Meeting Name: Clark County Zoning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/2/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: NOFA NOFA  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Version en Espanol, Bersyon ng Tagalog
File #Agenda #TitleActionAction DetailsVideo/Audio
   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found at Versión en español se puede encontrar en haciendo clic en "Detalles de la reunión". Ang bersyon sa Tagalog ay matatagpuan sa sa pamamagitan ng pag-click sa "Mga Detalye ng Pagpupulong". Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Nicole Razo at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 15 are routine items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
  Not available
   ITEMS 16 – 24 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
   OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Video/Audio Video/Audio
   LEGAL NOTICE: Following the final approval or denial of every action before the Planning Commission and/or the Board of County Commissioners, a letter indicating the action taken and the conditions under which any approval is granted will be sent to the correspondent address on the application submitted. The information herein will be filed with the Clark County Clerk, Commission Division, and serve as notice of final action for the purposes of NRS 278.0235 which marks the commencement of the twenty-five (25) day limitation period specified.  Not available
24-1292 1.Public Comments.

Agenda note: Item No. 1 Minutes
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1293 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 2 Minutes
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1294 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 3 Minutes
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: These items may be considered in one hearing and in one motion. Any person who does not agree with the recommendations by staff should request that the item be removed from this portion of the agenda and be heard separately when directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Approved Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-400090-100224 4.AR-24-400090 (WC-0174-16 (UC-0849-14))-MGM GRAND PROPCO, LLC: WAIVER OF CONDITIONS SIXTH APPLICATION FOR REVIEW of a use permit for live entertainment limited to daytime hours (6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) for a recreational facility (golf driving range) with accessory retail, eating and drinking facilities, live entertainment, and other accessory uses, and structures in conjunction with a resort hotel (MGM Grand) on a portion of 102.7 acres in a CR (Commercial Resort) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60 & AE-65) Overlay. Generally located on the southwest corner of Harmon Avenue and Koval Lane within Paradise. JG/bb/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 4 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0387-100224 5.UC-24-0387-SIENA 52 HOLDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP & SIENA 53 HOLDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: HOLDOVER USE PERMITS for the following: 1) emergency/urgent care facility; 2) gas station; and 3) motel with transient and non-transient stays. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) alternative parking lot landscaping; 2) eliminate and reduce buffering and screening; 3) modify residential adjacency standards; and 4) reduce driveway departure distance. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) shopping center; and 2) motel on 14.12 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Charleston Boulevard and the west side of Broadalbin Drive within Sunrise Manor. TS/hw/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 5 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-500076-100224 6.TM-24-500076-SIENA 52 HOLDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP & SIENA 53 HOLDING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: HOLDOVER TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 1 commercial lot on 14.12 acres in a CG (General Commercial) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Charleston Boulevard and the west side of Broadalbin Drive within Sunrise Manor. TS/hw/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 6 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0399-100224 7.UC-24-0399-TENAYA LOFTS, LLC: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT for live-work dwellings. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce buffering and screening. DESIGN REVIEW for an office/warehouse complex with live-work dwelling units on 5.60 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone in the Airport Environs (AE-60) Overlay. Generally located on the west side of Tenaya Way, 660 feet north of Sunset Road within Spring Valley. MN/rg/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 7 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0277-100224 8.VS-24-0277-PALM PROPERTIES, LLC: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON a portion of right-of-way being Happy Valley Avenue located between Nellis Boulevard and Aloha Avenue within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/jor/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 9 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0276-100224 9.WS-24-0276-PALM PROPERTIES, LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to modify residential adjacency standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed commercial truck parking lot on 2.83 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Happy Valley Avenue and Nellis Boulevard within Sunrise Manor. TS/jor/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 9 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0362-100224 10.WS-24-0362-WIGWAM-PARVIN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AMENDED WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase building height; 2) reduce street landscaping (no longer needed); and 3) reduce parking lot landscaping (no longer needed). DESIGN REVIEW for modifications to a previously approved senior housing project on 5.0 acres in an RM32 (Residential Multi-family 32) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Arby Avenue and the west side of Torrey Pines Drive within Enterprise. MN/bb/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 10 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0394-100224 11.ZC-24-0394-O'BRIEN, PATRICK T. TRUST & O'BRIEN, PATRICK T. TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 11.73 acres from an RS80 (Residential Single-Family 80) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone for a future commercial development. Generally located on the north side of Cottonwood Cove Road and the east side of Gasline Road within Searchlight (description on file). MN/rk/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 11 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-900412-100224 12.ORD-24-900412: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with MTL Trust for an industrial development on 4.3 acres, generally located west of Mann Street and north of Oleta Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 12 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-900463-100224 13.ORD-24-900463: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Diamond Cactus LLC for an industrial development on 3.8 acres, generally located west of Redwood Street and north of Cactus Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 13 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-900551-100224 14.ORD-24-900551: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on July 17, 2024. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 14 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-900578-100224 15.ORD-24-900578: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassify certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 5, 2024, June 18, 2024, July 3, 2024 and Assessor’s Books 125, 163, 176 and 177. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 15 Minutes
  Action details Not available

Agenda note: These items will be considered separately.
  Not available
24-0261-100224 16.SC-24-0261-WESTERN IRA FUNDING LTD RTMT PL: HOLDOVER STREET NAME CHANGE to change the name of Gagnier Boulevard to Dynamite Drive. Generally located on the south side of Roy Horn Way and the west side of Gagnier Boulevard within Spring Valley. MN/sd/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 16 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0390-100224 17.VS-24-0390-DBAC, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Eldorado Lane and Maulding Avenue and between Valley View Boulevard and Procyon Street within Enterprise (description on file). MN/jor/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 17 Minutes
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0391-100224 18.WS-24-0391-DBAC, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase retaining wall height; 2) reduce front setback; 3) reduce net lot size; and 4) eliminate off-site improvements (streetlights). DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed single-family residential subdivision on 10.06 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60) and Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlays. Generally located on the east side of Valley View Boulevard and the south side of Eldorado Lane within Enterprise. MN/jor/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 18 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-500078-100224 19.TM-24-500078-DBAC, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 18 single-family residential lots on 10.06 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60) and Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlays. Generally located on the east side of Valley View Boulevard and the south side of Eldorado Lane within Enterprise. MN/jor/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 19 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0419-100224 20.WS-24-0419-MEEKRAT HOLDINGS, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) modify residential adjacency standards; and 2) reduce throat depth. DESIGN REVIEW for restaurant buildings on 2.12 acres in a CG (General Commercial) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60) Overlay. Generally located on the north side of Quail Avenue and the east side of Jones Boulevard within Spring Valley. MN/sd/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 20 Minutes
  Action details Not available
24-0437-100224 21.WS-24-0437-MFE, INC.: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce street landscaping; 2) alternative parking lot landscaping; 3) reduce buffer landscaping; 4) modify residential adjacency standards; and 5) alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) lighting; and 2) modifications and additions to a previously approved shopping center on a 2.75 acre portion of 3.79 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Jones Boulevard and the south side of Cactus Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/hw/syp (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 21 Minutes
Approved Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
   AGENDA ITEM  Not available
24-900634 22.AG-24-900634: Discuss potential amendments to Title 30, and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 22 Minutes
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-900471-100224 23.ORD-24-900471: Introduce an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with ME 52 PARTNERS, LLC for a residential subdivision on 8.6 acres, generally located west of Rainbow Boulevard and north of Erie Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 23 Minutes
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-900591-100224 24.ORD-24-900591: Introduce an ordinance to amend Title 30 to clarify the process for appeals and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and set a public hearing. (For possible action)

Agenda note: Item No. 24 Minutes
  Action details Video/Audio Video/Audio

Agenda note: Comments by the General Public regarding any items not listed on the agenda as posted. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a future agenda.
  Video/Audio Video/Audio