Meeting Name: Clark County Zoning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/5/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting note:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
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Attachments: Versión en Español, Bersyon ng Tagalog
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   This meeting has been properly noticed and posted online at and Nevada Public Notice at, and at the following Principal Office: Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.  Not available Not available
   The Clark County Commission Chambers are accessible to individuals with disabilities. With twenty-four (24) hour advanced request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (telephone number TT/TDD: Nevada Relay toll-free (800) 326-6868) and assisted listening devices are available at the meeting upon request. A copy of the agenda sheets for this meeting can be found at Versión en español se puede encontrar en haciendo clic en "Detalles de la reunión". Ang bersyon sa Tagalog ay matatagpuan sa sa pamamagitan ng pag-click sa "Mga Detalye ng Pagpupulong". Supporting material for each item, including information provided at the meeting, is available at for inspection by clicking “Services” and selecting “Land Use Documents”, visiting the Department of Comprehensive Planning located at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, or by contacting Nicole Razo at (702) 455-4314 (option 2, option 1).  Not available Not available
   MEETING PROTOCOL:  Not available Not available
   ITEMS 4 – 26 are routine items for possible action.   Not available Not available
   ITEMS 27 – 66 are non-routine public hearing items for possible action.  Not available Not available
   OPENING CEREMONIES  Not available Not available
   CALL TO ORDER  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   LEGAL NOTICE: Following the final approval or denial of every action before the Planning Commission and/or the Board of County Commissioners, a letter indicating the action taken and the conditions under which any approval is granted will be sent to the correspondent address on the application submitted. The information herein will be filed with the Clark County Clerk, Commission Division, and serve as notice of final action for the purposes of NRS 278.0235 which marks the commencement of the twenty-five (25) day limitation period specified.  Not available Not available
25-1876 1.Public Comments.  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
25-1877 2.Approval of the Agenda After Considering Requests to Add, Hold, or Delete Items. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
25-1878 3.Approval of minutes. (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS (4 – 26):  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-400140-020525 4.ET-24-400140 (WS-21-0544)-JAMD, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) office building; and 2) finished grade on a 3.8 acre portion of 13.6 acres in a CP (Commercial Professional) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Arby Avenue and the east side of Cimarron Road within Spring Valley. MN/my/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-400141-020525 5.ET-24-400141 (ZC-22-0298)-PACK, TRAVIS & EMILY: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME to waive off-site improvements (curbs, gutters, streetlights, and paving). DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential development on 4.9 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Wittwer Avenue, 640 feet east of Rice Street within Moapa Valley. MK/my/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500150-020525 6.TM-24-500150-NELSON, ROY C: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 4 single-family residential lots and common lots on 2.07 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Red Coach Avenue and Buffalo Drive within Lone Mountain. AB/mh/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0713-020525 7.VS-24-0713-PSI OQUENDO, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Russell Road and Oquendo Road, and between Grand Canyon Drive and Fort Apache Road, and a portion of right-of-way being Fort Apache Road located between Russell Road and Oquendo Road within Spring Valley (description on file). JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0714-020525 8.UC-24-0714-PSI OQUENDO, LLC: USE PERMIT for a mini-warehouse facility. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) eliminate buffering and screening; 2) waive residential adjacency standards; and 3) alternative driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEW for a mini-warehouse facility on 4.47 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Fort Apache Road and the north side of Oquendo Road within Spring Valley. JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500154-020525 9.TM-24-500154-PSI OQUENDO, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 1 commercial lot on 4.47 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Fort Apache Road and the north side of Oquendo Road within Spring Valley. JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700030-020525 10.PA-24-700030-RED ROCK RV PARK, LLC: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Outlying Neighborhood (ON) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on 2.94 acres of a 16.27 acre site. Generally located on the northwest corner of State Route 160 and State Route 159 within Red Rock. JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0593-020525 11.ZC-24-0593-RED ROCK RV PARK, LLC: ZONE CHANGES for the following: 1) reclassify 20.59 acres from an RS80 (Residential Single-Family 80) Zone and an H-2 (General Highway Frontage) Zone to an RS80 (Residential Single-Family 80) Zone; and 2) reclassify 2.94 acres from an H-2 (General Highway Frontage) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone within the Red Rock Overlay. Generally located on the north side corner of State Route 160 and south of State Route 159 within Red Rock (description on file). JJ/jud (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0594-020525 12.UC-24-0594-RED ROCK RV PARK, LLC: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) recreational vehicle park; and 2) recreational facility. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce buffering and screening. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed recreational vehicle park, gas station, and tavern on 23.53 acres in an RS80 (Residential Single-Family 80) Zone and a CG (Commercial General) Zone within the Red Rock Overlay. Generally located on the north side corner of State Route 160 and south of State Route 159 within Red Rock. JJ/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0705-020525 13.ZC-24-0705-MATHIS LIVING TRUST & MATHIS, SAMUEL ANDREW & NATALIE M. TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 1.76 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an IL (Industrial Light) Zone for a future light industrial development within the Airport Environs (APZ-2 & AE-65) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Judson Avenue, 640 feet west of Nellis Boulevard within Sunrise Manor (description on file). TS/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0723-020525 14.ZC-24-0723-CFT NV DEVELOPMENTS, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 1.24 acres from a CP (Commercial Professional) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the northeast corner of Warm Springs Road and Gagnier Boulevard within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0724-020525 15.VS-24-0724-GARMIC PROPERTIES, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Gagnier Boulevard and Cimarron Road, and between Warm Springs Road and Capovilla Avenue within Spring Valley (description on file). MN/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0725-020525 16.WS-24-0725-GARMIC PROPERTIES, LLC: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to allow modified driveway design standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed restaurant with drive-thru on 1.24 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the northeast corner of Gagnier Boulevard and Warm Springs Road within Spring Valley. MN/jud/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0727-020525 17.ZC-24-0727-S Z INCOME TRUST & BOHN, MICHAEL F. TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify a portion of 9.87 acres from an IP (Industrial Park) Zone and an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an IL (Industrial Light) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-70 & AE-75) Overlay. Generally located on the west side of Nellis Boulevard, 270 feet north of Gowan Road within Sunrise Manor (description on file). MK/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0726-020525 18.UC-24-0726-SZ INCOME TRUST & BOHN, MICHAEL F. TRS: USE PERMITS for the following: 1) a vehicle paint/body shop; and 2) outdoor storage and display. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to increase parking. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) a parking lot (commercial vehicles); and 2) outdoor storage and display in conjunction with an existing office/warehouse and vehicle maintenance/repair facility on 9.87 acres site in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-70 & AE-75) Overlay. Generally located on the west side of Nellis Boulevard, 270 feet north of Gowan Road within Sunrise Manor. MK/dd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0733-020525 19.ZC-24-0733-SLOAN VENTURES 90, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 89.61 acres from an H-2 (General Highway Frontage) Zone, an RS80 (Residential Single-Family 80) Zone, and an IL (Industrial Light) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Las Vegas Boulevard South and the north and south sides of Sloan Road (alignment) within Sloan (description on file). JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900642-020525 20.ORD-24-900642: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Richmond American Homes of Nevada, Inc. for a single-family residential development on 6.5 acres, generally located on the north and south sides of Pyle Avenue and east of Giles Street within Enterprise. JJ/dd (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900659-020525 21.ORD-24-900659: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with DR Horton, Inc. for a single-family residential development on 22.5 acres, generally located west of Dean Martin Drive and south of Frias Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900842-020525 22.ORD-24-900842: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Costco Wholesale Corporation for a retail building with a gasoline station on 23.0 acres, generally located east of Buffalo Drive and north of Badura Avenue within Spring Valley. MN/dw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900848-020525 23.ORD-24-900848: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Richmond American Homes of Nevada, Inc. for a single-family residential development on 11.21 acres, generally located west of Durango Drive and north of Shelbourne Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900871-020525 24.ORD-24-900871: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with B-R Ovation Limited Partnership for a multi-family residential development on 12.2 acres, generally located west of Parvin Street and north of Bruner Avenue within Enterprise. MN/dw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900879-020525 25.ORD-24-900879: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Richmond American Homes of Nevada, Inc. for a single-family residential subdivision on 1.89 acres, generally located south of Torino Avenue and west of Belcastro Street within Enterprise. JJ/dw (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-900846-020525 26.ORD-24-900846: Conduct a public hearing on an ordinance to amend the official zoning map reclassifying certain properties as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on October 16, 2024. (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   NON-ROUTINE ACTION ITEMS (27 – 66):  Not available Not available
24-0436-020525 27.UC-24-0436-MANNA INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC: HOLDOVER USE PERMIT for a vehicle wash. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) modify residential adjacency standards; 2) alternative buffering and screening; and 3) allow attached sidewalks. DESIGN REVIEW for a vehicle wash in conjunction with an existing shopping center on a portion of 4.09 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Sandhill Road and the south side of Desert Inn Road within Paradise. TS/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0642-020525 28.UC-24-0642-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: HOLDOVER USE PERMITS for the following: 1) vocational training facility; and 2) outdoor storage. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setback; 2) eliminate landscaping; 3) allow non-decorative fences; 4) increase fence height; 5) eliminate required parking spaces; 6) waive full off-site improvements; 7) eliminate throat depth; 8) reduce departure distance; 9) eliminate the drainage study; and 10) eliminate dedication of public right-of-way. DESIGN REVIEW for a driving school with outdoor storage on 2.5 acres in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner Serene Avenue and Redwood Street within Enterprise. JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0716-020525 29.UC-24-0716-REV RENEWABLES DEVELOPMENT HOLDINGS, LLC: USE PERMIT for public utility structures (BESS facility, electric substation, and overhead transmission lines) and associated equipment. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase structure height; 2) eliminate street landscaping; 3) reduce security fence height; 4) reduce gate setback; and 5) waive full off-site improvements. DESIGN REVIEW for public utility structures and associated structures and equipment on 8.91 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Spring Canyon Road, 825 feet west of the US 95 right-of-way within the South County Planning Area. JG/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0720-020525 30.UC-24-0720-BELTWAY BUSINESS PARK RETAIL NO 1, LLC: USE PERMIT for a gasoline station. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) allow an existing retaining wall where an 8 foot decorative screen wall is required; and 2) allow modified driveway design standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a gasoline station and retail building (convenience store) on 1.78 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Jones Boulevard and the south side of Badura Avenue within Enterprise. MN/dd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-0860-020525 31.VS-23-0860-DIAMOND STARR HILLS, LLC: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Starr Hills Avenue and Chartan Avenue (alignment), and between Dahlia Grove Street and Frejus Drive within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/lm/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
23-0859-020525 32.UC-23-0859-DIAMOND STARR HILLS, LLC: AMENDED HOLDOVER USE PERMIT for a temporary gravel pit. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) hillside design standards; 2) increase wall height and allow alternative hillside wall standards; 3) allow attached sidewalk and alternative street landscaping; and 4) landscaping adjacent to a less intensive use. DESIGN REVIEWS for the following: 1) temporary gravel pit on a 6.0 acre portion of 25.0 acres in an R-E (Rural Estates Residential) Zone; 2) allow modified driveway standards (no longer needed; 3) reduce street dedication width; 4) preliminary grading plan in conjunction with a hillside development (slopes greater than 12%); 5) finished grade; and 6) a single-family residential development on 5.0 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Starr Hills Avenue, 110 feet west of Dalia Grove Street within Enterprise. JJ/lm/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
23-500181-020525 33.TM-23-500181-DIAMOND STARR HILLS, LLC: HOLDOVER AMENDED TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 30 single family residential lots (previously 40 single-family residential lots) and common lots on 5.0 acres in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone. Generally located on the north side of Starr Hills Avenue, 110 feet west of Dalia Grove Street within Enterprise. JJ/lm/syp (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0730-020525 34.VS-24-0730-ROOHANI, KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST & ROOHANI, KHUSROW TRS: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Ford Avenue and Torino Avenue, and between Monte Cristo Way and Tenaya Way within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0731-020525 35.WS-24-0731-ROOHANI, KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST & ROOHANI, KHUSROW TRS: AMENDED WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce gross lot area; 2) waive full off-site improvements; 3) alternative driveway geometrics; and 4) reduce rear setbacks (previously not notified). DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential development on 5.05 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the north side of Torino Avenue and the east side of Monte Cristo Way within Enterprise. JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500158-020525 36.TM-24-500158-ROOHANI, KHUSROW FAMILY TRUST & ROOHANI, KHUSROW TRS: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 9 single-family residential lots on 5.05 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the north side of Torino Avenue and the east side of Monte Cristo Way within Enterprise. JJ/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0737-020525 37.VS-24-0737-3400 WESTERN AVENUE, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON a portion of right-of-way being Western Avenue located between Desert Inn Road and Highland Drive within Paradise (description on file). TS/lm/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0736-020525 38.WS-24-0736-3400 WESTERN AVENUE, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce street landscaping; 2) allow attached sidewalks; and 3) allow modified driveway design standards. DESIGN REVIEW for site modification in conjunction with an existing cannabis establishment (retail store, dispensary, cultivation facility, and production facility) on 6.06 acres in an IL (Industrial Light) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Desert Inn Road and the east side of Western Avenue within Paradise. TS/lm/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-400060-020525 39.WC-24-400060 (NZC-22-0028)-AMH NV10 DEVELOPMENT, LLC: HOLDOVER WAIVER OF CONDITIONS of a nonconforming zone change requiring no certificate of occupancy can be issued for any structure within this project unless and until a certificate of occupancy has been issued for the clubhouse (adjacent project to the north) for a previously approved single-family residential development on 4.90 acres in an RS2 (Residential Single-Family 2) Zone. Generally located on the northwest corner of Oleta Avenue and Conquistador Street within Enterprise. JJ/rg/ng (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0640-020525 40.WS-24-0640-HUMMEL LIVING TRUST & HUMMEL, RANDALL J. & STACIE L. TRS: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; 2) reduce building separations; and 3) allow 2 driveways in conjunction with an existing single-family residence on 0.57 acres in an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone within the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the east side of Sisk Road and the south side of Whispering Sands Drive within Lone Mountain. MK/dd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0706-020525 41.WS-24-0706-SILVER CREEK II, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce buffering and screening; 2) allow higher activity areas (parking) of development adjacent to a residential district; and 3) allow modified driveway design standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed retail building on 1.12 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Warm Springs Road and Tenaya Way within Enterprise. MN/mh/kh (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-700032-020525 42.PA-24-700032-ARECCO LIVING TRUST AND ARECCO, DANIEL TRS: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the land use category from Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on 0.91 acres. Generally located on the east side of Tenaya Way and the north side of Tropical Parkway within Lone Mountain. MK/rk (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0615-020525 43.ZC-24-0615-ARECCO LIVING TRUST AND ARECCO, DANIEL TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 0.91 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Tenaya Way and the north side of Tropical Parkway within Lone Mountain. MK/rk (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0616-020525 44.UC-24-0616-ARECCO LIVING TRUST AND ARECCO, DANIEL TRS: USE PERMIT for outdoor dining and drinking. WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce street landscaping; 2) reduce buffering and screening; 3) modify loading spaces; 4) modify residential adjacency; 5) allow attached sidewalks; and 6) reduce driveway geometrics. DESIGN REVIEW for a craft brewery with outdoor dining and drinking on 0.91 acres in a CG (Commercial General) Zone. Generally located on the east side of Tenaya Way and the north side of Tropical Parkway within Lone Mountain. MK/rr/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-700034-020525 45.PA-24-700034-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Ranch Estate Neighborhood (RN) to Mid-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (MN) on 5.13 acres. Generally located on the south side of Pyle Avenue, 300 feet west of Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0628-020525 46.ZC-24-0628-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 5.13 acres 1) from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone; and 2) eliminate the Neighborhood Protection (RNP) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Pyle Avenue, 300 feet west of Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0630-020525 47.VS-24-0630-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Tiger Milkweed Street and Valley View Boulevard, and between Pyle Avenue and Haleh Avenue and a portion of a right-of-way being Haleh Avenue located between Tiger Milkweed Street and Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0629-020525 48.WS-24-0629-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase retaining wall height; 2) modify residential adjacency standards; 3) curb type; and 4) reduced right-of-way width. DESIGN REVIEW for single-family residential homes on 5.13 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pyle Avenue, 300 feet west of Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500141-020525 49.TM-24-500141-FOREST HILL FAMILY TRUST & SADRI FRED TRS: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 41 single-family residential lots on 5.13 acres in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the south side of Pyle Avenue, 300 feet west of Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)   Not available Not available
24-700035-020525 50.PA-24-700035-LANDBERG LAND INVESTORS, LLC: PLAN AMENDMENT to redesignate the existing land use category from Low-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (LN), Compact Neighborhood (CN) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mid-Intensity Suburban Neighborhood (MN) on 9.43 acres of a 12.08 acre site. Generally located on the northwest corner of Rainbow Boulevard (alignment) and Landberg Avenue (alignment) within Enterprise. JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0669-020525 51.ZC-24-0669-LANDBERG LAND INVESTORS, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 9.43 acres of a 12.08 acre site from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone. Generally located on the northwest corner of Rainbow Boulevard (alignment) and Landberg Avenue (alignment) within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/gc (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0668-020525 52.VS-24-0668-LANDBERG LAND INVESTORS, LLC: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Landberg Avenue and Gary Avenue and between Rosanna Street and Rainbow Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0670-020525 53.WS-24-0670-LANDBERG LAND INVESTORS, LLC: WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) increase accessory structure height; 2) waive full off-site improvements including drainage study and compliance; and 3) reduce street dedication. DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family detached residential subdivision on a 13.75 acre portion of 14.54 acre site in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone and an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Rainbow Boulevard and the north side of Landberg Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500145-020525 54.TM-24-500145-LANDBERG LAND INVESTORS, LLC: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 61 lots and common lots on a 13.75 acres portion of a 14.54 acre site in an RS3.3 (Residential Single-Family 3.3) Zone and an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Rainbow Boulevard and the north side of Landberg Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/hw/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0694-020525 55.ZC-24-0694-IOVINO, CARMEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST ETAL & IOVINO, CARMEN TRS: HOLDOVER ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 5.0 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone to an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Valley View Boulevard and the north side of Richmar Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/rk (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0695-020525 56.VS-24-0695-IOVINO, CARMEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST ETAL & IOVINO, CARMEN TRS: HOLDOVER VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Meranto Avenue and Richmar Avenue, and between Hinson Street and Valley View Boulevard; and a portion of a right-of-way being Richmar Avenue located between Hinson Street and Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0696-020525 57.WS-24-0696-IOVINO, CARMEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST ETAL & IOVINO, CARMEN TRS: HOLDOVER WAIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for the following: 1) reduce setbacks; 2) increase retaining wall height; and 3) modify residential adjacency standards. DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential subdivision on 7.55 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Valley View Boulevard and the north side of Richmar Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/rg/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500149-020525 58.TM-24-500149-IOVINO CARMEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST ETAL & IOVINO CARMEN TRS: HOLDOVER TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 32 single-family residential lots and common lots on 7.55 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the west side of Valley View Boulevard and the north side of Richmar Avenue within Enterprise. JJ/tpd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0707-020525 59.ZC-24-0707-ORLYO, LLC ETAL & D & J FAMILY TRUST: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 9.13 acres from an RS20 (Residential Single-Family 20) Zone and a CP (Commercial Professional) Zone to an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Serene Avenue and Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/mc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0709-020525 60.VS-24-0709-ORLYO, LLC ET AL & D & J FAMILY TRUST: VACATE AND ABANDON easements of interest to Clark County located between Valley View Boulevard and Arville Street, and between Serene Avenue and Meranto Avenue (alignment); a portion of right-of-way being Serene Avenue located between Valley View Boulevard and Arville Street; a portion of right-of-way being Meranto Avenue (alignment) located between Valley View Boulevard and Arville Street; and a portion of right-of-way being Valley View Boulevard located between Meranto Avenue (alignment) and Serene Avenue within Enterprise (description on file). JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0708-020525 61.WS-24-0708-ORLYO, LLC, ET AL & D & J FAMILY TRUST: WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS to reduce street landscaping. DESIGN REVIEW for a single-family residential subdivision on 9.13 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Serene Avenue and Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-500152-020525 62.TM-24-500152-ORLYO, LLC ET AL & D & J FAMILY TRUST: TENTATIVE MAP consisting of 44 single-family residential lots and common lots on 9.13 acres in an RS5.2 (Residential Single-Family 5.2) Zone. Generally located on the southwest corner of Serene Avenue and Valley View Boulevard within Enterprise. JJ/sd/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
24-0742-020525 63.ZC-24-0742-JIMENEZ PROPERTIES GROUP, LLC: ZONE CHANGE to reclassify 0.6 acres from an H-2 (General Highway Frontage) Zone to an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-70 & AE-75) Overlay. Generally located on the south side of Las Vegas Boulevard, 750 feet northeast of Pecos Road within Sunrise Manor (description on file). WM/mc (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-0743-020525 64.UC-24-0743-JIMENEZ PROPERTIES GROUP, LLC: USE PERMIT to allow a vehicle maintenance and repair facility. WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS for alternative buffering and screening. DESIGN REVIEW for a vehicle maintenance and repair facility on 0.6 acres in an IP (Industrial Park) Zone within the Airport Environs (AE-70 & AE-75) Overlay. Generally located on the southeast side of Las Vegas Boulevard North, 750 feet northeast of Pecos Road within Sunrise Manor. WM/jor/kh (For possible action)  Not available Not available
   AGENDA ITEM  Not available Not available
24-900894 65.AG-24-900894: Receive the required 2 year review of the Dream Las Vegas Resort Hotel Development Agreement. JG/dd (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   ORDINANCE – INTRODUCTION  Not available Not available
24-900866-020525 66.ORD-24-900866: Introduce an ordinance to consider adoption of a Development Agreement with Samir and Louiza Nacer for a daycare facility on 1.5 acres, generally located west of Fort Apache Road and north of Post Road within Spring Valley. JJ/dw (For possible action)  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
   PUBLIC COMMENTS  Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio