Meeting Name: Clark County Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/15/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: NOFA NOFA  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TitleActionAction DetailsVideo/Audio
   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found at Versión en español se puede encontrar en haciendo clic en "Detalles de la reunión". Ang bersyon sa Tagalog ay matatagpuan sa sa pamamagitan ng pag-click sa "Mga Detalye ng Pagpupulong". Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Nicole Razo at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 9 are routine items for possible action.   Not available Not available
   ITEMS 10 – 24 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.  Not available Not available
   OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  Not available Not available
   LEGAL NOTICE: Following the final approval or denial of every action before the Planning Commission and/or the Board of County Commissioners, a letter indicating the action taken and the conditions under which any approval is granted will be sent to the correspondent address on the application submitted. The information herein will be filed with the Clark County Clerk, Commission Division, and serve as notice of final action for the purposes of NRS 278.0235 which marks the commencement of the twenty-five (25) day limitation period specified.  Not available Not available
24-1394 1.Public Comments.  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1395 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-1396 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS:   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-400104-101524 4.AR-24-400104 (WC-23-400190 (UC-20-0231))-CHOUL, LLC: WAIVERS OF CONDITIONS FIRST APPLICATION FOR REVIEW for a use permit limiting hours of operation from 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. 7 days a week in conjunction with a hookah lounge and supper club on a portion of 2.43 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Jones Boulevard and the south side of Cherokee Avenue within Spring Valley. JJ/my/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-400095-101524 5.ET-24-400095 (WS-22-0080)-MCCALL, DEBRA L.: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; and 2) reduce building separation on 0.2 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Sahara Avenue, approximately 150 feet west of Abarth Street within Sunrise Manor. TS/nai/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0450-101524 6.UC-24-0450-JOSEPHS FAMILY LAND LP: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) vehicle maintenance and repair; 2) vehicle paint/body shop; and 3) vehicle rental or sales on 6.55 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Eastern Avenue, 225 feet south of Sahara Avenue within Winchester. TS/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0338-101524 7.VS-24-0338-GREEN ELEPHANT DEVELOPMENT, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Giles Street and Haven Street, and between Wigwam Avenue and Shelbourne Avenue, and a portion of a right-of-way being Wigwam Avenue located between Giles Street and Haven Street within Enterprise (description on file). MN/rg/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0340-101524 8.WS-24-0340-GREEN ELEPHANT DEVELOPMENT, LLC: AMENDED WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase parking. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed motel and accessory building center on 1.07 acres in a CR (Commercial Resort) Zone. Generally located 170 feet east (previously notified as 168 feet west) of Giles Street, north of Wigwam Avenue within Enterprise. MN/rg/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0471-101524 9.VS-24-0471-RAPER, BRANDON PERRY: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Verde Way (alignment) and Lone Mountain Road, between Jensen Street and Conquistador Street within Lone Mountain (description on file). RM/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   NON-ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS:   Not available Not available
24-0353-101524 10.UC-24-0353-LEKAR, RUDY H. & MICHELLE M FAM TR & LEKAR RUDY H & MICHELLE M TRS: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT for a home occupation. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) eliminate access gate setback; 2) reduce setback; 3) reduce building separation; and 4) residential adjacency standards in conjunction with an existing single-family residence on a portion of 1.17 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-60) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Serene Avenue, 675 feet east of Decatur Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/rp/syp (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0463-101524 11.UC-24-0463-BLUE DIAMOND RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC: AMENDED USE PERMIT for a vehicle wash. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) modify residential adjacency standards; and 2) reduce street landscaping (no longer needed). DESIGN REVIEW for a commercial center consisting of a vehicle wash and a restaurant with drive-thru on 1.9 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the southeast corner of Durango Drive and Blue Diamond Road within Enterprise. JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0326-101524 12.WS-24-0326-TORRES, ELISA & JAIME GARCIA: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) setback for an attached carport; and 2) increase hardscape area within the front and side yards in conjunction with an existing single-family residence on 0.16 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Skyview Drive, approximately 531 feet west of Arden Street within Sunrise Manor. TS/dd/syp (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0448-101524 13.WS-24-0448-DE LEON, LILIAN & FRANCO MARLON IVAN DE LEON: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce setbacks in conjunction with a single-family residence on 0.17 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Main Street and the north side of Hobson Street within Searchlight. MN/nai/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0458-101524 14.WS-24-0458-LOPEZ, JOHN M. TRUST & LOPEZ, JOHN M. TRS: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce setbacks in conjunction with a proposed single-family residence on 0.57 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Bronze Eagle Circle, approximately 160 feet south of Gubler Avenue within Moapa Valley. MK/my/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0464-101524 15.WS-24-0464-BAUMGARTNER NICOLE IRENE: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; and 2) reduce building separation in conjunction with an existing single-family residence on 0.55 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Palmyra Avenue, east side of Sorrel Street within Spring Valley. JJ/jm/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0467-101524 16.WS-24-0467-SUNRISE 96C, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce setbacks. DESIGN REVIEW for carport additions in conjunction with an approved multi-family residential development on 5.21 acres in an RM32 (Residential Multi-Family 32) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Eastern Avenue and the south side of Rochelle Avenue within Paradise. TS/mh/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700015-101524 17.PA-24-700015-NEVADA POWER COMPANY: HOLDOVER PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Public Use (PU) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on 1.89 acres. Generally located on the north side of Russell Road, 550 feet east of Hualapai Way within Spring Valley. JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0310-101524 18.ZC-24-0310-NEVADA POWER COMPANY: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 1.89 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Russell Road, 550 feet east of Hualapai Way within Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/hw (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0311-101524 19.UC-24-0311-NEVADA POWER COMPANY: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT for a mini-warehouse facility. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce and eliminate landscape buffer and screening; and 2) residential adjacency standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a mini-warehouse facility on 1.89 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Russell Road, 550 feet east of Hualapai Way within Spring Valley. JJ/hw/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700020-101524 20.PA-24-700020-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Ranch Estate Neighborhood (RN) to Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) on 5.0 acres. Generally located between Wigwam Avenue and Cougar Avenue on the west side of Edmond Street within Enterprise. JJ/rk (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0485-101524 21.ZC-24-0485-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify the following: 1) 5.00 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone; 2) 4.77 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone and an H-2 (General Highway Frontage) Zone to an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone; and 3) eliminate within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Wigwam Avenue and on the east and west sides of Edmond Street within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rg (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0486-101524 22.VS-24-0486-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Wigwam Avenue and Ford Avenue, and between Mohawk Street and Decatur Boulevard; a portion of a right-of-way being Edmond Street located between Mohawk Street and Ford Avenue; and a portion of a right-of-way being Cougar Avenue located between Decatur Boulevard and Edmond Street within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0487-101524 23.WS-24-0487-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase fill height; and 2) increase retaining wall height. DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family detached residential development on 9.77 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone and an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Wigwam Avenue and on the east and west sides of Edmond Street within Enterprise. JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500101-101524 24.TM-24-500101-ROOHANI KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 54 single-family residential lots and 5 common lots on 9.77 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone and an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Wigwam Avenue and on the east and west sides of Edmond Street within Enterprise. JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   PUBLIC COMMENTS  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio