| | This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at https://clarkcountynv.gov/agendas and Nevada Public Notice at https://notice.nv.gov/ and in the following location: | |
Not available
| | CC Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV (Principal Office) | |
Not available
| | If you wish to speak on an item marked “For Possible Action” appearing on this agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card which is located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit the comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. If you wish to speak to the Board about items within its jurisdiction but not appearing as an “Action” item on this agenda, you must wait until the "Comments by the General Public" period listed at the end of this agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please spell your last name for the record. If any member of the Board wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board by majority vote.
• Items on the agenda may be taken out of order.
• The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may combine two or more agenda items for consideration.
• The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time.
Contracts, zoning matters, or ordinances that do not comply with the County's disclosure requirement as outlined in Section 10(2) of the County Ethics Policy are subject to being voided.
The main agenda is available on Clark County's website, ClarkCountyNV.gov. For copies of agenda items and supporting backup materials, please contact Agenda Coordinator, at (702) 455-3530, Clark County Manager’s Office, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. This meeting will be broadcast live in the Las Vegas area. Clark County Television is available in the Las Vegas area on Channel 4/1004 on Cox cable and on CenturyLink on Channels 4 and 1004 as well as in Laughlin on Channel 14 via Suddenlink. Live streaming of CCTV programming is available at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov and https://www.youtube.com/ClarkCountyNV. CCTV is also available in Boulder City on Channel 4 and in Moapa Valley on Digital Channel 50.3. For more information about the program schedule, please refer to https://clarkcountynv.gov/CCTV4/ or contact CCTV Channel 4 at (702) 455-6890. | |
Not available
Not available
Roll call
Not available
Not available
Agenda note: This is the first of two portions of the meeting devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. If you wish to speak during this portion of the agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit a comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. After completing and submitting a Public Comment Interest Card, please step up to the speaker’s podium, clearly state your name and address, and spell your last name for the record. | |
Not available
| 1. | Public Comment
Agenda note: Item No. 1 Minutes | |
Action details
| SEC. 4. | AGENDA | |
Not available
| 2. | Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 7, 2024. (For possible action) (Available in the County Clerk's Office, Commission Division)
Agenda note: Item No. 2 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| 3. | Approval of Agenda with the Inclusion of Any Emergency Items and Deletion of Any Items. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 3 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| SEC. 5. | CONSENT AGENDA: Items No. 4 through No. 39
Agenda note: NOTE: • The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time. • Consent Agenda - All matters in this sub-category are considered by the Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board to be routine and may be acted upon in one motion. Most agenda items are phrased for a positive action. However, the Board/Trustees may take other actions such as hold, table, amend, etc. • Consent Agenda items are routine and can be taken in one motion unless a Commissioner/Trustee/Licensing member requests that an item be taken separately. The Chair will call for public comment on these items before a vote. For all items left on the Consent Agenda, the action taken will be staff's recommendation as indicated on the item. • Items taken separately from the Consent Agenda by Commission/Trustees/Licensing members at the meeting will be heard following the Commissioners'/County Manager's Recognition Section. | Approved |
| | Purchasing & Contracts | |
Not available
| 4. | Approve the award of Bid No. 607021-24, for Spring Mountain Youth Camp, Building 4 & 5 Alterations to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required bonds and insurance. Staff recommends award to Red Mesa Builders, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 4 Minutes | Held |
Action details
| 5. | Approve an Amendment to the Contract with CorVel Enterprise Comp, Inc., for CBE No. 605355-19, for Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services for Clark County Workers' Compensation; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 5 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 6. | Authorize the utilization of State of Nevada, 99SWC-NV22-13385, for Inmate Communications, awarded to Global Tel*Link Corporation d/b/a ViaPath Technologies, for CBE No. 606989-24; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Joinder Use Contract and authorize staff to issue purchase orders, subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 6 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 7. | Ratify and approve the decrease of funding to the Competitive Bidding Exception with Microsoft Corporation, for CBE No. 605821-21, for Microsoft Enterprise Agreement No. E1514020; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign current Enrollment document and all subsequent Enrollment documents; subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 7 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 8. | Approve the Contracts with Eagle Quest, Evergreen Counseling, Inc., Healing Hooves LLC, Integrated Psychological Solutions, LLC, John S. Pacult LCSW Inc., LBR Mental Health PLLC, Nevada Mental Health Associates, LLC, and Red Rock Psychological Health, for RFQ No. 606830-23, for Sex Offense Assessment and Counseling, contingent upon submission of the required insurance; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Contracts; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 8 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 9. | Ratify and approve an Amendment to the Contract with Revize LLC, for CBE No. 605285-19, for Clark County Website Redesign; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 9 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 10. | Authorize the Chair to sign the Interlocal Agreement with City of Las Vegas Municipal Court, for CBE No. 607043-24, for Specialty Court Program; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 10 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 11. | Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Aspire Mental Health, LLC, for CBE No. 606108-22, for Mental Health Services; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 11 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 12. | Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Southern Nevada Joint Management Culinary & Bartenders Training Fund, dba Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, for CBE No. 605615-20, for Lease and Operation Agreement; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 12 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 13. | Approve the increase of funding to the Contract with AppleOne, Inc. and My Next Career Path Staffing, LLC dba MNCP Staffing, for CBE No. 606719-23, for Temporary Employment Services for 2024 Elections; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to issue purchase orders; subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 13 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 14. | Approve the increase of funding to the Qualified List(s), for SOQ No. 606161-22, for Nuisance Property and Building Abatement Services; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to issue purchase orders; subject to approved budget appropriations; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 14 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 15. | Approve an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education, on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno, for CBE No. 606560-23, for Covered Species Model Updates 2023; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 15 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 16. | Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Staples Business Advantage dba Staples Contract & Commercial LLC, for Bid No. 604511-17, for Annual Requirements Contract for Office Supplies; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 16 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Town Services | |
Not available
| 17. | Note for the record the following Town Advisory Board (TAB) and/or Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes: Laughlin TAB - April 9, 2024; Paradise TAB - April 30, 2024; Spring Valley TAB - April 30, 2024; Sunrise TAB - May 2, 2024; and Winchester TAB - April 30, 2024.
Agenda note: Item No. 17 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Business License | |
Not available
| 18. | Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Telecommunications System Franchise Agreement between Clark County and Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects to construct, operate and maintain a telecommunication system to provide subscription service to customers within the town of Bunkerville, Nevada for a term of ten years, with one five-year renewal option; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. Commission District: B (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 18 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Social Service | |
Not available
| 19. | Approve and authorize Clark County Social Service's submission of the Stability, Tenancy, Access, Restore Rapid Rehousing (STAR RRH) renewal grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the amount of $2,109,697 for the period of December 1, 2025 through November 30, 2026 to provide rapid rehousing and supportive services to households experiencing literal homelessness; authorize the Deputy County Manager, or her designee, to sign all related documents and accept any grant funds awarded; authorize the continuation of five (5) limited-perm Family Services Specialists (C28), one (1) limited-perm Senior Family Services Specialist (C29), one (1) limited-perm Family Services Supervisor (C30), two (2) Part Time Hourly Management Assistants, one (1) limited-perm Part Time Hourly Administrative Assistant, and one (1) limited-perm Financial Office Specialist (C23) or equivalent positions, contingent on grant award from HUD for the period the grant funds are available; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 19 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 20. | Approve and authorize Clark County Social Service's submission of the Stability, Tenancy, Access, Restore Permanent Supportive Housing (STAR PSH) renewal grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the amount of $2,107,683 for the period of December 1, 2025 through November 30, 2026 to provide permanent supportive housing and critical supportive services to households experiencing chronic homelessness; authorize the Deputy County Manager, or her designee, to sign all related documents and accept any grant funds awarded; authorize the continuation of four (4) limited-perm Family Services Specialists (C28), one (1) limited-perm Youth and Adult Intervention Specialist (C29), one (1) limited-perm Family Services Assistant (C22), one (1) limited-perm Social Work Supervisor (C30), two (2) Part Time Hourly Management Assistants, and one (1) limited-perm Financial Office Specialist (C23) or equivalent positions, contingent on grant award from HUD for the period the grant funds are available; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 20 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 21. | Approve and authorize Clark County Social Service's submission of the New Beginnings renewal grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the amount of $2,031,700 for the period of July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 to provide permanent supportive housing to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness; authorize the Deputy County Manager, or her designee, to sign all related documents and accept any grant funds awarded; authorize the continuation of one (1) Part Time Hourly Management Assistant or equivalent position; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 21 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Public Works | |
Not available
| 22. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign a dedication in fee for portions of Clark County-owned (Public Works) property pertaining to Assessor's Parcel Numbers 177-20-403-002, 177-20-403-003, 177-20-403-007, 177-20-403-009, and 177-20-403-010 for drainage and flood control purposes. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 22 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 23. | Approve and authorize the acquisition by negotiation of portions of Assessor's Parcel Numbers 176-22-301-004, 176-22-801-003, 176-22-301-002, 176-22-301-012, 176-22-201-019 and 176-22-801-008 needed for construction of the Blue Diamond Railroad Channel project between Blue Diamond Road and Rainbow Boulevard; and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign future escrow instructions and any pertinent documents necessary to complete the acquisition process. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 23 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 24. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 7 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and GCW, Inc. (Tim McCoy, President) for additional engineering services and extension of the contract term for the Roadway Improvements and Rehabilitation on Various Roadways Project. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 24 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 25. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 2 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and GCW, Inc. (Tim McCoy, President) for engineering services for individual public works capital improvement projects within a program of projects to be managed and overseen by GCW, Inc. for the Clark County Public Works Project Management project. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 25 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Real Property Management | |
Not available
| 26. | Approve and authorize the Acting Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign the Amendment I to the Lease Agreement with Vietnamese-American Community of Las Vegas for ±1,064 square feet of space at 3900 Cambridge Street Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV; and sign any other documents as necessary to manage the Lease. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 26 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 27. | Approve and authorize the Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign the Amendment I to the Lease Agreement with Family to Family Connection for ±2,785 square feet of space at 3900 Cambridge Street Suite 106, 107 & 108 Las Vegas, NV; and sign any other documents as necessary to manage the Lease. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 27 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 28. | Approve and authorize the Acting Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign a ±64 SF non-exclusive easement on APN 162-15-313-008 to Las Vegas Valley Water District for a backflow assembly and sign any other documents as necessary to complete the transaction. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 28 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 29. | Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Resolution of Intent to Sell ±1.79 acres of vacant Clark County owned real property (Assessor's Parcel Number 177-06-201-006) located west of Rogers Street and north of W Pamalyn Ave; and authorize the Acting Director of Real Property Management or her designee to sign a quitclaim deed conveying the property to the adjacent landowner and any other documents necessary to complete the transaction. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 29 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Budget & Finance | |
Not available
| 30. | In accordance with NRS 244.210 and 354.220 through 354.250, approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to authorize refunds as shown on Exhibit "A. " (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 30 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 31. | Approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Intent to Act on a Resolution to Augment the Fiscal Year 2024 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Fund (2080) budget; direct the County Clerk to publish on June 11, 2024, the notice in a newspaper of general circulation; and set a public hearing for June 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (For Possible Action)
Agenda note: Item No. 31 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 32. | Revise the schedule of fees for the services of the Clark County Public Guardian's Office for Fiscal Year 2025. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 32 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | Clark County Water Reclamation District (Board of County Commissioners sitting as the CCWRD Board of Trustees) | |
Not available
| 33. | Approve and authorize the General Manager to sign an Agreement for Engineering Services with VTN Nevada (David Edwards, Director) to provide design, and engineering services during construction for the Indian Springs Sewer Replacement, Project No. 23108; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 33 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| | General Administration | |
Not available
| 34. | Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the correction of the 2020-2021 thru 2023-2024 Secured and the 2023-2024 Unsecured Assessment Roll AR-0604-24-11 and order the corrections to be made. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 34 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 35. | Accept the 2024 Mt. Charleston License Plate program recommendations approved by the Mt. Charleston Town Advisory Board for conservation projects and improvements in the Mt. Charleston area. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 35 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 36. | Receive the annual report of estimated collection and expenditures of technology fees for FY 2024/2025 in accordance with NRS 247.306 for the County Recorder to upgrade, modernize, refresh and maintain the technology to support recordation and records management. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 36 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 37. | Ratify the filing of an amicus brief in City of Las Vegas v. 180 Land Co, LLC in the Nevada Supreme Court (Case No. 84345 and 84640). (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 37 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 38. | Approve and authorize the transfer of technical rescue rope from the Clark County Fire Department to the Moapa Valley Fire Protection District. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 38 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
| 39. | Ratify the Department of Juvenile Justice Services sub-award from Communities in School of Nevada (grant award recipient) through the United States Department of Education (grantor); ratify the acceptance of the grant sub-award of $806,040 for the Full-Service Community Schools Program from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2028; approve and authorize the creation of four (4) grant funded positions: one (1) Management Analyst I/II, and three (3) part-time Youth and Family Assistant positions for the period for which the grant funds are available; and authorize the Director or designee to sign additional grant documents, as necessary. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 39 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
Not available
Not available
| SEC. 7. | PUBLIC HEARINGS - 10 AM | |
Not available
| 40. | Conduct a public hearing; and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance levying assessments for Special Improvement District No. 97B - Las Vegas Boulevard Beautification Maintenance between Sahara Avenue and Mandalay Bay Road. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 40 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| 41. | Conduct a public hearing; and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance levying assessments for Special Improvement District No. 114B - Las Vegas Boulevard South Strip Maintenance between Mandalay Bay Road and Russell Road. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 41 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| 42. | Conduct a public hearing; and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance levying assessments for Special Improvement District No. 126B - Boulder Highway Strip Maintenance, along Boulder Highway from Interstate 515 to the intersection of Desert Inn Road and Lamb Boulevard, and along Boulder Highway from Flamingo Road to approximately 900 feet south of East Sun Valley Drive. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 42 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| 43. | Conduct a public hearing; and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance levying assessments for Special Improvement District No. 162B - Laughlin Lagoon Waterfront Maintenance project in the unincorporated township of Laughlin, Nevada. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 43 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
Not available
Not available
| 44. | Identify emerging issues to be addressed by staff or by the Board at future meetings; receive updates on the activities of the various regional boards and commissions; and direct staff accordingly.
Agenda note: Item No. 44 Minutes | |
Action details
| 45. | Ratify the appointment of Shauna Bradley as Director of Real Property Management. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 45 Minutes | Approved |
Action details
| 46. | Discuss an ordinance related to the purchasing of scrap metal. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 46 Minutes | Discussed |
Action details
| 47. | Discuss amending Clark County Code Section 8.20.450, to remove the requirement that an "adequate barrier" must exist in order for the Board to waive certain distance requirements between liquor stores, churches and schools. (Sitting as the Liquor and Gaming Board) (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 47 Minutes | Discussed |
Action details
| 48. | Receive a report from the Las Vegas Raiders regarding their community impact in in the Southern Nevada community. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 48 Minutes | |
Action details
| 49. | Receive a report from Clark County's Non-Voting Member on the Clark County School District Board of Trustees. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 49 Minutes | |
Action details
| 50. | Receive a report from the Clark County School District regarding their 2024 Quarter 1 Municipality Report. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 50 Minutes | |
Action details
| 51. | Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(4)(c) as amended by AB52, to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)
Agenda note: Item No. 51 Minutes | |
Action details
Not available
Comments by the General Public | |
| | A period devoted to comments by the general public about matters relevant to the Board's/Trustees' jurisdiction will be held. No vote may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please SPELL your last name for the record. If any member of the Board/Trustees wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board/Trustees by majority vote. | |
Not available
| | All comments by speakers should be relevant to Board/Trustees action and jurisdiction. | |
Not available