from November 15, 2024 to November 16, 2027, from the list of interested individuals: John Hiatt, Annoula Wylderich (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1676 61.Appoint two qualified members to serve on the Clark County Law Library Board of Trustees for a two-year term ending December 31, 2026, from the list of following applicants: Tamara Beatty Peterson, Karen Cale-Powell, and Stephanie Itkin; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1655 62.Appoint four individuals to the UMC Governing Board from the following list of interested individuals: Renee Franklin (Current Member), John O’Reilly (Current Member), Harry Hagerty (Current Member) and William Noonan (Current Ex-Officio Member); and take any action deemed appropriate. (For possible action) (Sitting as the UMC Hospital Board of Trustees)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1658 63.Discuss the creation of an ordinance to establish a 9-1-1 Advisory Committee that consists of members representing the County's Public Safety Answering Points that will subsequently draft its bylaws, develop a plan to enhance the emergency reporting telephone system, and oversee any related surchage to include its implementaion; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1668 64.Review the performance of County Manager Kevin Schiller for the period covering December 2023 - November 2024; and take any action deemed appropriate. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1594 65.Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(4)(c) as amended by AB52, to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   PUBLIC COMMENTS Comments by the General Public  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   A period devoted to comments by the general public about matters relevant to the Board's/Trustees' jurisdiction will be held. No vote may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please SPELL your last name for the record. If any member of the Board/Trustees wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board/Trustees by majority vote.  Not available Not available
   All comments by speakers should be relevant to Board/Trustees action and jurisdiction.  Not available Not available