| | This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at https://clarkcountynv.gov/agendas and Nevada Public Notice at https://notice.nv.gov/ and in the following location: | |
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| | CC Government Center 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV (Principal Office) | |
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| | If you wish to speak on an item marked “For Possible Action” appearing on this agenda, please fill out a Public Comment Interest Card which is located in front of the Commission Chambers and submit the comment card to staff sitting in the Commission Chambers. If you wish to speak to the Board about items within its jurisdiction but not appearing as an “Action” item on this agenda, you must wait until the "Comments by the General Public" period listed at the end of this agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please spell your last name for the record. If any member of the Board wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board by majority vote.
• Items on the agenda may be taken out of order.
• The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may combine two or more agenda items for consideration.
• The Board of County Commissioners, Board of Trustees, and Licensing Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time.
Contracts, zoning matters, or ordinances that do not comply with the County's disclosure requirement as outlined in Section 10(2) of the County Ethics Policy are subject to being voided.
The main agenda is available on Clark County's website, ClarkCountyNV.gov. For copies of agenda items and supporting backup materials, please contact Agenda Coordinator, at (702) 455-3530, Clark County Manager’s Office, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. This meeting will be broadcast live in the Las Vegas area. Clark County Television is available in the Las Vegas area on Channel 4/1004 on Cox cable and on CenturyLink on Channels 4 and 1004 as well as in Laughlin on Channel 14 via Suddenlink. Live streaming of CCTV programming is available at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov and https://www.youtube.com/ClarkCountyNV. CCTV is also available in Boulder City on Channel 4 and in Moapa Valley on Digital Channel 50.3. For more information about the program schedule, please refer to https://clarkcountynv.gov/CCTV4/ or contact CCTV Channel 4 at (702) 455-6890. | |
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| 1. | Acknowledge and honor those citizens and organizations whose work in the community prove exemplary in commemorating Black History Month. | |
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| SEC. 3. | PUBLIC FORUM | |
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| 2. | Public Comment | |
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| SEC. 4. | AGENDA | |
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| 3. | Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 6, 2025 and Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency on October 16, 2024. (For possible action) (Available in the County Clerk's Office, Commission Division) | |
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| 4. | Approval of Agenda with the Inclusion of Any Emergency Items and Deletion of Any Items. (For possible action) | |
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| SEC. 5. | CONSENT AGENDA: Items No. 5 through No. 31 | |
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| | Purchasing & Contracts | |
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| 5. | Approve an Amendment to the Contract with Empower Retirement, LLC, for RFP No. 605654-20, for Deferred Compensation 457 Plan; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (Also sitting as Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees, University Medical Center of Southern Nevada Board of Trustees and Mount Charleston Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners) (For possible action) | |
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| 6. | Approve the Master Contract and the selection and award of the Contracts with Apple Grove Treatment Center LLC dba Apple Grove Foster Care Agency, Eagle Quest, and Olive Crest, for RFQ No. 606777-23, for Specialized Foster Care; contingent upon submission of the required insurance; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Contracts; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| 7. | Approve an Amendment to the Contracts with Access to Healthcare Network, Inc., Aid for AIDS of Nevada, Inc., AIDS Healthcare Foundation, CAN Community Health, Inc., Community Counseling Center, Community Outreach Medical Center, Dignity Health, Golden Rainbow of Nevada, Inc., Impact Exchange, North Country Healthcare, Inc., and Interlocal Agreements with Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education, University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) School of Dental Medicine (SDM), Nye County, Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), and University Medical Center of Southern Nevada Wellness Center for RFQ No. 606010-21, for Core Medical & Support Services for HIV/AIDS Infected & Affected Clients; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| 8. | Approve the award of Bid No. 607193-24, for Indian Springs Park Improvements (SNPLMA) to the low responsive and responsible bidder, contingent upon submission of the required bonds and insurance. Staff recommends award to Tand, Inc.; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| 9. | Approve and ratify an Amendment to the Contract with Corrisoft, LLC, for CBE No. 606903-23, for Electronic Monitoring Services; and authorize the Chief Financial Officer or her designee to sign the Amendment; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| | Town Services | |
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| 10. | Note for the record the following Town Advisory Board (TAB) and/or Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes: Bunkerville TAB - December 12, 2024; Enterprise TAB - December 11, 2024; Laughlin TAB - December 10, 2024; Lone Mountain CAC - December 10, 2024; Moapa TAB - December 10, 2024; Moapa Valley TAB - October 9, 2024; Paradise TAB - December 10, 2024; Searchlight TAB - November 13, 2024; Spring Valley TAB - November 26, 2024 and December 10, 2024; Sunrise Manor TAB - December 12, 2024; and Whitney TAB - December 12, 2024. | |
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| | Business License | |
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| 11. | Approve the application for a Brew Pub Liquor License for Aces and Ales, LLC d.b.a. Aces & Ales, located at 8680 W Sunset Rd, Suite E-100, Las Vegas, NV 89148. Commission District: D. (Sitting as the Liquor and Gaming Licensing Board) (For possible action) | |
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| | Social Service | |
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| 12. | Approve and ratify the Chair's execution of the First Amendment to the agreement between State of Nevada, Department of Business and Industry, Nevada Housing Division and Clark County to increase the fund amount from $4 million to $5 million and expand the use of American Rescue Plan Funds to include fixed income rental assistance, eviction prevention and a 10% allowance for administrative costs. (For possible action) | |
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| | Public Works | |
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| 13. | Accept a dedication in fee from Winterwood Village Unit #1 Homeowners Association (Leslie Ortega, President) for Assessor's Parcel Numbers 161-09-611-216, 161-09-611-217, and 161-09-611-218 for drainage and flood control purposes. (For possible action) | |
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| 14. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 4 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and GCW, Inc. (Tim McCoy, President) to extend the contract term for the Clark County 215 South Bruce Woodbury Beltway between Decatur Boulevard and Interstate 15 project. (For possible action) | |
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| 15. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 1 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and GCW, Inc. (Tim McCoy, President) to extend the contract term for the Las Vegas Boulevard Roadway Improvements between I-215 and Fashion Show Drive project. (For possible action) | |
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| 16. | Approve and authorize the County Manager or his designee to sign Supplemental No. 1 to the professional engineering services contract between Clark County and CA Group, Inc. (James Caviola, P.E., PTOE, President) to extend the contract term for the Russell Road between Hualapai Way and Durango Drive, and Tropicana Avenue between Durango Drive and Valley View Boulevard projects. (For possible action) | |
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| 17. | Approve and authorize the respective Chairs to sign an interlocal agreement between Clark County and Clark County Water Reclamation District for the construction and funding of water, storm drain, and electrical conduit improvements as part of the Whitney Lift Station Rehabilitation Project. (Also sitting as the Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees) (For possible action) | |
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| 18. | Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign a revocable license and maintenance agreement between Clark County and LAS NAP 17 & 18, LLC (Steven Roberts, Vice President of Construction Development) granting the use of County-owned property located on Roy Horn Way at Assessor's Parcel Number 176-02-699-003. (For possible action) | |
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| | Budget & Finance | |
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| 19. | In accordance with NRS 244.210 and 354.220 through 354.250, approve, authorize, and adopt the Chair to sign a resolution to authorize refunds as shown on Exhibit "A". (For possible action) | |
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| 20. | In accordance with NRS 354.598005, authorize the June 2024 transfer of appropriations between functions within various funds as shown on Exhibit B. (For possible action) | |
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| 21. | Approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution extending the letter of credit securing the County's obligations as a self-insured employer under the industrial insurance laws of the State; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. (For possible action) | |
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| 22. | Approve and authorize the Board of County Commissioners, the Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees, and the Board of Hospital Trustees of University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, the Redevelopment Agency, the Department of Aviation, and Eighth Judicial District Court to submit the quarterly economic condition reports to the State of Nevada Department of Taxation pursuant to NRS 354.6015 and NAC 354.559 for Clark County. (For possible action) | |
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| 23. | Allocate Residential Construction Tax Funds from the Park District 3 Sub Fund within the Subdivision Park Fees Fund (2110.003) in the amount of $100,000 for a grant cash match to the Southern Nevada Mountain Bike Coalition for the construction of additional trails at Southwest Ridge; and authorize a transfer from Fund (2110.003) to the Recreation Capital Improvement Fund (4110.000). (For possible action) | |
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| 24. | Approve and authorize the allocation of $200,000 in District A Economic Development Funds to Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas a non-profit organization and authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute the required grant resolution per NRS 244.1505; or take other action deemed appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| 25. | Approve the reallocation of $2,000,000 of appropriations from the Park Projects/Renovations District E allocation (4140.000) to Park Projects/Renovations District C allocation (4140.000). (For possible action) | |
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| | General Administration | |
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| 26. | Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the correction of the 2021-2022 thru 2024-2025 Secured and the 2024-2025 Unsecured Assessment Roll AR-0204-25-3 and order the corrections to be made. (For possible action) | |
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| 27. | Approve and authorize the report of donations by Clark County Juvenile Justice Services (CCJJS), including The Harbor, from October 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, for the use and benefit of CCJJS and the youth and families it serves. (For possible action) | |
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| 28. | Authorize the creation of ten (10) Juvenile Detention Specialist I/II (C27) and three (3) Family Service Specialist II (C28) positions and the elimination of thirty-nine (39) vacant part-time positions. (For possible action.) | |
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| 29. | Approve, authorize, and adopt the First Amended and Restated (FY2023-2024) Resolution to Grant Clark County Emergency Solutions Grant Funds to Lutheran Social Services of Nevada for the Family Empowerment Program, awarded to Lutheran Social Services of Nevada; and authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the amendment and any other necessary documents related thereto, per NRS 244.1505. (For possible action) | |
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| 30. | Approve, authorize, and adopt the First Amended and Restated (FY2023-2024) Resolution to Grant Clark County Emergency Solutions Grant Funds to St. Jude's Ranch for Children for Homeless Youth Families Program, awarded to St. Jude's Ranch for Children; and authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the amendment and any other necessary documents related thereto, per NRS 244.1505. (For possible action) | |
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| 31. | Approve and authorize the submission of the grant application, and authorize the Public Guardian to accept the grant funding from the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division in the amount of $135,975 for the continuance of the "Representative Payee Over Sixty Program" through June 30, 2026; authorize the Public Guardian or her designee to sign the grant documents related thereto; and accept any funds awarded. (For possible action) | |
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| SEC. 7. | PUBLIC HEARINGS - 10 AM | |
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| 32. | Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Title 1 of the Clark County Code by revising Chapter 1.14 subsections 1.14.010, 1.14.020, 1.14.030, 1.14.080, 1.14.110, 1.14.120, and 1.14.130; and proposed amendments to Title 10 of the Clark County Code by revising Chapter 10.04 subsections 10.04.100, 10.04.125, Chapter 10.06 subsection 10.06.060, Chapter 10.08 subsections 10.08.070, 10.08.132, 10.08.135, 10.08.140, Chapter 10.16 subsection 10.16.050, Chapter 10.18 subsection 10.18.020, Chapter 10.24 subsections 10.24.010, 10.24.040, Chapter 10.28 subsections 10.28.030, 10.28.040, Chapter 10.32 subsections 10.32.020, 10.32.130, 10.32.135, Chapter 10.36 subsection 10.36.030, Chapter 10.40 subsection 10.40.040; by adding Chapter 10.04 subsections 10.04.015 and 10.04.017, Chapter 10.30 subsections 10.30.190 and 10.30.200, Chapter 10.32 subsection 10.32.155, and Chapter 10.36 subsection 10.36.050 and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. (For possible action) | |
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| 33. | Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 14, "New Source Performance Standards" (NSPS), to incorporate by reference an NSPS for combustion engines into the Nevada State Implementation Plan; amend Section 107, "VOC Emissions Control for Cutback Asphalt Manufacturing and Use," to modify the title, to correct and clarify language, citations, and definitions, to expand a prohibition, and to renumber as necessary; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the adopted ordinance and all related documentation, including the Technical Support Document, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action) | |
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| 34. | Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt, and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to adopt Clark County Air Quality Regulation Section 121, "Reasonably Available Control Technology Determinations for Specific Major Stationary Sources in the 2015 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS Moderate Nonattainment Area HA 212," to codify the reasonably available control technology determinations for certain major stationary sources that may cause or contribute to emissions of nitrogen oxides or volatile organic compounds within the ozone moderate nonat-tainment boundary; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the adopted ordinance and all related documentation, including the Technical Support Document, to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action) | |
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| 35. | Conduct a public hearing and approve, adopt and authorize the Chair to sign an ordinance to amend Clark County Air Quality Regulations Section 101, "VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Adhesive Operations," Section 102, "Gasoline Dispensing Facilities," Section 103, "VOC Emissions Control for Miscellaneous Metal or Plastic Parts Coating Operations," and Section 130, "VOC Emissions Control for Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings," to update, correct, and clarify citations, definitions, formatting, and alternative test method requirements; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and authorize the Control Officer to compile and submit the approved ordinance and all related documentation to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval into the Nevada State Implementation Plan. (For possible action) | |
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| | This item is for introduction only. A date and time will be set for a public hearing. No public comments will be heard at this time. | |
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| 36. | Introduce an ordinance to amend Clark County Code Title 8, Chapter 8.20 by adding a new Section designated as Section - Major Entertainment Facilities to establish regulations pertaining to the licensing and operation of Major Entertainment Facilities, including definition of terms, license requirements, and permissible activities; amending Section 8.20.276 to exclude Major Entertainment Facilities from businesses required to be open to the general public; amending Section 8.20.470 to provide for the license fees for Major Entertainment Facilities; and providing for other matters properly related thereto; and set a public hearing. Commission District: All (For possible action) (Sitting as the Liquor & Gaming Licensing Board) | |
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| 37. | Identify emerging issues to be addressed by staff or by the Board at future meetings; receive updates on the activities of the various regional boards and commissions; and direct staff accordingly. | |
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| 38. | Appoint two qualified individuals to serve as members of the Clark County Family Services Citizen’s Advisory Committee for a three-year term ending on January 1, 2028, Incumbents: Shelia Parks (Court Appointed Special Advocate) and Ali Caliendo (Parent Advocate). (For possible action) | |
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| 39. | Consider and approve the Business Impact Statement, pursuant to NRS Chapter 237, for the proposed amendments to Clark County Code Title 8, Chapter 8.20 by adding a new Section designated as Section - Major Entertainment Facilities to establish regulations pertaining to the licensing and operation of Major Entertainment Facilities, including definition of terms, license requirements, and permissible activities; amending Section 8.20.276 to exclude Major Entertainment Facilities from businesses required to be open to the general public; amending Section 8.20.470 to provide for the license fees for Major Entertainment Facilities; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. Commission District: All. (Sitting as the Liquor & Gaming Licensing Board) (For possible action) | |
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| 40. | Approve the allocation of $44,797,092 from the County Capital Projects Fund (4370 to fund countywide capital improvement projects. (For possible action) | |
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| 41. | Receive a report regarding the conditions of confinement at County jail facilities to include the deaths of any inmates in custody; or take other action as appropriate. (For possible action) | |
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| 42. | Receive a presentation from the Southern Nevada Health District about their various programs and services. (For possible action) | |
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| 43. | Discuss the anticipated development of a public health lab by Nevada Health and Bioscience Asset Corporation (NHBAC) on a portion of the 9.11 acre property that was conveyed by Clark County to the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), located at the Southeast corner of Shadow Lane and Pinto Lane, Assessor's Parcel Number 139-33-305-020. (For discussion only) | |
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| 44. | Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(4)(c) as amended by AB52, to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action) | |
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Comments by the General Public | |
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| | A period devoted to comments by the general public about matters relevant to the Board's/Trustees' jurisdiction will be held. No vote may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to up to three minutes. Please step up to the speaker's podium, clearly state your name and address and please SPELL your last name for the record. If any member of the Board/Trustees wishes to extend the length of a presentation, this will be done by the Chair, or the Board/Trustees by majority vote. | |
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| | All comments by speakers should be relevant to Board/Trustees action and jurisdiction. | |
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